d20 Legion Publishing Critical Hits 09 - Fear at Fiveways.pdf

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Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Greetings traveler and welcome to Critical Hits - a series
of electronic publications from Legion Publishing. Each
Critical Hit is a complete encounter that can be dropped
into any fantasy campaign with very little preparation
needed by the DM. The encounters are little gems of ideas
built around a single situation, person, location, creature
or object that the players stumble across in their travels.
Each Critical Hit provides all the DM needs to use the
encounter. Whether used as a disposable diversion or the
springboard for adventure, Critical Hits give the over-
worked DM a break and the players some memorable
encounters that encourage creative role-playing.
V o l u m e 3 N o 1 - E n c o u n t e r L e v e l 8
Published by
In Fear at Fiveways, the players suddenly find them-
selves in a sticky predicament. Without realizing it, they
have fallen afoul of the law in a settlement that has had
to cope for years with the crippling scourge of rampant
crime. The townsfolk's answer to this problem is a dracon-
ian penal code, with the sentence for many (seemingly
minor) offences being death. The exact nature of the
crime is left to the DM but it can be as trivial as is neces-
sary to ensure that the PCs are guilty. Text inside a
border should be read aloud to the players (unless you
have modified the setting, in which case you're on your
First Published 2003
C R E D I T S &
Written by
Simon Lucas
Robin Elliott & Matthew Harffy
Cover Illustration
Robin Elliott
Interior Illustration
Robin Elliott
Kirsty Crabb
Typesetting and graphic design by Wildstar Digital Arts
Contact - info@wildstardigitalarts.co.uk
Author courtesy of Snake Eyes Studio
Contact - info@snakeeyesstudio.co.uk
At the end of a grueling journey the heroes arrive at
the town of Raften. The town had been experiencing a
wave of petty lawlessness and violence not least from the
brigands and thieves that used the nearby woods to
waylay and rob travelers. The alderman's solution was to
train a strong militia and enforce near-martial law.
Almost any crime is punishable by death and the harsh
sentences handed down by the town's three magistrates
for breaking the law have seen the crime rate (and the
population) die off dramatically.
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This section of the encounter is critical as the PCs, in
the course of going about their business, inadvertently
break these draconian laws. The actual infraction is left
to the DM as it depends on the actions of the players.
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 3 No 1 - EL 8
Perhaps they make it easy for you as DM by brawling in a
tavern, or maybe just carrying an unsheathed sword is
what triggers events. If the PCs are really behaving them-
selves, you must try and invent something plausible such
as spitting, swearing or in some way despoiling the town.
Whatever the crime, the locals immediately let the PCs
know that something is wrong.
The Militia
Torg, Master of the Guard
Male Human Ftr5; Medium Humanoid ; HD 5d10+10
(Fighter); hp 30; Init +5; Spd 20; AC 21; Atk +8 base
melee, +6 base ranged; +10 (1d10+5, Sword,
bastard, Masterwork); +7 (1d8+3, Mighty composite
longbow +3, Masterwork); AL LN; SV Fort +7, Ref +3,
Will +3; STR 16, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 12, CHA 8.
Weapons: Mighty composite longbow +3, Masterwork;
Sword, bastard, Masterwork.
Armor: Full plate.
Shields: Shield, large, steel.
Goods: Arrows (20).
Magic: Potion: Endurance (3); Potion: Cure Moderate
Wounds (3); Wondrous: Cloak of resistance (+1).
Climb+3, Jump+3.
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Sword, bastard, Improved
Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus: Sword, bastard,
Weapon Specialization: Sword, bastard.
Silence descends suddenly, as all eyes turn to stare.
The faces around you appear suddenly hostile and
unwelcoming. A murmur starts from somewhere and a
ripple of unrest passes through the crowd who start to
close in around you. This is starting to look menacing.
The party is hemmed in on all sides by appalled towns-
folk, staring at the criminals and eagerly awaiting the
resulting guilty verdict. Any attempt to communicate with
the mob receives only sullen stares in reply and an
attempt to break through the tightening pack is met by
physical resistance. Nobody escapes the law in Raften.
Militia Swordsmen (8)
Male Human War1; Medium Humanoid ; HD 1d8+1
(Warrior); hp 8; Init +1; Spd 30; AC 13; Atk +4 base
melee, +2 base ranged; +4 (1d6+3, Sword, short); AL
N; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will -3; STR 16, DEX 13, CON
12, INT 11, WIS 4, CHA 12.
Weapons: Sword, short.
Armor: Leather.
Gather Information+3, Intimidate+5, Search+2.
Armor Proficiency: light, Simple Weapon Proficiency.
Still unsure about what exactly you have done wrong,
you see the gathering crowd is growing angrier. Violence
hovers on the edge of the gathering, waiting to erupt.
Before any blood is spilt, however, there comes a cry from
the back of the mob, "Make way! Stand aside, there.
What's all this shouting? We'll have no trouble here!" The
town militia arrives on the scene, barging the belligerent
townsfolk aside as they push their way through the crowd
towards you.
This unit of the well-maintained local militia is led by
Torg, an experienced mercenary who has formed the com-
moners of Raften into an exhaustively drilled police force.
It comprises a squad of eight militiamen equipped with
short swords and shields who surround the PCs brandishing
their weapons menacingly, and a trio of heavy crossbow-
men who fan out leaving sufficient distance between
themselves and the troublemakers and between each
other to make it impossible to attack them all at the same
time. This efficient display of training should make the
players think twice about wading into a full battle with
the militia, trusting instead to their negotiating skills to
smooth these troubled waters. They are in for a rude
awakening as a magistrate is summoned immediately to
the scene and arrives within a minute.
Militia Crossbowmen (3)
Male Human War1; Medium Humanoid ; HD 1d8+2
(Warrior); hp 9; Init +3; Spd 30; AC 15; Atk +1 base
melee, +4 base ranged; +0 (1d10, Crossbow, heavy);
AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1; STR 11, DEX 16,
CON 15, INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 11.
Weapons: Crossbow, heavy.
Armor: Leather.
Gather Information+4, Intimidate+4, Listen+4,
Armor Proficiency: light, Simple Weapon Proficiency.
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 3 No 1 - EL 8
Something is wrong, however; they are not dragging
your friend toward the center of the town, but toward
the main gate. As you watch, helpless, the leader of
the militia unit pulls a black cloth from his belt and
shakes it out to reveal it as a tall cloth hood, which he
dons as he takes his position at the head of the grim
procession to the place of execution.
Through the growing crowd comes another armed
group, this time an escort. At the center of the huddle
of soldiers is a short white-haired old man. By his garb
you guess he is someone of importance in the town. The
soldiers reach the front of the mob and fan out to
flank the aging official; their leader barking, "Be
silent and hear the magistrate! Court is in session!" in
a loud, clear voice.
At some point in this part of the encounter, the players
may decide to attack to defend their unfortunate
comrade. The odds are still against the players and they
should feel the pressure to submit. If a battle ensues, the
town guard and an elite unit of five of the alderman's
escort are within 3 rounds of the scene of the disturbance
(use Torg's stats for these dangerous mercenaries). The
townsfolk are too afraid of violent characters to enter the
fray, but the PCs will find no hiding place in the town, and
sooner or later they fall into the hands of the authorities.
This may result in many of the party being condemned.
The magistrate is one of five operating in the streets
of Raften. They have authority over all legal matters and
the ability to dispense instant 'justice'. Consequently,
they are widely disliked (if respected) and are always
accompanied by an armed guard. The magistrate allows a
brief explanation of the charges, counts the number of
witnesses for and against and makes his decision. Before
passing sentence, he makes a short speech to the crowd.
As you are led to the town square, the commoners
gather all around you watching. The militia claps you
in irons, chains linking your manacled hands to your
feet so that you can barely shuffle along. As the escort
sets off again for the town gates, the gathered peas-
ants begin to hurl rotten fruit and vegetables at you
gleefully. The crowd's cheering smiling faces and the
endless bombardment of rancid food makes it apparent
that this is the greatest form of entertainment in
Raften and that your humiliation is their delight.
"We have long tolerated this disgraceful behavior in
our fair community," the old man says, to murmured
assent. "But we, the law-abiding citizenry, have
reached our breaking point! As was agreed at our last
town meeting, the next wrong-doer" he points his
finger accusingly at you, "must face the full conse-
quences of his actions. An example must be made as a
warning to the others that this is a place of law and
justice!" Cheers of support from the crowd strengthen
the elderly magistrate's resolve, "The sentence is
All through the town to the gates themselves, the
characters are subjected to a torrent of abuse and are
pelted with filth. Eventually, the execution party leaves
the town behind and makes its way out into the flat
farmlands beyond, providing a brief respite for the poor
abused adventurers.
The crowd bursts into spontaneous cheering and begin
to chant "Death! Death! Death!" as the militia, strength-
ened by the magistrate's bodyguard, moves in to make
the arrest.
Seeing that you are the felon's comrades and that you
can clearly handle yourselves in a fight, the militia-
men eye you warily as they drag away their prisoner.
A mile out of town, at the heart of a small circular
wood is a meeting of five roads, known locally as
Fiveways and once a haven for highwaymen and
bandits. The roads meet at the foot of a low, steep-
sided mound where a gnarled and leafless tree stands.
A number of rusted iron cages hang from the tree's
many bare branches, each containing the skeletal
remains of several wrong-doers. The tree creaks eerily
in the gentle breeze and the branches groan under the
weight of their grisly burden.
In all likelihood, the party immediately start plan-
ning a daring escape from the town jail as their comrade
is hauled away. This is the usual procedure when a PC is
captured, after all. In this case however, it is not possi-
ble; the PCs sentence is to be carried out immediately!
This quickly becomes apparent to the party.
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 3 No 1 - EL 8
The gibbets are suspended from thick ropes that run
through iron hoops hammered into the tree's branches
and trunk. The ropes lead down the trunk, where they
are lashed around a series of iron spikes driven into the
circumference of the tree trunk, forming a fearsome
collar about the wizened oak. As they clank miserably
towards the crossroads, the guards escorting the prisoners
keep a careful watch for ambush. There are no trees,
banks or long grass between Raften and the grim hill on
which the condemned are to be executed, so any PCs
intending to rescue the wrong-doer had better plan to
ambush the execution party in the copse surrounding
Fiveways. As the procession arrives at the site, the PCs
are greeted by the executioner.
The Keeper
Male Human Com3; Medium Humanoid ; HD 3d4-3
(Commoner); hp 13; Init +3; Spd 30; AC 9; Atk -1 base
melee, +0 base ranged; -1 (1d6-2, Club); AL CN; SV Fort
+0, Ref +0, Will +2; STR 6, DEX 8, CON 9, INT 7,
WIS 13, CHA 5.
Weapons: Club.
Improved Initiative, Simple Weapon Proficiency,
The execution procession stand at a discreet distance
as the crazed keeper comes to claim the condemned.
A keeper of the dead lives under the hill in a dank cave
populated with the remains he has removed from the
gibbets. The wretch survives on the flesh of the dead and
is completely unhinged. He is a disturbing character and
one that should provoke pity and revulsion.
He unwinds a rope from one of many long spikes stick-
ing out of the tree trunk, his small fragile looking
frame belying his extreme strength as he lowers one of
the many iron gibbets to the floor. From a hoop of
keys hanging from his belt he selects a rusty key and
unlocks the cage, hopping excitedly from one foot to
the other.
A young boy comes running out from a dark cave under
the hill and capers wildly in front of the prisoner as
the morbid parade approaches. He is clearly excited by
the prospect of having a new visitor to his tree. The
soldiers of the militia are incredibly fearful of the
boy, wanting nothing to do with him and threatening
him with their weapons if he comes too close to them.
He is a ghoulish looking lad and completely insane,
having witnessed too much at too young an age in this
accursed spot.
One of the corpses, upon closer examination, is entire-
ly made out of iron: the metal is visible where the flesh
has rotted away to reveal the skeleton. The deceased was
a brigand who terrorized the locals and proved hard to
capture. He seemed able to shrug off all attacks and was
finally captured using magic. The secret of his strength,
now revealed under his rotting flesh was the iron skele-
ton magically created by the bracers he wears on the
putrefying remains of his arms. If removed, the corpse's
skeleton turns to dust instantly and a shower of rotting
flesh rains down on anyone unfortunate enough to be
standing beneath. If the characters claim the bracers at
the end of the encounter, the stats for the item are
included below.
During the inevitable rescue attempt, the boy scam-
pers up the tree like a monkey, very dexterously picking
his way through the branches. From the top he looks down
on the party and screams at them in the voices of the
dead. The many spirits that haunt this ghastly place soar
up and penetrate the boy's body, causing him to jerk
uncontrollably as the spirits take possession of him. The
first ghost, one of those who died in this tree's grisly
adornments, screams his rage at the living from the
beyond, before departing to be replaced by another
angry lost soul. The poor degenerate creature clings to
the upper branches of the tree, shrieking in a hundred
baleful voices at the PCs and their would-be rescuers. This
is very unnerving and anyone hearing this display of
ghostly fury must make a Will saving throw (DC15) or be
shaken! A shaken character suffers a -2 morale penalty
on attack rolls, checks, and saving throws.
The child at the hill uses the gibbet containing this
corpse as a bell, rattling it to cause the exposed metal
bones to clang against the cage of the gibbet, summoning
the guards from Raften if he can ring it for long enough.
After three rounds of ringing, the execution party turns
back (if still alive) and arrive within 3 minutes. If the
escort has already been killed, a new detachment from
Raften arrives within 10 minutes
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