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Volume XV, Issue 2
Pattern Relationships in the Home
To have authority one must be under authority. It is this principle which governs
relationships within the home. When the husband is under the authority of Christ, he has
the authority of Christ. When the wife is under the authority of her husband, she has the
authority of her husband in the home. But if the chain of authority is broken at any point,
then authority breaks down in the home. Here is the major problem of many homes
today—in America and in other lands. There is a breakdown of authority because one of
the links in the chain is out of place. Either the husband is not subject to Christ, or the wife
is not subject to the husband. Often both are out of their place. The result: disorder,
disharmony and rebellion.
here has been a great deal of teaching
about the submission of the woman in the
home. Many Christian women resent this
teaching because they feel it implies that
they are “inferior.” But this results from a basic
misunderstanding of the husband/wife relationship.
and His Father. Being one with the Father, Jesus was
also equal with the Father. Philippians 2:6 tells us
that He had a divine right to be “equal with God.”
He was God.
In the same manner, the husband and the wife are
one. The Bible tells us that they are “one flesh”
(Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5–6). One part of one’s
flesh cannot be “inferior” to another part; all of one’s
flesh is equal. The place of submission of the wife to
the husband in no way implies inferiority, for the
Scripture clearly indicates that God considers the
husband and wife as equals in the body of Christ
(Galatians 3:28).
The second thing that Jesus said about His
relationship to the Father was that God requires
Relationship of Jesus
to His Father
Jesus said three things about His relationship
with the Father, all of which apply equally to the
relationship of the wife to the husband.
First, He said, “I and My Father are one” (John
10:30). There was complete unity between Jesus
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Volume XV, Issue 2
“that all men should honor the
Son just as they honor the
Father” (John 5:23). The Father
Himself has honored the Son by
placing the entire creation under
His feet (Ephesians 1:22). The
Father delights to honor the Son
(Philippians 2:9–11). He desires
to lift Him up and have all things
placed under Him. There is never
a word about the Father “putting
down” His Son, or trying to take
more honor than His Son. It is
the Father’s desire to honor,
promote and establish Jesus over
all creation.
The attitude of the husband to
his wife should reflect that of the
Father to Jesus. The husband
should delight to honor and lift
up his wife. He should do
everything in his power to make
her feel respected, honored,
praised and esteemed. God the
Father will not tolerate any slight
of indignity offered to Jesus—
much less give one! The attitude
of the husband toward his wife
should be precisely the same. The
wife should not need to seek her
own honor or establish her own
position. The husband should do
this for her. In this way all stigma
of inferiority is removed.
What would happen if we
men consistently treated our
wives in this way? In most cases
they would gladly and willingly
acknowledge our headship. They
would no longer desire to fight
for recognition or independence.
In Hebrews 1:3 the writer tells
us that Jesus is “the brightness of
His [Father’s] glory.” In
1 Corinthians 11:7 Paul tells us
that the “woman [wife] is the
glory of man.” Here again, there
is a parallel between the
relationship of God the Father to
Jesus and the relationship of the
husband to his wife. The Father
reveals His glory in the Person of
Jesus. The husband reveals his
glory in the person of his wife.
If a wife is restful, secure, and
contented, it brings glory to her
husband. It shows that her
husband is treating her as he
should. But if the wife is bitter,
resentful, and insecure, it brings
dishonor to her husband. It
shows that he is failing in his
responsibilities toward her. A
well-known preacher was once
asked if a certain man was a good
Christian. His answer: “I don’t
know; I haven’t met his wife yet.
I’ll tell you after I’ve seen her!”
This brings us to a third facet of
the Father/Jesus relationship.
Jesus said, “My Father is greater
than I” (John 14:28). Here is an
apparent paradox: Jesus is equal
with the Father, yet He says that
the Father is greater. It is said of
Jesus that He “did not regard
equality with God a thing to be
grasped” (Philippians 2:6 NASB ).
He did not fight for recognition or
authority, but willingly submitted
Himself to His Father and allowed
His Father to fill His rightful place
of headship. By remaining in
submission to His Father, Jesus
maintained the unity within the
Godhead. If He had left His
voluntary place of submission, the
unity of the Godhead would have
been broken.
Likewise, even though the
wife is one with the husband—
and therefore also equal with
him—God calls on her to submit
herself to her husband for the
sake of the unity and order in the
home. If she refuses, there will be
a breakdown of unity in the
home, and disorder will result.
Thousands of happy Christian
wives will testify that the place of
protection and covering, under
the authority of their husbands,
is indeed a God-designed place of
security and peace.
However, this places a
tremendous responsibility upon
the wife. It means that no man can
truly be head of his home unless
his wife yields to his authority. No
head can function without a neck
to hold it up; and no man can
truly be the head of his home
without the voluntary submission
and support of his wife.
What happens if one of the
partners fails to fill his God-
ordained place in the home?
Does that release the other
partner from responsibility? No!
The ultimate responsibility of
each partner is to God, not to the
other partner. Each has a place of
obedience to take before God , and
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Volume XV, Issue 2
the conduct of the other partner
does not change this.
I once heard this principle
vividly illustrated in a traffic
court. The judge was questioning
a man who was charged with
exceeding the speed limit. “Were
you traveling in excess of the
speed limit?”
“There were other cars traveling
faster that I was,” the man replied.
“You are not responsible for
the other cars!” the judge
snapped back. “You are only
responsible for the car that you
were driving. Were you
exceeding the speed limit?”
Reluctantly, the man admitted
that he was!
So it is between the husband
and wife. One day “we must all
appear before the judgment seat
of Christ” (2 Corinthians 5:10).
In that day, the husband will not
be required to answer for his
wife’s conduct, nor the wife for
her husband’s conduct. Each
partner will answer directly to
the Lord for the role that he or
she has played in the home.
work. If the father will not
provide proper headship in the
home, the home will fall into
In His relationship to the
church, Christ holds three great
offices that have been delegated
to Him by God the Father. He is
Priest, Prophet and King (or
Governor). In every home the
father stands in a parallel
relationship to his family. There
are three main offices delegated
by divine authority to the father,
from which he may never
abdicate in the sight of God.
Every father in every dispen-
sation is called by God to be the
priest, the prophet and the king
of his home.
As a priest, he represents his
family to God.
As a prophet, he does the
opposite, he represents God to
his family.
As a king, he governs his
family on behalf of God.
As a priest, the father is called
upon to intercede for his family,
bringing their needs in prayer
before God, and claiming God’s
protection and blessing upon
them. This he cannot do without
faith . Not the least of a father’s
responsibilities is that of exercising
faith on behalf of his family.
In the Old Testament this is
typified by the ordinance of the
Passover. In each family it was the
duty of the father to kill the sacrificial
lamb and to sprinkle its blood on the
lintel and two doorposts of his home
(Exodus 12:3–7). By this act of faith
and obedience, he obtained the
protection of God for his whole
In the New Testament the
same principle is dramatically
illustrated in Mark 9:20–27,
where the father of a demon-
afflicted son comes to Jesus.
Imploring help for the child, he
says to Jesus, “If You can do
anything, have compassion on us
and help us.” Jesus immediately
returns the responsibility for the
child upon the father and says, “If
you can believe, to him who
believes all things are possible.”
The child’s deliverance hinged on
the father’s faith. A father has both
the right and the responsibility to
believe for his children.
People quite frequently bring
little children to me for
deliverance, but I have learned to
ask them, “Are you the child’s
parent?” Sometimes it is merely
an aunt or a well-wishing
neighbor. All too often the
parents—and particularly the
father—are nowhere to be found.
I find no basis in Scripture for
ministering to a child except on
the basis of the faith of one or
both parents.
The one person who hardly
ever comes to me seeking help for
a child is the father. Our whole
scheme of operation is out of
order, and we wonder why God is
not blessing it. In ministering to a
The Roles of the Father
In my last letter, I pointed out
that the father is the primary
“homemaker.” Unless the father
takes his place, accepts his
responsibilities, and stands as
God intends him to stand as the
head of his household, God’s
program for the home cannot
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Volume XV, Issue 2
child, no preacher can take the
place of a father.
The second office given to every
father by God is that of a
prophet—he is to represent God to
his family. A father does this
whether he realizes it or not—
whether it is a good representation
or not. Most people involved in
counseling or working with
children will bear witness to the
fact that all children form their
basic impression of God from one
source—their fathers. Is it any
wonder so many of our youth want
little or nothing to do with God?
The third office of a father in
his home is that of a king. As a
king, the father is required to
govern his family on behalf of
God. In describing the qualifi-
cations of a leader in the church
Paul specified that he must be
“one who rules his own house
well” (1 Timothy 3:4). The word
rule indicates the exercise of
governmental authority. There is a
direct relationship between
leadership in the home and
leadership in the church. The
home is the proving ground for
the life and ministry of every man.
Let us face up to one simple,
objective fact: If our religion does
not work at home, it does not
work—period! In heaven’s name,
let us not export to the world
something that does not work at
home! The world already has
enough of strife and disharmony.
It needs no more!
The tragic disaster of the
American home is the renegade
male. Some men may feel that the
word renegade is too strong—
almost insulting. However, I use
it advisedly. A renegade is one
who reneges; and the vast
majority of American males have
reneged on their three primary
responsibilities—as husbands,
fathers and spiritual leaders. It
has left us with a matriarchal
society dominated by women.
Let me ask you: Who, if
anybody, normally prays with the
children at bedtime? Who gets
them ready for Sunday school?
Who reads them Bible stories?
Who prays when a child is sick?
In the majority of cases, it is the
mother. The mother should
indeed share in the spiritual
growth of the child, but it is the
father who is called upon by God
to be the initiator and leader in
the spiritual life of the family.
When a child goes astray, we
want to blame the church . . . the
society . . . the schools—every-
one except the person who
chiefly deserves the blame—and
that is the father. Most boys think
that the church and the things of
God are “sissy” because they see
only their mothers involved in
them. Little Johnny grows up
saying to himself, “I want to be
like Daddy.” In being “like
Daddy,” he determines to leave
the things of God to the “weaker
vessel” (1 Peter 3:7).
In due course, when little
Johnny fails at life—when he
becomes a drop-out or a
delinquent—it is not really
Johnny who has failed, but his
father. I have come to see that
there are no juvenile delinquents,
only adult delinquents. It is not
children who are the real drop-
outs, but their parents—and
primarily their fathers.
My friend, let me ask you: How
do you rate as a husband and a
father? You may achieve success in
your business or attain popularity
at the country club—you may
become president of a bank, or
achieve a golf score that startles
your friends—but if you fail as a
husband and a father, then in
God’s eyes you are a failure.
Adapted from a New Wine article
entitled “Fatherhood, Part 2.”
For further study, we recom-
mend Derek Prince’s message
on cd:
How to Be a Father
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P.O. Box 19501
Charlotte, NC 28219
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