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Volume XIV, Issue 2
Understanding Your Enemy
Somewhere in every one of us is a deep longing to make contact with
the unknown, with some “higher power”—something greater or
wiser or more powerful than ourselves. This is true at all levels, from
the teenage girl reading her horoscope, to the witch doctor in some
remote tribe who has never seen a white man, to the scientist
probing outer space and seeking to discover the secrets of the universe.
t was God who placed this longing within us,
but His archenemy, Satan, has devised a way to
divert seekers into deceptive, evil systems that
bring them into bondage to himself. These deceptive
systems can take countless different forms, but the
generic name for them all is the occult .
The word occult is derived from a Latin word that
means “concealed . ” The power operating through occult
practices comes from Satan, but most people caught up
in them do not know this. They have been enticed by
claims that make them appear highly desirable.
Scripture calls turning away from the one true God to
false gods “spiritual adultery.” Thus, the Bible’s warnings
against immorality and adultery also apply to involvement
with the occult. The “strange woman” described in
Proverbs vividly depicts the lure of the occult. The tragic
end of those who permit themselves to be enticed and
deceived by her is described in Proverbs 7:25–27:
Do not let your heart turn aside to her ways,
Do not stray into her paths;
For she has cast down many wounded,
And all who were slain by her were strong men.
Her house is the way to hell,
Descending to the chambers of death.
Scripture emphasizes that the victims of this “strange
woman” are strong men. Satan hates such men. Strong
men become vulnerable when they place their confidence
in their own strength and in their past successes.
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Volume XIV, Issue 2
Two Main Branches
This is what makes fortunetelling
so deceptive and dangerous. A
person who has a python spirit can
actually channel supernatural
knowledge concerning the past or
future. This measure of truth is the
bait on Satan’s occult hook by
which he seeks to capture and
enslave his victims.
Most people want to know what
the future holds. Fortunetelling
caters to this desire. But God
requires us to “walk by faith, not by
sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7), not
knowing what the future holds but
trusting His unfailing faithfulness.
There may, however, be times when
God will give us some sovereign
revelation concerning the future,
without our desiring or seeking it.
When He takes the initiative, the
result will serve His purposes.
Another way many people are
exposed to divination is through
horoscopes. Casually scanning
“your” horoscope in the newspaper
with an unguarded mind can
expose you to demonic influence.
Here again, many Christians are
deceived. They consider such
activities harmless, not recognizing
the snare. I ministered to a Chris-
tian woman once who needed
deliverance from a spirit of
divination. She could not under-
stand how such a spirit could have
entered her. As I questioned her,
she eventually acknowledged that
she read her horoscope
occasionally in the daily
newspaper. She was shocked to
realize that she had opened herself
to a demon of divination.
Another potential door-opener
for demons is involvement in the
martial arts. The martial arts
originated in cultures permeated
with idolatry and demonic activity.
The other main branch
through which the occult operates
is sorcery. It uses various means
to make an impact on the physical
senses. Some of its tools are drugs,
potions, charms, amulets, magic,
spells and incantations.
Revelation describes two end-
time judgments of God by which
some sections of humanity will be
killed. Then it closes by saying that
the rest of mankind “did not repent
of their murders or their sorceries
or their sexual immorality or their
thefts” (Revelation 9:20–21). The
Greek word translated “sorceries”
means literally “drugs.” The NIV
renders it “magic arts.” The evil
actions here associated with sorcery
are murders, sexual immorality and
theft. Often addiction to drugs
opens the door to these other evils.
The two main branches of the
occult are identified in Scripture
as divination and sorcery.
Divination provides knowledge
through supernatural means about
people, events and situations.
Frequently it predicts future events.
The contemporary terms for this
are fortunetelling, psychic predicting
and extrasensory perception (ESP).
A clear example is offered by
the slave girl in Acts 16:16–22,
who was said to be “possessed
with a spirit of divination.”
Interestingly, the Greek merely
says “she had a python spirit.” In
classical Greek culture the
python was often associated with
the practice of divination or
fortunetelling. The modern term
for such a person is psychic.
This girl was the first person in
Philippi to discern the identity of
Paul and Silas. “These men are the
servants of the Most High God,” she
cried, “who proclaim to us the way
of salvation” (v. 17). Everything she
said was true, yet her knowledge
came from a demon. When the
demon was expelled, she lost the
ability to tell fortunes and her
masters lost their source of income.
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Volume XIV, Issue 2
In Deuteronomy 18:10–12
( NIV ), the Lord declares His attitude
toward occult involvement:
door. If anyone enters by Me, he will
be saved.” Again He said, “I am the
way, the truth, and the life. No one
comes to the Father except through
Me” (John 14:6). Many different
doors lead into the realm of the
supernatural. But there is only one
door that leads to the supernatural
realm of God. That door is Jesus.
Those who go through any other
door can enter a supernatural
realm—but it is the realm of Satan,
not of the one true God.
Satan will do all the damage he
can to humanity through
ideologies such as atheism or
humanism, but false religion is
an infinitely more powerful tool
in his hands. To this very hour,
the great majority of the human
race is enslaved by false religion.
As with other forms of the
occult, it is impossible to list all
the forms of false religion
currently being practiced. But
here are five of the main features
that characterize religions as false:
1. Religions that acknowledge a
plurality of gods. The early church
was surrounded by a polytheistic
culture, but in 1 Corinthians 8:5–6
Paul defined the Christian position:
earth (as there are many gods
and many lords), yet for us there
is one God, the Father, of whom
are all things, and we for Him;
and one Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom are all things, and
through whom we live.
Let no one be found among you
who sacrifices his son or daughter
in the fire, who practices
divination or sorcery, interprets
omens, engages in witchcraft, or
casts spells, or who is a medium or
spiritist or who consults the dead.
Anyone who does these things is
detestable to the L ORD . . . .
2. Religions that practice idol
worship. Idolatry is the first
specific sin forbidden in the Ten
Commandments and the one that
carries the heaviest penalties (see
Exodus 20:3–5).
3. Religions teaching that
human beings ultimately can be-
come gods. This was the original
temptation offered by Satan in the
Garden of Eden: “You will be like
God [or gods]” (Genesis 3:5).
This promise contains an
inherent self-contradiction. God,
who has created all things,
including the human race, is
Himself uncreated. It is logically
impossible for man, the created, to
become like God, the uncreated.
The created can never become
uncreated. Nevertheless, this
promise of becoming like God has
appealed to the self-exalting pride
of humanity in every generation.
4. Religions teaching that
people can achieve righteousness
by their own efforts. Again, the
The word translated “detestable”
is the strongest word in the
Hebrew language for what the Lord
hates and rejects. God places such
people in the same category as
those who sacrifice their children
to a pagan deity. It is hard for our
culture to realize how intensely
God hates all these occult practices.
False Religion
False religion is closely related to
the occult. Both promise what
appeals to us all—peace, power,
knowledge, access to God. They
claim to direct us to the light, but
they actually entice us into darkness.
How can we protect ourselves?
In John 10:9 Jesus said, “I am the
For even if there are so-called
gods, whether in heaven or on
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Volume XIV, Issue 2
appeal is to human pride. Proud
people are drawn to religious
systems that demand hard,
unreasonable forms of work and
even self-inflicted suffering. The
more rigorous the demands, the
greater the degree of pride a
person feels in fulfilling them.
5. Religions that offer esoteric
knowledge available only to a
privileged few. Access to this
knowledge usually requires some
special rite of initiation. In the
first century, the apostles were
warning their followers about this
form of deception. It was against
this error that Paul warned
Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:20–21:
rites. The basis of its faith, the
Bible, is an open book. All are
encouraged to study it.
False religion always appeals in
one way or another to human
pride. The Gospel, on the other
hand, emphasizes that we are
saved by the grace of God, which
cannot be earned, but is received
only by faith, which God Himself
supplies. In Ephesians 2:8–9, Paul
says this leaves no room for pride.
complex it is. There is no simple
way to define or describe it. You
might compare it to an octopus
with many tentacles, which it
fastens onto its victim. Just as the
victim is guarding himself against
one tentacle, another seeks to
fasten onto him from his blind side.
If you have been involved in the
occult or false religion—even
inadvertently or experimentally—
God wants you to repent of it,
confess it as sin, and seek Christ for
forgiveness, cleansing, and release.
And to make your break deliberate
and clean, any books or other
objects connected with the occult or
false religion should be destroyed.
For by grace you have been saved
through faith, and that not of
yourselves; it is the gift of God, not
of works, lest anyone should boast.
O Timothy! Guard what was
committed to your trust, avoiding
the profane and idle [or vain]
babblings and contradictions of
what is falsely called knowledge
[gnosis]—by professing it some
have strayed concerning the faith.
In 1 Corinthians 10:20–21, Paul
emphasizes that every form of false
religion is permeated by demonic
power and that Christians must not,
therefore, be involved in any way:
Adapted from Derek Prince’s teaching:
“They Shall Expel Demons,” available
at www.DerekPrince.org.
For further study, we
recommend Derek’s message:
Witchcraft – Public Enemy
No. 1
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The things which the Gentiles
sacrifice they sacrifice to demons
and not to God, and I do not want
you to have fellowship with
demons. You cannot drink the cup
of the Lord and the cup of demons;
you cannot partake of the Lord’s
table and of the table of demons.
Mormonism and Freemasonry
are two examples of religions
whose secrets are revealed only to
those who have passed through a
stringent process of initiation.
Christianity, on the other
hand, is open. It has no special
process of initiation and no secret
This brief overview of the occult
and false religions reveals just how
Derek Prince Ministries
P.O. Box 19501
Charlotte, NC 28219
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