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Vi n d i c a t i o n
The Waukesha Victims: George (Skuz) Bogust, Robert
(always a friggin’ fe-drow) Maddox, Mark (Birdseeker)
Malone, Nate (Ulf!) Menick, Mark (The Most Annoying
Dwarven Thief) Smith, Brian (Dragonfodder) Sweet.
Author: Bob Sarvas
Developer: Bill Webb
Producer: Clark Peterson
The Necromancer B-Board Victims: Calithena/Leothric,
Damien/Danae, Dragonmajesty/Bellby, Faebinder/Sizalad,
Kalivas/as himself, Siccus/Stogar, Skeetyrbug/Max.
Editor: Lance Halvermale
Managing Editor: Kevin Walker
D20 Editor: Erica Balsley
The Victims at GenCon 20: Mike Beck, Lon Braidwood,
Jeff Craus, Bryce Crum, Carol Cummings, Mike Fischer,
Greg Geilman, Steven Hrunting, Mark Kobayashi, Roger
Neal, Fred Pyter, Jim Reynolds, Shawn Roy, Carl
Schwabe, Kirk Sorenson, Gordon Spencer, Adam Turner,
and Joel Yokum — the best Arcanus Tutorial Forinath
Blae there ever was.
Art Director: Richard Thomas
Layout and Typesetting: Troll Lord Games
Interior Art: Veronica Jones
Front Cover Art: Veronica Jones
Cartography: Ed Bourelle
Special Thanks: Wizards of the Coast for being a gaming
house that loves games, the d20 license that allows all to
create without feeling a litigious Damocles Sword over-
head and Clark and Bill for the renaissance in quality
D&D adventures, just like the old days. Finally, a huge
one to E.Gary Gygax for giving my imagination another
place to roam, encouraging me years ago and showing us
all how this was done first in the late ’70s.
Front & Back Cover Design: Stephen Chenault
Playtesters: The Johnson-Creek Victims: Jason
(Mead & OJ… Yum!) Koudelke, C-A (the Bitchy
Mage) Lis, Tim (Lance) Pumplin and Brian (Mercu-
rial) Schultz “The Brothers of Destruction”, Dawn
(?How will my abilities drain today?) Syens, Seth
(Jade/Not Jade/Not Granite) Truran.
Product Update Password for Vindication!: JoannaLynne.
This product requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons® Player’s Handbook, published by Wiz-
ards of the Coast®
©2004 Necromancer Games, Inc . All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written
permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. Necromancer Games, Necromancer
Games, Inc., the Necromancer Games logo, Vindications!, The Wizard’s Amulet, The
Crucible of Freya, The Tomb of Abysthor, The Siege of Durgam’s Folly, Rappan Athuk,
and The Dungeon of Graves are trademarks of Necromancer Games, Inc. All rights re-
served. All characters, names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by Necro-
mancer Games, Inc. Creature Collection, Creature Collection 2 and Relics and Rituals are
trademarks of Sword and Sorcery Studio, and are used by permission. “D20 System” and
the D20 System logo are trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used under
the terms of the D20 Trademark License. Dungeons and Dragons® and Wizards of the
Coast® are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used in accordance with the Open
Game License contained in the Legal Appendix.The mention of or reference to any com-
pany or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and su-
pernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. Reader dis-
cretion is advised.
Third Edition
Rules, First Edi-
tion Feel
Check out Necromancer Games online at
And the Troll Lords at
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pass on the information to Lord Sesses. In his own
words, “Feedback from the field helps the Research
and Development of new ‘amusing toys’. I also enjoy
a good laugh”.
The party either purchases or finds one of the
Darkmage’s “amusing toys”, and uses it to horrific ef-
fect. The Imp dutifully appears, records the event, and
taunts the characters further. Eventually they learn of
Lord Sessestophelzine. Curiosity and subsequent ill fate
prompt the players to investigate him and his holdings.
The Imp learns much, much more of the characters,
however, and they forever after become targets for the
Butchers’ amusement. After surviving repeated tor-
ments and gaining some much needed experience, the
PCs finally acquire information directing them to
Pfefferain, where they have a chance to discover its
secrets. With skill and luck, the PCs find the nearby
Lair of Lord Sesses. Unfortunately, they also uncover
multiple full-scale operations headed by a powerful
Wizard, dragons friendly to the antagonist, a battalion
of experienced bugbears, and perhaps worst of all, a
bevy of imps and a few major devils to boot. Due to
the inherent polymorphing abilities of some viceroys,
the characters may not even know what half of the vice-
roys truly are until they are destroyed. The Keep on the
Butte provides opportunity to gain at lease one experi-
ence level; it is also a chance to loot the treasure room
and laboratories of a high-level Wizard, and to create
many friends and enemies in the populace of Pfefferain.
Chastremian the Enchanter began his career after
apprenticeship, equipped with great intelligence, cun-
ning, and scrappiness, but not great size. At one time,
he had a neutral outlook on the world, but this eventu-
ally changed after observing and dealing with its deni-
zens. Chastremian traveled far and wide, participating
in many adventures, making contacts and enemies alike.
Like all effective mages, he procured his share of magi-
cal spells and items along the way. His power grew
with speed and surety, helped by his ability to befriend
and control those he met. Eventually the Enchanter’s
thoughts turned to the creation of magic and later fo-
cused upon amassing wealth by any means possible.
Recently his thoughts turned to the control of popu-
lace and politics. As his actions and effects created an
infamous legend in the area, he took up a new mantle,
calling himself Sessestophelzine (ses-es-TOF-ul-zeen).
Translated from Loquatia Arcana, the name literally
means “Great evil magic power in pursuit of gems and
gold” and being the realist that he is, this made sense
to him. Presently, others call him variously Lord Sesses,
the Darkmage, Your Grace, or Master of Curses.
Lord Sesses rules and heads the Butchers, a tight-
knit group comprising many different races and skills.
The Butchers exist to wring every drop of coin they
can from the local economy. They tend to pick venues
that offer a quick, reliable, and safe means of extrac-
tion. Consider the Butchers to function as a modern
corporation, but one totally bereft of morals, with Lord
Sesses as the President. The Butchers’ influence en-
velops the nearby large town of Pfefferain in multiple
insidious and corrupt ways. Although His Most Ex-
alted Authority the Mayor of Pfefferain rules that large
town, the mayor is corrupt, and wrapped around one
of the Darkmage’s fingers.
The Butchers extort money from many guildmasters
about town by threat and deed. They run many immoral
operations, always looking for that extra pouch of coin.
They also run legitimate operations such as a casino
and a magic-crafting laboratory. Due to his experience
and focus, Lord Sesses is able to craft such powerful
items as a rod of absorption or a robe of the archmagi
(black) . He also creates the protective devices for the
entirety of the Elite Guard of Pfefferain. What initially
draws the characters into his web are the special cursed
items that he creates during lull times as a hobby. This
hobby has garnered Lord Sesses his share of enemies,
and it keeps him “on his toes” in regards to personal
safety. This is a man who yearns for the knowledge to
create his first vacuous grimoire . His curses are most
wretched and generally contain a mocking epithet that
sometimes is the last thing a victim hears before dying.
As a bonus, he also imbues each curse effect to sum-
mon forth an imp to record the horrific event and then
Module Overview
Vindication is a challenging adventure for four char-
acters of 10th level. At first, the characters learn of the
evil wizard Sessestophelzine slowly and steadily. Af-
ter awhile they begin suffering from the acts of Lord
Sesses and his cohorts, the Butchers. These acts rise in
annoyance and lethality in proportion to the charac-
ters’ growth, all with the aim of cementing palpable,
unyielding hatred in the PCs towards Sessestophelzine
and his minions. Eventually the tormented victims ac-
cumulate strength and experience to the point where
they can finally challenge the Darkmage. Those that
do so successfully have an opportunity of rising two
levels during the raid upon The Keep.
The adventure begins as the PCs probe into the in-
ner dealings of Lord Sesses regarding Pfefferain, a town
that he controls behind the scenes. The characters find
that the Darkmage’s tendrils are firmly wrapped around
many facets of society. When the PCs begin to thwart
the activities of Lord Sesses, the Darkmage finally notes
that they are more than mere annoyances, now stand-
ing firmly as threats to be eliminated. At this point,
both sides are probably plotting against each other, and
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Notes for the DM
This module is designed for those who have either
played in or run role-playing campaigns before. It re-
quires the use of the Player’s Handbook and DMG .
Prior to play, familiarize yourself with the entirety of
the module to gain a scope of its breadth. Then focus
upon Appendix 1, Appendix 2 and the Prologue to
understand the antagonists, choose a proper cursed
item, and successfully bait the hooks for the charac-
ters. Spend time learning the antagonist’s abilities,
motivations and interpersonal relationships, for this
greatly colors the experience for players and DM alike.
The intricacies of the Keep on the Butte are a complex
and challenging final set piece in three Acts. Literal
months, if not years, of plot devices and character
growth ends in the final acts.
the adventure culminates with the PCs’ assault upon
The Keep on the Butte.
The Prologue , entitled “The Seeds of Torment” ,
offers many ideas for introducing Lord Sesses, his
‘amusing toys’, and the various members of the Butch-
ers to the heroes. Introduce these NPCs early on in the
characters’ lives with the understanding that the PCs
must survive to undertake the investigative phase of
the adventure later in life. This starts their inexorable
progression towards uncovering the secrets of the
Darkmage and his associates. Once the PCs close in
upon the experience suggested for this adventure, be-
gin the PCs’ march toward their tormentor. This could
be either a long, winding journey or a short trip, at your
discretion. Their journey lands the PCs before the
Lorremach Highhills. Use the provided wilderness ad-
venture to ensure they reach the suggested experience.
Part One, Act1 , entitled “Off to the Lorremach
Highhills”, details the PCs’ struggle through the peril-
ous hilly region surrounding Pfefferain, where they find
both danger and information. Part One, Act2 , entitled
“A Township in Retrograde”, details the Town of
Pfefferain, its major inhabitants, its major sights, and
the effects that Lord Sesses and the Butchers bear upon
it. At this point, the characters get an idea of the scope
and magnitude of the Darkmage’s political, criminal
and personal power.
Part Two details the PCs’ efforts to infiltrate the Lair
of the Butchers, which is known as the Keep on the
Butte. This section describes the location of the Keep
and its underground laboratories. The information ap-
pears in three Acts, for the Lair is extensive and its
infiltration likely runs its course over multiple play ses-
sions. “Assault of the Keep on the Butte” describes
the trek through the Coldwater Canyon to the Keep
itself, along with the underground Temple of the Bug-
bears and prisoner cells. “The Prime Plane Labora-
tories” details the party’s progress through the Cylin-
drical Treadmill, the Mold Garden Destination, and the
underground labs of the Butchers. “Denouement in
Gehenna” describes the laboratories in the Gehenna
outpost where Lord Sesses makes his final stand, along
with whomever else has survived.
Appendix 1 , entitled “Meet the Butchers”, details
the entire crime cartel from top to bottom and provides
statistics, possessions, interpersonal relationships, and
strategies for each and every one of its members. Ap-
pendix 2 , entitled “Magic In the Lair of Lord Sesses”,
details all of the magic items found within the Keep on
the Butte as well as those the Darkmage constructs for
himself, his associates, the Town of Pfefferain, and the
beleaguered PCs.
Modifying the Adventure
This adventure is designed to adapt itself easily to
any campaign setting. Pfefferain is replacable with any
large town or small city (approximately 4,000 to 6,000
people) that is relatively out of the way and has a hilly
area nearby for the Keep on the Butte. The ruined vil-
lage of Wennesalar may be placed anywhere nearby.
Note that deities are not vital to this adventure, although
they may have great effect. The temples in Pfefferain
may be replaced with any like-aligned ethos, and of
course the deities the PCs worship must remain in full
You have great latitude in using the Prologue ideas
to hook the characters. This may start at any time in the
PCs’ lives. Pick and choose your favorite cursed items
and disburse the effects and gathered information as
you see fit. Use the Prologue encounters to help the
PCs to their suggested experience levels. When the PCs
near 10th level, give them ironclad clues to visit
Pfefferain. At Pfefferain, you again have latitude to
pick and choose the personalities the PCs meet, as well
as which of the Butchers’ operations the PCs might try
to undermine. Once the characters make it to the Keep,
play the module fairly straight as it is presented.
The Butchers’ Chain of Command
The group Lord Sesses commands is structured similar to a modern corporation, as duties and power
follow a definite chain of command represented in pyramid-style, much like the food chain.
Leader of Operations: Lord Sessestophelzine (ses-es-TOF-ul-zeen), the Darkmage
Second in Command: Jerjicus (JUR-jee-cuss), the Ogre Magi
Viceroys: Drincilla (“Doll”), the Erinyes; Kezhantak (keh-ZAN-tack), the Bugbear Captain; Rasharnor
(rah-SHAHR-nore), the Bugbear High Rogue; Shentresh, the Bugbear High Priest; Gortok, the Sor-
cerous Doppleganger; Phyztijia (“Fizz”) (fizz-TEE-hee-ya), the Imp Familiar
High Guard: Kilitus Maximus, the Blue-Headed Chimera; Elite Bugbears, Imp Sentries
Enforcers: Grunt Bugbears
Three other beings play a part in the Butchers’ schemes: Maximillion Spetarr (“Max”), the Pit Boss
Wizard at HellFire; Opiate (“Opie”), the evil Pseudodragon, Official Sentry of the Imps; and
Zottenheim (“Zot”), the Sytec, Esteemed Creation of Lord Sesses.
The Butchers operate many rackets within Pfefferain and the outlying areas. Here is a listing of opera-
tions they run and which viceroy heads each racket:
Casino/Hotel Operation Maximillion, Phyztijia
Escort Service Drincilla
Fencing/Guild Tariffs Gortok, Rasharnor
Garment Design/Sales Drincilla
Gem Mining/Cutting/Sales Jerjicus, Rasharnor
Loan sharking Drincilla, Kezhantak
Opium Distribution/Sales Lord Sesses
Opium Harvesting Shentresh, Kezhentak
Magic Item Creation/Sales Gortok, Lord Sesses, Shentresh, Zot
Political Graft Jerjicus, Lord Sesses
Stonemasonry Jerjicus
Note that many officers pull double duty. The Butchers feel a huge hit if any viceroy is slain, so
protect them as you would treasured employees!
A very important part of the storyline involves the
Imp summoned to record the curse effect. It performs
many necessary duties for you and Lord Sesses. The
Imp records the reactions of the curse victim towards
the derisive message, as well as towards the effects of
the curse. This feedback is desired by Lord Sesses, as
it helps him create better items. The Imp must report
its findings to Lord Sesses and act upon orders from
the Darkmage. It usually is charged with monitoring,
annoying, pilfering from and conversing with the PCs.
This Imp allows you to introduce most of the encoun-
ters in the Prologue, as it gathers information vital in
the setup of those encounters.
You must also decide the best time to send the PCs
towards Pfefferain. The Prologue is written to
seamlessly coordinate with other events in the
character’s lives. You must monitor progress in their
lives, sprinkling in Butchers activity to taste, perhaps
using some Prologue encounters to help further their
experience as well as their hatred for Lord Sesses. When
it seems that a few wilderness encounters offer just
enough experience to attain the suggested levels, then
Conducting the Adven-
One of your tasks in Vindication is generating un-
dying antipathy towards Lord Sesses. Most of the Pro-
logue aids in this task. Parts of the Prologue and Part
One help disseminate information about Lord Sesses
and the Butchers. The first decision you must make is
to figure out at which stage of the PCs’ lives does the
specter of the Darkmage appear. For rather new char-
acters, Lord Sesses merely becomes a legend that brings
one cursed item and then a sparse trail of annoyances.
With characters that are established and already ap-
proach the experience levels suggested to inflict blows
to the Butchers, then accelerate the annoyances and
raise the danger posed by Lord Sesses and his min-
ions. It is totally up to you to decide when, where, and
how to disburse the items cursed by Lord Sesses. Take
care, as some of the possible items may indeed slay
low-level characters.
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