d20 E.N. Publishing War of the Burning Sky - Trial of Echoed Souls.pdf

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War of the Burning Sky
The Trial of Echoed Souls
An Adventure for 1 3 th Level Characters
By Ari Marmell and Ryan Nock
Edited by Ryan Nock
Layout by Eric Life-Putnam
Cover Art by Jeffrey Koch
Interior Art by Darren Calvert
Tim Divar
Leo Lingas
Michael LoPresti
Cartography by Sean MacDonald
Playtested by Theodore A. Brzinski III
Neil D’Cruze
Michael Gallogly
Laura Kertz
Orinthol Jixao
Tom Jones
Hamid Raoof
John the Turner
Everything in this book, other than the covers,
the title and contents page, the illustrations and
maps, “EN Publishing,” the EN Publishing logo,
character and place names, story elements,
and EN Publishing product titles,
is designated Open Game Content.
Campaign Director Ryan Nock
Note on Rules Content: is adventure
uses Open Game Content as well as
material that is in the System Reference
Document but is not in the core rulebooks.
All the information you need to use this
material is presented in this adventure, but
if you are interested in learning more, search
for the System Reference Document online,
available through various sources.
1646 Ridge Road
Vankleek Hill, ON
Canada K0B 1R0
EN Publishing is an imprint of EN World.
Please visit http://www.enworld.org
Trial of Echoed Souls – Illustration by Jeff rey Koch
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Table of Contents
Background .....................................................................
Adapting the Adventure ....................................
Recent Events..................................................................
Adventure Overview ......................................................
Who Hired the Assassins? ..................................
Psionics in the Adventure .................................
Where are We?...............................................................
What to Do?.....................................................................
What Good is the Torch? ...............................................
Who Deserves the Torch?...............................................
Seaquen and Lyceum .....................................................
Starting Elsewhere..........................................................
The Burning Sky .....................................................
Act One: Ycengled Phuurst......................
Exploring the Wood.......................................................
Eerie Effects ............................................................
e Forest Looms ...........................................................
Lore and Legends of Ycengled ..........................
Encounters within the Wood .......................................
Who is Aurana? .....................................................
Elves of the Wood Diplomacy Modifiers ...
Taranesti Survivors ...........................................
e Henge......................................................................
Shahalesti Base Camp .................................................
e Darkness Your Guide ............................................
Navigating the Dark Labyrinth...................................
Magical Traits ......................................................
Act Two: Phorros Irrendra ...................
e Lost City ................................................................
Entering Phorros Irrendra ...........................................
City Traits ..............................................................
Finding the Assassins...................................................
Alas, Poor Coaltongue.......................................
City Locations ...............................................................
Concluding Act Two .....................................................
Act Three: The Trial ................................
Most Wanted................................................................
e Temple of Echoed Souls ........................................
The Temple’s Trials ..............................................
Lore and Legends of the Temple of
Echoed Souls .....................................................
Running the Trial .......................................................
Soul Tapping for Dummies ................................
Beginning the Trial .......................................................
Meditation Chamber Boons .............................
Facing the Past..............................................................
The Mother Vision ..............................................
Over Too Soon? .....................................................
Concluding the Adventure............................................
What if They Lose? ...............................................
Appendix One: Enemies and Allies........
Act One Encounters .....................................................
Act Two Encounters .....................................................
New Item: Hurling Bracers .............................
New Item: Black Scimitar ................................."
Act ree Encounters ....................................................
Soul Magic, not Psionics..................................."
Appendix Two: New Feats and Magic ...
New Feats ......................................................................
New Spells ....................................................................
Appendix Three: The Torch of the
Burning Sky ..............................................
Powers of the Torch...........................................
Open Game License Version .a ...........
Trial of Echoed Souls
Welcome to the seventh adventure of the Wa r
of the Burning Sky campaign saga. e heroes stand
poised to seize control of their fates and decide who
will be victorious in this war, but only if they are fi rst
to claim the Torch of the Burning Sky.
Months ago, the Ragesian emperor Drakus
Coaltongue was assassinated, leaving his empire in
disarray, and a vacuum waiting to be fi lled by the
rulers of other nations. More devastating, however,
was the loss of the Torch of the Burning Sky, the
artifact that had led Ragesia to conquest, capable of
instantly teleporting armies. Stolen by the assassins
who slew the emperor, and hidden in the haunted
elvish forest of Ycengled, the Torch will surely grant
victory to whoever can fi nd.
Ycengled is guarded by the restless spirits of
its native elvish people, the Taranesti, who were
murdered by the neighboring nation of Shahalesti in
a genocidal purge, and the heroes will likely need to
enlist the aid of the survivors of the Taranesti to track
down the assassins and recover the Torch before
either the Shahalesti or the Ragesians can. Once they
get the Torch, however, they realize that it has been
damaged by one of the assassins: the draconic soul
that gave the Torch its power has been destroyed, and
without it the Torch is just a useless club.
To repair the Torch, the heroes head to the
Temple of Echoed Souls, the power of which holds
the cursed spirits of the Ycengled elves hostage, and
where, by facing memories of their own past and
of the dead of Ycengled, they can forge a new soul
to repair the Torch. In their success they learn of
a hidden threat posed by Ragesia, which lays the
foundation for the next two adventures.
The Trial of Echoed Souls has two main
components. The fi rst is exploring a haunted
forest while agents of a group who killed the
forest’s inhabitants try to beat you to what
you’re looking for. This can easily be adapted
to different settings, with the goal of the
Torch replaced by some other item of power,
secret, or sacred site.
The second part of the adventure is delving
into the Temple, facing echoes of events in
their history and those of their enemies, and
crafting a soul amid this chaos. While this
idea can be compelling if used in your own
campaign, most of the scenes that occur
would need to be revised to fi t the events in
your campaign. However, we have tried to
incorporate classic mythic archetypes into
these visions, so even if they don’t perfectly
fi t your players’ characters, they are open to
interpretation, and at least seem meaningful.
If you are running your own game, hopefully
you can use the structure of the third act as
an example of how to use the temple in your
own game, be it to restore the magic of an
artifact, to bring a long-dead hero back to life,
or to heal the soul of the world itself.
The temple trial is particularly useful as
a way to let players rebuild their characters’
abilities. By completing the trial they gain the
right to reshape their soul, which can manifest
in picking new skills and feats or even classes
and races.
For centuries the Temple of Echoed Souls was
home to meditative monks who practiced an art
called soul-tapping, in which they could experience
the essence of other beings. Powerful monks of the
order could actually take on traits and powers of
those whose souls they tapped, from acquiring bestial
features to wielding the magic of their enemies.
However, there were always those monks who
would abuse these powers, and they would be
punished. e other monks of the order would all
tap into the villain’s soul simultaneously, ripping it
apart and leaving a husk with no spirit of its own,
and no memories. ese husks were branded, a
simple number replacing their old name, and then
were exiled, left to live as a beast.
Trial of Echoed Souls Introduction
One of these exiles, (for he was the forty-fi rst
monk banished from the temple), returned after he
learned what had happened to him. He fought the
temple’s masters and wrested control of the temple,
crafting a new soul for himself from the echoes of
those he had met since his exile. With his new soul,
one of unadulterated darkness, was content to
drive out the surviving monks and simply remain at
the temple’s heart, meditating on the nature of evil.
He had much to interest him. Not far from the
temple lay Ycengled Phuurst, a forest in which two
nations of elves, the Shahalesti and the Taranesti,
were forced to live by the nation of Morrus. Ycengled
was the scene of constant political backstabbing
and violent struggles of brother against brother for
decades. basked in it, using the power of the temple
to experience the suff ering of those in the confl ict.
But then, sixty years ago, when the warlord
Coaltongue was beginning to carve an empire of
his own, a general among the Shahalesti named
Lord Shaaladel forged an alliance with Coaltongue,
hoping to lift his people above the constant struggles
so they could have a nation of their own again.
Together, the two warlords succeeded in toppling
the empire of Morrus, but Shaaladel was nervous,
for in the course of their conquest, Coaltongue had
acquired the Torch of the Burning Sky.
e Torch’s creation had been a remarkable chance,
a rare confl uence of powers – the fi re of a devil, the
grace of an archon, and, most importantly, the dreams
of a young psionic gold dragon named Trilla.
Trilla was the daughter of Syana, a gold dragon
who served as guardian to the Taranesti. Coaltongue
had taken Trilla hostage to lure Syana away while
Shaaladel assaulted the leaders of the Taranesti, and
in the battle Coaltongue slew the mother dragon.
Trilla’s grief, mixed with powerful heavenly and
infernal magic unleashed in the struggle, transformed
a thigh bone of the devil into the artifact that would
shape the fate of nations.
Trilla escaped, rescued by a group of Taranesti
elves. ey took the young Trilla into hiding, and
pledged themselves to secrecy.
Shaaladel gained the nation he desired, and the
Taranesti were still forced to cower in Ycengled, but
over the years Shaaladel grew jealous of Coaltongue,
and fearful that his nation would fall under the
man’s thumb. Hoping to create a “ Torch” of his
own, forty years ago he ordered a crusade against
the Taranesti to locate Trilla, publicly claiming
that the Taranesti were a threat that needed to be
removed once and for all.
e crusade succeeded in murdering almost
all of the Taranesti, but did not fi nd Trilla, for she
had fl ed deep underground, afraid of a dark power
growing in her. Enraged over this failure, Shaaladel
ordered all the Taranesti who had been captured to
be chained to the trees at the edge of their forest, left
to wither and die unless they revealed Trilla’s hiding
place. None could, and so the Taranesti were wiped
out nearly to the last man.
But the Taranesti did not leave. , wretched
and aged inside his temple, did not want to let the
enjoyment he had taken at their suff ering end, so he
turned the temple’s powers upon the forest, trapping
the ghosts of the dead within the forest’s borders.
Now he can enjoy their torment forever.
Recent Events
In the past half year, the Ragesians have managed
to drive deep into Shahalesti lands, but for now
they have avoided Ycengled. Despite the threat the
Ragesians pose to the Shahalesti heartlands, Lord
Shaaladel has sent several hundred of his men into
Ycengled, his various spies having informed him that
Coaltongue’s assassins have hidden there, though for
now his troops have no clue how to fi nd them.
No divinations can pierce the haunted forest,
which has kept Supreme Inquisitor Leska, current
emperor of Ragesian, from realizing that the greatest
threat to her reign lies there, but she has always been
cautious. Among the thousands of soldiers who
camp near the forest to ensure the security of the
army’s supply lines, one detachment of inquisitors
and elite warriors watch the forest, ready to react at
a moment’s notice.
ere are still survivors of the Taranesti, fi ghting
to keep their forest free of the Shahalesti, though
right now they are resigned to their homeland’s curse.
eir greatest warrior, Fayne Rawnbeck, has been
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