d20 Plot Device Colours of Magic - Orange.pdf

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Orange Magic
“Can’t say as I have heard tale of an Orange mage,”
said the young farmer over his ale, a bland note of derision in his
tone. “What manner of vast cosmic power does an Orange give you
anyhow?” The chuckles of his compatriots filled the bar. All but
the old innkeeper saw an opportunity for fun in the
stranger with the rune-painted leather surcoat and
outlandish turban. Outsiders were often a source of
amusement, something to pass time on the cold
winter nights. Few, if any, noticed the innkeeper
carefully remove the breakable items from the
bench-top, then slink back to the door to the cellar.
None saw the fear in his eyes, the paralysing force
of which stopped him from even warning his
long-time customers and friends of their danger.
last the farmer had heard of, and the man’s presence now chilled him to the bone.
“Can’t say as I’ve head of ‘em,” muttered one of the more simple of the
farmer’s friends. “ What’s the big deal?”
“Allow me to show you, friend,” said Jako, his grin widening to a far
greater width than it should, “F is for Frog, and Frog is for Fun!”
He drew a short sword from under his leathers, waving the others
back, and grabbed the farmer by the hand. A flash of
Orange light, then Jako held a frog by the hand. “A
croak is a joke,” he laughed into the silence “Fun.”
O v e r v i e w ……………………… 2
A b e r r a n c e ……………………. 3
E n t r o p y . . . ……………………… 4
M e t a m o r p h ……………………. 5
U n m a k e r . . ……………………... 6
Appendix (Orange Spells) .….. 11
L i c e n c e ………………………….
The stranger grinned at the farmer.
“Power, power, dour power. Why is it
always about power? Shouldn’t magic
sometimes be about fun? Funny, funny
fun, fun.” He ended by banging his
mug on the bar to emphasise his words.
2 1
The farmer raised an eyebrow.
This was not exactly what he had expected.
His fellows stared from him to the stranger
and back. He decided to try to salvage the
situation. “Well, have there been powerful
Orange mages in the ancient past, of which we
might have heard tale? Some history to pass our time, friend?”
Chromatic Arcana
This game supplement requires the
Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook, Third
Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. It uses
material from the updated v3.5 revision. All content in the Game Rule Info
sections, all spell descriptions and names and all tables are OGC. All fiction,
pictures and other descriptive text are IP of the respective creators.
“Thallius the Unmaker, Angelique the betrayer, Kulkus
the knife-jester, yes, yes. Aronie the torturer, Sal the kinslayer,
Jako the frog-maker... why at last it is me!” exclaimed the
stranger. The litany of names were frightful, the reputations
of these wizards most definitely preceded them. Even this
Chromatic Arcana is a reorganization of the magic system of d20 fantasy.
Instead of Illusion, or Evocation, spells are classified according to colours. Three
new cleric domains are also included. It is possible to use this supplement directly
with the normal classes. A new class is also included: The Unmaker.
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Chromatic Magic Overview
School, Sub-school, Descriptor
The easiest application of these rules is to
simply allow a few new character classes that you
can say come from a culture that has had a different
approach to the study of magic within an already
existent standard world. It is relatively easy to
assume that a culture separated from the
mainstream of a fantasy world might develop a
magical metaphysics that approached arcane theory
from a chromatic perspective rather than an
elemental or effect-based one.
are available in the “Unlikely Heroes: The Mystic”
character class. Please feel free to ignore the 0 level
spell for domains if you do not want to use that
option in your game world. If you do choose to use
this option, you should grant an extra 0 level spell
slot to clerics that must be chosen from the relevant
domain spells, as per the domain bonus spell rules. I
have included two levels of Domain power, the base
level available to clerics that might choose the
domain, and the advanced power that is available to
Mystics and classes such as the Unmaker. Feel free
to use or ignore this extra information at your whim.
In the Players Handbook, spells are
classified by School, Sub-School and Descriptor.
Here is the text of the information about this
categorization system copied in from the System
Reference Document for reference:
Almost every spell belongs to one of eight schools of
magic. A school of magic is a group of related spells that work in
similar ways. A small number of spells (arcane mark, limited
wish, permanency, prestidigitation, and wish) are universal,
belonging to no school.
Appearing on the same line as the school and sub-
school, when applicable, is a descriptor that further categorizes
the spell in some way. Some spells have more than one
The descriptors are acid, air, chaotic, cold, darkness,
death, earth, electricity, evil, fear, fire, force, good, language-
dependent, lawful, light, mind-affecting, sonic, and water.
Most of these descriptors have no game effect by
themselves, but they govern how the spell interacts with other
spells, with special abilities, with unusual creatures, with
alignment, and so on.
Each of the new schools (the Colours in
other words) is sub-divided into 3 sub sections, or
“spheres”. Spheres are in essence Sub-schools and
Descriptors wrapped into one. Note that focusing on
a sphere has no in game effect with the standard
character classes. Some GMs may choose to use an
optional rule of giving a bonus to Sorcerers that
learn all the spells in a particular domain and colour
in exclusion of granting them the base domain or
even the advanced domain powers of the Domain of
Dynamics as an added incentive for specialising.
The Colour Orange
To incorporate the Colours into your
existing campaign, first simply allocate the colours
to deities, so in the case of Orange, deities of chaos,
destruction or transformation might have influence
over the Orange domains of Aberrance, Entropy and
Metamorph. Then allow Specialist Wizards to
choose a Colour as their primary school. The colours
are opposed to each other in the following manner
by default, but please feel free to add in your own
chromatic oppositional restrictions:
Spectrum Shift
Chromatic Magic is a reclassification of the
base spells from the standard rules using a different
school system. All spells are given a school, or
Colour. The basic descriptors of spells do not
change. Only a few of their effects are modified to fit
in with this reclassification. The schools and sub-
schools do change. The effect of this alteration to the
magic system is simple and subtle, but it has a very
powerful follow-on effect to the nature of the game
world that it might be included in. In particular
there are fundamental effects upon specialist
Wizards, and there may (if you choose to go that far)
be effects upon clerical magic, or even the existence
of any of the standard spellcasting classes.
Basically this is the name I gave to a d20
rules modification that I came up with for a game
universe I ran for my friends in 2004. I twisted the
magic system, the base character classes and
alignments, and took out the classic fantasy races,
adding in a few archetypes of my own. It was a lot
of fun to do, so I wanted to share these ideas.
Red (energy) ÅÆ Indigo (thought)
Blue (pattern) ÅÆ Orange (disorder)
White (divine) ÅÆ Black (mundane)
Yellow (life) ÅÆ Purple (death)
Green (nature) ÅÆ Brown (artifice)
Grey (form) ÅÆ Chrome (function)
In the Spectrum Shift system, all domains
are given a 0 level spell. If you are interested in
finding out what 0 level spells are allocated to the
basic domains out of the Player’s Handbook, they
For ease of use, the complete list of Blue
spells is shown after the Orange Spell descriptions
on page 20. These should be prohibited to an
Orange specialist.
The Sphere of Aberrance
Aberrance is deviation from the norm.
This sphere is classic chaos, where order has
given way to the incomprehensible, and
nothing is certain. The spells that Aberrance
holds sway over are ones that are strange
alterations upon that which is, manipulating
fate or chance, or the natural order. Curses,
people coming back from the dead in other
forms, plants moving as animals or even
inanimate objects coming to life all fit into this
very peculiar sphere. Those who summon forth
the power of Aberrance do so at their own risk,
for it is a power not altogether predictable; it is
the very opposite of wholesome and orderly.
Table Orange 1 All Aberrance Spells
Spell Name
The base domain power for Aberrance
allows the devotee to Summon Chaos into their
body. This is a free action to initiate that lasts
class level rounds, and can only be done once
per day. While the effect remains, any weapon
or person doing damage to the devotee must
roll a DC10+class level fortitude save or suffer
1d4+class level damage from chaos backlash.
The advanced domain ability for
Aberrance allows projection of a Sphere of
Disorder as a free action, for a number of
rounds per day as class levels. These rounds of
effect need not be consecutive. The sphere has a
radius of 5’ per class level, emanating from the
devotee, and has the effect of causing all to
become Staggered as if they had sustained non
lethal damage to reduce their hit points to zero
for as long as the Sphere is active, unless they
make a fortitude save vs. DC 10 + Class level.
Animate Rope
Rope Trick
Spider Climb
Warp Wood
Spike Growth
Bestow Curse
E.'s Black Tentacles
Wall of Thorns
Animate Objects
An Aberrance specialist is likely to be a
very strange individual. The kind of person
that would take the time to try to master (but
not understand) the mysteries of this sphere is
likely to be as chaotic as the powers they are
granted. One thing is certain of specialists in
Aberrance: expect the unexpected. The spells
are few, but varied in scope and power.
Repel Wood
Reverse Gravity
A deity that grants power over
Aberrance is as likely to be a mindless lump of
semi-animate chaos at the heart of the universe
as a thinking god of fate or chance. This
domain is the playground of unpredictable and
unnatural forces. Clerics worshipping chaos,
disorder, chance, or freedom are likely to
choose this domain. They are likely to be in
opposition to the forces of Blue, which focuses
on understanding the mysteries rather than
evoking them without comprehension or fear
of the consequences.
Table Orange 2 Aberrance Domain
Spell Name
The Domain of Aberrance
Spider Climb
The Domain of Aberrance is uncertainty
manifest. It is different to the domain of Chaos
in principle, in that Chaos focuses upon people
and entities that are aligned toward or against
chaos whereas Aberrance is involved with the
actual effects that chaos may manifest. It is anti-
intellectual in scope and ability.
Spike Growth
Bestow Curse
Wall of Thorns
Animate Objects
Reverse Gravity
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The Sphere of Entropy
Unlike Aberrance, Entropy is not
exactly a chaotic force. Entropy is the state at
which all matter reaches its most inactive and
stable equilibrium. As most matter is in fact in a
high-energy state, entropy can be seen by the
ignorant as a force of utter destruction, but in
fact it is not that at all. It is the ultimate
stabilizing force, reducing everything to the
lowest common denominator. Entropy seeks
heat death, the absence of activity and the
reduction of everything to its most basic and
simple parts.
Table Orange 3 All Entropy Spells
Spell Name
value by 50%, and repair attempts have a
negative modifier on the Craft skill roll equal to
twice the damage done. Note: attacks on
weapons attract an attack of opportunity in
Acid Splash
Entropic Shield
Example: The character uses their lesser
Rusting Grasp on an opponent’s longsword.
The opponent gets an attack of opportunity
against the spellcaster, then the spellcaster
must hit the weapon with a touch attack.
Assuming success, the longsword’s hardness is
10 and hit points are 5. The power bypasses the
Hardness, and does 1d6 hit points of damage to
the sword. If this does only 2 points, the sale
value of the weapon is reduced by 50% and
craft rolls to repair the weapon are at -4.
M.'s Acid Arrow
Freedom of Movement
Rusting Grasp
It is, in truth, a lot like utter destruction.
But there is more to it than that. This is a sphere
of undoing, unmaking and manifesting the
effects of age and time.
Acid Fog
Storm of Vengeance
Manipulating the forces of entropy is
usually done with one idea in mind: wrecking
things. There is a little more to this sphere than
destroying, though. Anything that increases
entropy by reducing structure, lowering
complexity or increasing disorder has a place
here. Life itself is one of the few counter-
entropic things in the universe, so there are
more than a few lethal spells to play with...
The advanced domain power for
Entropy is Acid Resistance of 15 points.
The base domain power for Entropy is
the ability to use a lesser Rusting / Caustic
Grasp ability for one use per day per class level,
as a spell like action. The character can cause
1d6 hit points of damage with one touch attack
to flesh or ferrous based material, bypassing
hardness damage resistance. If the character
should target an object, use the normal object
damage rules from the DMG and PH, with the
exception of non-magical Armour or Shields,
which are automatically reduced by 1 AC
effective defence per successful attack with this
power. Each hit with this ability that does not
destroy a non-magical item reduces its effective
Table Orange 4 Entropy Domain
Spell Name
Acid Splash
Entropic Shield
Rusting Grasp
The Domain of Entropy
Acid Fog
Gods of endings, time, chaos, and
destruction are likely to have Entropy as a
chosen domain.
Storm of Vengeance
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The Sphere of MetaMorph
Mutability of form and shape is the
focus of the Metamorph sphere. From the base
abilities that allow a temporary change of size,
to the greatest powers of shape-shifting or
transformation of matter, this area of Orange
magic has wide applicability and effect
Specialists in this area learn about the differing
natures of the material, and master the capacity
of magic to manipulate the differing layers so
as to bend them to one’s will.
Table Orange 5 All Metamorph Spells
Spell Name
their threatened area, as well as allowing them
to fit through any space large enough to
accommodate their skull, providing they move
at a rate of no more than 10’ per round. Note
that the movement aspects of this power can
only be manifest if the caster is wearing Light
or no Armour, and it provides a +6 synergy
bonus to the Escape skill when being used.
Reduce Person
Enlarge Person
Soften Earth and Stone
Reduce animal
Shrink Item
Enlarge Person, Mass
The advanced domain power for
Metamorph grants the ability to absorb the
form of any material or creature touched once
per day for a number of rounds equal to class
level. This is equivalent to a polymorph self
spell, with the limitation that the character
must touch the creature or object, and in the
instance that an inanimate object is touched, the
character has the option of becoming either an
Animated Item (as the creature type) or an
Elemental of their size (as the elemental type).
Reduce Person, Mass
Animal Growth
The Metamorphic sphere has an
extensive repertoire of spells. For the most part
they are miscellaneous or occasionally offensive
in effect, with few if any defensive abilities. Of
the specialists in Orange magic, those that learn
the art of this sphere are most likely to be
rational and scientific individuals. The power
of this sphere can seen as mastery over the
limitations of matter, and is thus an avenue for
a mortal magician to gain control over their
environment. It can allow wizards to put their
own stamp of order on the universe.
Baleful Polymorph
Transmute Mud to Rock
Transmute Rock to Mud
Flesh to Stone
Stone to Flesh
Transmute Metal to Wood
Polymorph Any Object
The Domain of Metamorph
Table Orange 6 Metamorph Domain
Spell Name
As with the other Spheres of Orange,
Metamorph is favoured by chaotic deities. It
also has applicability for entities of shape-
shifting, deities of magic, transformation, birth,
the earth, plants and animals.
Reduce Person
Some might seek to use this style of
magic for the transformative power of the
philosopher’s stone: making gold from lead.
Others could aim to gain mastery over their
own form: allowing them to slip from the
limitations of being held to one shape. Orange
magic’s transformative energy is complex and
risky to master, but holds great benefit for any
that succeed in controlling the chaotic power.
Enlarge Person
Soften Earth and Stone
Shrink Item
The base domain power for Metamorph
is the ability to make one’s body slightly
mutable in form for a number of rounds per
day equal to class level. This is a free action. It
increases the character’s reach by 5’, widening
Baleful Polymorph
Flesh to Stone
Transmute Metal to Wood
Polymorph Any Object
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