d20 Devil's Workshop Pulp Feats.pdf

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Pulp Feats
Written by Chris Field
& Louis Porter Jr.
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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By spending an action point, you can call your ghostly
comrade into existence for up to 1 minute per point of your
Charisma modifier ( minimum one minute ). During this time,
the comforting presence of your guardian spirit grants you a
+2 holy bonus on Will and Reflex saves, and a +1 holy bonus
on Search checks and any two Knowledge checks of choice
(selected when this feat is first chosen).
Your deep and abiding faith gives you strength in times of
strife and gives you courage when facing down the enemies
of your god.
Prerequsites: Knowledge ( theology & philosophy ) 4 ranks,
Iron Will
Benefit: Select one alligence, which may be a general affili-
ation with an ethos like “good” or “evil”, or may include
membership in a particular group, for example, all Nazis
or those aligned with a specific racial or ethnic group. You
recieve a +1 holy bonus on attack and damage rolls when
confronting a member of the despised affiliation.
You have connections in the criminal underworld that allow
you to buy and sell items that would normally be contraband.
Prerequisite: Reputation +1.
Benefit: When purchasing equipment, you may purchase
Licensed or Restricted equipment when you would normally
be unable to do so. You pay the additional costs associ-
ated with such items, and you may still require a license
or some form of authorization to carry or use such goods.
Additionally, you gain an extra 10% from sales of Licensed
or Restricted goods and an additional 20% from sales of
Military goods.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time
you do so, it applies to a new alligence.
You have a deep hatred for one Allegiance or group.
Prerequisite: Enemy ( same group ), Base Attack Bonus 9+.
Benefit: The character suffers half penalties associated
with attacking with ranged weapons in poor light, absolute
darkness, or against an invisible opponent. This Feat can
be assigned twice to reduce the penalty to zero. The char-
acter must be capable of detecting the general presence of
the target, however, through one of his or her senses ( smell,
hearing, sixth sense, etc. ).
Effect: When you are combating your antithesis, you gain
and additional +2 to hit and skill checks. You will not will-
ingly deal with your antithesis on friendly terms, and when
you must deal with forces friendly to them, you are –4 on all
Charisma based skill checks.
Special: You may only take this feat once.
You have connections in the military, law enforcement or
government that allow you to buy items you would normally
be unable to obtain.
You are especially resistant to fear effects.
Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus to all saves to resist and/or
overcome fear effects.
Prerequisite: Reputation +1.
Benefit: When purchasing equipment, you may purchase
Licensed or Restricted equipment as though it were simply
normal unrestricted goods. You pay no additional costs,
though you may still require a license or some form of autho-
rization to carry or use such goods.
It’s not gambling if you never lose. You get the job done
when it comes do cards, dice and roulette wheels.
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on Gamble and Bluff checks.
In addition, you can choose to take 10 on Gamble checks,
playing a slow and methodical game like a true professional.
Normal: You cannot take 10 or 20 on Gambling checks.
You are sometimes accompanied by a ghostly advisor, an
unseen but familiar guardian angel that offers wisdom and
courage. Your ghostly companion may be a lost loved one or
fallen comrade, or may just be a likeminded soul that wishes
to aid you for its own reasons. Other characters cannot see
the ghost, though a character with this feat may catch occa-
sional glimpses of their benefactor. Ghosts created with this
feat cannot be turned or dispelled.
Your early years and previous exploits have been declared
national secrets and it is difficult to find any conclusive proof
of your existence.
Prerequisite: Elite Clearance
Benefit: The difficulty of any Gather Information, Investigate
or Research checks made to find information about you is
increased by +5. Forensic investigation ( such as examining
fingerprints, semen or blood left at a crime scene ) made
Prerequisite: Charisma 15+
Benefit: You have attracted the attentions of a helpful wraith
that can occasionally affect the living world on your behalf.
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to prove your involvement in a crime also have their DC
increased by +5.
Prerequisites: Jump 8 ranks, Acrobatic, Knowledge ( arcane
lore ) 1 rank
Special: You can select this feat multiple times, and its
effects stack. You lose the benefit of this feat if you act in a
manner contrary to your patron’s wishes or code of ethics.
Benefit: You may make a vertical leap without needing to
make a running start. However, if you can make a running
start of at least 20 ft, you receive a +4 bonus on the Jump
You grew up amid the crowds and chaos of a major city, and
know how to get where you need to go no matter how wild
the streets get.
Normal: A running start is required to make a vertical leap.
You have a sterling reputation among the members of a
particular organization or group.
Benefit: You receive a +4 bonus on Hide and Tumble checks
when in a crowded, densely populated urban area. You may
move through crowds of indifferent, or non-hostile NPCs at
your full base movement rate, regardless how densely packed
the mass of humanity is.
Prerequisites: At least one allegiance.
Benefit: Select one allegiance your character already
has formed. You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Bluff,
Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Sense Motive
checks when dealing with characters that have the same alle-
giance. You gain a –4 circumstance penalty on these same
checks when dealing with characters that have the opposed
You are a member of an organized, respected faith, and have
a reputation as a wise counsoler and well intentioned servant
of the divine.
Prerequsites: Charisma 13, Knowledge ( theology & philos-
ophy ) 4 ranks
Special: You may take this feat multiple times; each time it
applies to a different allegiance.
Benefit: You hold a rank in a religious hierarchy, can perform
important ceremonies like baptisms, marriages, and funerals,
are called upon by your faithful to settle disputes and give
spiritual guidance. When interacting with members of your
faith, you recieve a +4 holy bonus on Diplomacy, Gather
Information and Sense Motive checks.
You place your faith purely in yourself, in your own strength
and your own will.
Prerequisites: Iron Will, Secular Philosopher
Benefit: No creature receives a holy or profane bonus to
attack rolls or damage when battling you. You ignore the
special effects of any holy or profane weapons.
Special: From time to time, at the GM’s discresion, you
may be called upon to perform counsoling, lead important
ceremonies, and serve other mundane religious functions.
If these duties conflict with your adventuring activities, and
if you successfully balance both responsibilities, you may
be rewarded with a temporary action point, which must be
spent before the end of the current adventure. If you act in a
manner contrary to your faith, or gain an incompatable alli-
gence, you may be stripped of this feat.
Drawback: A healer must succeed at a caster level check
( DC 18 ) in order to affect you with divine healing. If the
check fails, the effect of the spell is lost.
Special: You may not have any religious allegiance. If you
ever become religious, you lose the benefit of this feat.
You have a cause that you feel strongly about, and would
sacrifice greatly to see that cause protected. Honor, Loyalty to
Country, and Loyalty to Unit are all popular convictions.
You hit like a wrecking ball.
Prerequisite: Super Heavyweight, base attack bonus +4
Prerequisites: one Allegiance.
Benefit: When you successfully strike an opponent with
an unarmed attack, or a melee attack with a bludgeoning
weapon, he or she must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½
the damage inflicted) or be knocked back 5 ft. On a critical
hit, the opponent is knocked back 10 ft and drops prone on a
failed save.
Effect: When you are working to support your Allegiance,
you gain +1 to hit and +1 to all saving throws.
Special: You may take this feat more than once. It applies
to a different Allegiance each time it is selected. Also, if you
take this for a second or third Allegiance, then you must also
have it for the Allegiances above ( the order of Allegiances
is important, your first Allegiance is always your most
passionate, so if you take this for a second Allegiance and do
You can perform amazing acrobatic feats, making jumps that
even Olympic champions would find impossible.
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not have it for your first, the GM should move that Allegiance
to become your first Allegiance ).
Your holy vows include a symbolic marriage to the divine,
and sometimes, you can actually feel the presence of your
divine spouse offering wisdom and protection.
Your years of service mean one thing: you’ve survived
enough firefights you can call yourself a professional soldier.
Prerequisite: Cleric
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +5, Knowledge: tactics 8
Benefit: Once per day, you may spend at least one minute in
prayer, communing directly with your patron deity. After this
communion, you receive a pool of bonus points equal to 12
+ your Charisma modifier, which can be spent improving the
result of any of the following die rolls:
Benefit: A number of times per day equal to your Wisdom
modifier ( minimum once daily ), you may add your base
attack bonus as a morale bonus to any saving throw,
Knowledge check or Initiative check. You may also choose
to ‘give’ this bonus to any ally within 30 ft. You must speak
briefly and inspiringly to the ally, and he must be able to see,
hear and clearly understand you. If you grant this bonus to an
ally, he or she must use the bonus within the hour or it is lost.
• Skill checks: Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcane lore, behav-
ioral sciences, civics, theology & philosophy), Treat
• Will saves. You can also extend the bonus on the Will
save to another willing creature by making a touch
• The results of a treat injury check or spell, increasing the
amount of HP recovered.
• The results of a turning check.
You are a student of the Indian “vajramushti” school, and
have mastered a deadly boxing technique potent enough to
cave in a strong man’s ribs and kill lesser foes in a single
You may spend the entire pool of bonus points on enhancing
a single roll, or you may spread their benefit across multiple
rolls. You may choose to spend these bonus points after the
roll has been made, but before the results are adjudicated. If
these bonus points are not spent within an hour, they are lost.
Prerequisite: Combat Martial Arts, Improved Combat
Martial Arts, Power Attack, Concentration 4 ranks
Benefit: By spending an action point, you can focus your
ki into your fist, until it becomes as hard and deadly as a
diamond blade. This enhancement lasts until the end of the
encounter. When making any unarmed strike after your hands
have been ki-enhanced, your blows become exceptionally
deadly, penetrating weapons.
Drawback: Most religions require the cleric to swear vows
of chastity or celibacy when initiating them into the divine
marriage. If the cleric engages in consensual sexual activity
of any kind, he or she loses the benefits of this feat for 24
Anytime you roll maximum damage on an unarmed strike
( rolling 6 on d6 for example ), the damage is considered to
have penetrated, and you may roll damage again and add it to
the previous roll. There is no limit to the number of times a
single attack can penetrate. Penetration damage is multiplied
on a critical hit, making this feat potentially very deadly.
You have one allegiance or group that you detest.
Effect: You gain +2 to attack and skill checks when
combating your Enemy. When you must deal with your
enemy peacefully, or when you deal with groups allied with
your enemy, you take a –2 to all Charisma based skills.
The righteous force of your belief can push back, even
destroy, nonbelievers.
Special: You may take this feat more than once. Each time it
applies to a different group or Allegiance.
Prerequisites: Cleric, Aligned Zealot, ability to turn or
rebuke undead
You are well versed in the art of escaping from shackles,
ropes, and other such implements of bondage.
Benefit: You add any creatures you have chosen as enemies
with your Aligned Zealot feat to the list of creatures you
can turn or rebuke. When turning non-believers, you make
a turning check as an acolyte three levels lower than your
actual ability level. On a successful check, even mortal
enemies can be turned, or may even be destroyed if your
turning check result is impressive enough.
Prerequisite: Dex 13+
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all Escape Artist and Sleight
of Hand skill checks.
You are widely regarded as a great religious speaker, and a
firm apologist for your faith, and regularly win new converts.
Feats like Burning Belief, which increase the effectiveness of
your turning attempts, also enhance this feat.
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Prerequisites: Cleric
Benefit: You can gather information with only ( 1d4+1 ) x 10
minutes of work.
Benefit: You receive a +2 holy bonus on Diplomacy,
Intimidate and Profession ( clergy ) checks. When attempting
to convert a nonbeliever with a Diplomacy or Intimidate
check, you may call upon your great inner faith by spending
an action point to receive a +2d6 bonus on the check.
Normal: A typical Gather Information check takes 1d4+1
You have the full authority of the government behind your
actions and can more easily work through official channels.
Prerequisite: Must be aligned with at least one legitimate
You know how to take a fall.
Benefit: If you fall or jump you can reduce the damage taken
by treating the fall as if it were 10’ shorter. You also gain a
+5 bonus to skill checks to reduce falling damage. This effect
stacks with similar benefits from other feats and skills.
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to all Charisma checks and
Charisma-based skill checks against law enforcement or other
government officials. Additionally, once per day you may
spend 1 action point to gain temporary access to a +6 wealth
bonus, drawn from government funds.
Normal: Falling damage is typically 1d6 per 10’ you fall.
You have a knack for financial matters and a sense for good
You have a natural talent for deception, and can somehow
make even the biggest lies sound plausible.
Prerequisites: Profession 4 ranks.
Prerequisite: Bluff 4 ranks, Sense Motive 1 rank
Benefit: If you succeed while making a Profession check to
regain Wealth after reaching a new level, your current Wealth
bonus increases by +1. For every 5 points by which you
exceed the DC, you gain an additional +2 to your
Benefit: You may instantly retry a failed Bluff check. If you
do, the Bluff check DC increases by +2 for each failure. In
addition, the circumstance penalty for truly outrageous lies is
reduced to +15.
Normal: Normally you gain only an additional +1 for every
5 points by which you exceed the DC.
Normal: You may not retry a failed Bluff check. The circum-
stance penalty for truly outrageous lies is +20.
You can inspire others with your insightful quotes.
Your great strength and iron determination allows you to
shake the ground with your passage.
Prerequisites: None
Prerequisite: Super Heavyweight, Strength 17
Benefit: The character knows an overabundance of time-
honored sayings and aphorisms, which can be used to inspire,
motivate, and possibly confuse other characters. Up to an
many times a day equal to their Wisdom modifier ( minimum
of 1 ), any character that hear this wisdom will gains this char-
acter a +2 to all rolls for 1 round.
Benefit: As a standard action, you may slam your foot or
weapon down onto the ground, causing a localized earth-
quake, which affects all creatures within a 30 ft radius of you.
Creatures in the tremor zone must make a Reflex save ( DC
12 + your Strength modifier ) or be knocked prone, suffering
1d6 points of subdual damage in the process.
You are a skilled and considerate lover, gifted with an almost
magical understanding of what brings others pleasure.
You have a grudge against a group or organization and won’t
rest until they are all dead.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+
Benefit: Choose a social group or organization, with the
GM’s permission. You gain a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen,
Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these
skills against members of the group. Likewise, you get a
+2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against members of the
chosen group.
Benefit: You receive a +4 competence bonus on sexually
oriented Diplomacy and Bluff checks, as well as receiving
a +4 competence bonus on Profession (prostitute or similar)
You are easy to talk to, and so can gather information
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, it
applies to a different group.
Prerequisite: Gather Information 4 ranks, Cha 13
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