d20 The Game Mechanics Future Player's Companion - Future Pharma.pdf

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Future Pharma
by Gary Astleford, Neil Spicer, and Rodney Thompson
Layout and Typesetting: Marc Schmalz
Future Pharma is a free publication offered in promotion of the Future Player’s Companion: Tomorrows’ Evolution, the third publication in
the Future Player’s Companion PDF series from The Game Mechanics, Inc. It includes samples of drug-
related material found in Tomorrows’ Evolution, including the Pharmer advanced class, rules for defining
pharmaceuticals in the d20 System, and feats involving ,
Tomorrows’ Evolution focuses on options for advancing your sci-fi hero in experience and equipment.
Inside, you’ll find:
• New advanced and prestige classes for sci-fi campaigns
• Cybernetic upgrades for flesh-and-blood heroes
• New equipment, plus gadgets to modify existing equipment
• Designer drugs and sci-fi medicine, both the good and the bad
Tomorrows’ Evolution is the third and final installment in the innovative series of Future Player’s Companion
PDF sourcebooks providing new options and ideas for adventuring in the many worlds of science-fiction
roleplaying. Future Player’s Companion will appear in one compiled print volume in early 2006.
This product requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. For players and Gamemasters, this
product is compatible with other d20 System roleplaying games.
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Future Pharma
Future Pharma
Future Pharma
Future Pharma
Future Pharma
Pharmers are adepts that focus their minds and bodies
in order to gain additional benefits from pharmaceutical
agents. Through their use of biofeedback, chi, and rigorous
physical training, Pharmers are capable of ingesting
dosages that would kill most normal folk. “Pharmboys”
and “pharmgirls,” as they are known on the streets, truly
seek to improve their lives through the liberal use of both
legal and controlled substances. Though many enjoy the
sensations that drugs provide as a sort of side benefit,
traditional Pharmers are more interested in taking their
bodies to the limit.
Select this class if you want to play a character who uses
pharmaceuticals to boost his own abilities.
The quickest path into the Pharmer advanced class is from
the Dedicated hero basic class, though it is also possible for
Strong and Tough heroes to achieve status as a Pharmer.
To qualify to become a Pharmer, a character must fulfill the
following criteria.
Base Save Bonuses : Fort +2, Will +1.
Skills : Craft (pharmaceutical) 6 ranks, Knowledge
(streetwise) 6 ranks.
Feats : Chemical Youth.
Class Information
The following information pertains to the Pharmer advanced
Drug use and abuse is common in science fiction stories,
especially in tales that focus on that dark side of high tech.
The chemists and pharmacists of the future can cook up a
variety of useful medications that can treat serious illnesses
or enhance the abilities of the people who use them. Often,
these drugs are illegal and unregulated, filtering down to the
lowest echelons of society while making criminal or corporate
syndicates wealthy at the expense of addicts. Other times, they
are easily obtained at most retail outlets, and are a common
sight at any recreational gathering.
Future campaigns certainly need not revolve around drugs,
but occasional instances of drug use can present interesting
scenarios and plot complications. Players may find themselves
trafficking in illegal narcotics against their wishes, or may even
be exposed to drugs if captured and interrogated. Characters
may also become involved with clinical trials for new drugs,
and these sorts of endeavors often provide free medical care
relating to the drug, as well as free medication.
This document has a collection of rules found in Future
Player’s Companion: Tomorrows’ Evolution. These rules are
not meant to be a realistic portrayal of drugs and their effects.
They are a collection of game mechanics intended to introduce
drug use as a viable option for players and GMs who wish to
include such options in their games.
The Pharmer is an advanced class focused on the use of
pharmaceuticals. Next is Drug Design and Creation, with new
rules to define the effects of designer drugs in your sci-fi d20
System campaign. This portion of the document contains
only those drug effects and drawbacks used by the sample
pharmaceuticals at the end of the section, but includes
rules for the full creation process. After the sample drugs
are a set of new feats used by the Pharmer advanced class, but
available to any modern or sci-fi d20 System character, at the
GM’s discretion.
Hit Die
The Pharmer gains 1d8 hit points per level. The character’s
Constitution modifier applies.
Table 1–5: The Pharmer
Base Attack
Save Special
1st +0
+1 Better living through chemistry (+1)
2nd +1
+2 One man’s poison
3rd +1
+2 Increased absorption rate
4th +2
+2 Bonus feat
5th +2
+3 Better living through chemistry (duration x 2)
6th +3
+3 Diminished side effects
7th +3
+4 Intentional overdose
8th +4
+4 Bonus feat
9th +4
+4 Too much of a bad thing
10th +5
+5 Better living through chemistry (+3)
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Future Pharma
Action Points
The Pharmer gains a number of action points equal to 6 +
one-half his character level, rounded down, every time he
attains a new level in this class.
Class Skills
The Pharmer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill)
are as follows.
Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (chemical)
(Int), Craft (pharmaceutical) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather
Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (behavioral
sciences) (Int), Knowledge (earth and life sciences) (Int),
Knowledge (Streetwise) (Int), Profession (Wis), Research (Int),
Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Treat Injury (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level : 5 + Int modifier.
Class Features
The following features pertain to the Pharmer advanced class.
Better Living Through Chemistry
Every Pharmer learns to control his hormonal and chemical
processes by force of will alone. When used in conjunction with
ability-enhancing drugs, the Pharmer is able to increase the
effectiveness and extend the durations of such drugs.
At 1st level, the Effect Potency of any drug with the Ability
Enhancement effect that the Pharmer takes is increased by
+1. This bonus to the Effect Potency of such drugs is further
increased to +3 at 10th level. In addition, when the Pharmer
attains 5th level, the duration of all ability-enhancing drugs he
takes is doubled.
Intentional Overdose
Due to constant exposure to high levels of the pharmaceuticals
that he takes, an experienced Pharmer is less likely to suffer
an overdose when ingesting more than one dose. A Pharmer
of 7th level or higher applies his class level as a bonus to
Fortitude saves that he makes to resist drug overdose.
One Man’s Poison
A Pharmer of 2nd level gains a bonus equal to half his class
level to Fortitude saves made to resist the effects of poison.
Too Much of a Bad Thing
Pharmers who intentionally overdose on drugs in order to gain
additional benefits are capable of near-superhuman feats.
At 9th level, a Pharmer who takes two doses of a drug gains
the full benefits of the second dose, instead of the normal
one-half. Although he still risks an overdose, the numerical
penalties of any side effects are only increased by half.
Increased Absorption Rate
At 3rd level, a Pharmer can adjust his metabolism so that
the drugs that he ingests take effect more quickly. The time
to effect of any drugs that the Pharmer takes is cut in half
(minimum time to effect is 1 round).
Bonus Feat
At 4th and 8th level, the Pharmer gains a bonus feat. The
bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the
Pharmer must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it.
Black Marketeer, Chemically Attuned, Endurance, Great
Fortitude, Iron Will, Pickled, Ride the Wave, Ultra Immune System.
Drug Design and Creation
Creating unique drugs for your campaign allows you to tailor
how drugs are presented in your universe. These rules provide
a simple and flexible way to fashion a multitude of chemical
substances that you can then introduce into your game.
A summary of drug creation follows.
1.) Choose the Drug’s Overall Potency Rating.
The drug’s Overall Potency rating determines its base
Craft DC. Total Potency determines how many drug effects
a specific drug can potentially have. See Table 4–1: Drug
Potency for details.
2.) Choose the Drug’s Effect(s).
Drug effects define what a drug does. A drug can have
any number of effects, but the drug’s total Potency must be
Diminished Side Effects
At 6th level, a Pharmer knows how to ameliorate the side
effects of his drugs by mixing in additional ingredients.
If the Pharmer makes a successful Craft (pharmaceutical)
check (with a DC equal to 5 + the drug’s Craft DC), any
side effects that incur negative modifiers to skill and ability
checks are halved, and the duration of any side effect that
has one is cut in half.
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Future Pharma
divided between them. Thus, a drug with a total Potency of
5 cannot have more than 5 effects. The Potency of a single
drug effect is referred to as an Effect Potency.
The Craft DC of a drug is increased by +5 for every drug
effect it has past the first, and some drug effects, such as Ability
Enhancement, will increase the drug’s base difficulty even more.
3.) Choose the Drug’s Duration.
A drug’s duration determines how long its effects last,
and this modifies the drug’s base Craft DC as detailed on
Table 4–3: Drug Duration DC Modifiers.
4.) Choose the Drug’s Drawbacks.
Drug drawbacks are negative situations that can apply to
drugs. Drawbacks decrease the base Craft DC of the drug as
listed in their descriptions.
5.) Choose the Drug’s Side Effects.
Side effects represent the undesirable qualities of a drug.
By cutting corners and making the drug less safe, chemists
can reduce the difficulty of creating them. Each side effect
chosen lowers the base Craft DC by a set amount. A drug’s
Craft DC can never be less than 10.
6.) Determine the Drug’s Method of Use.
The drug’s method of use relates to how a user applies
it, whether it is a pill, a powder, a liquid, or a gas. A drug’s
method of use affects several factors, including shelf life,
how quickly the drug takes effect, and how much the drug
costs. See Table4–4: Method of Use for details.
7.) Determine the Drug’s Final Craft DC.
All the modifiers are added together to determine
a drug’s final Craft DC. The Craft DC of the drug also
determines how long it takes to produce the drug under
normal working conditions.
8.) Determine the Drug’s Purchase DC.
The Purchase DC of a single dose of the drug is equal
to its Craft DC minus 10, with a minimum Purchase DC of 1.
The Purchase DC of a drug is modified by +1 if it is a legal
prescription drug, and by +4 if it is an illegal (controlled)
divided between the different effects. So, a drug with a Potency
of 4 may have a single effect with a Potency of 4, two effects
with Potency ratings of 2 each, or three effects with Potency
ratings of 2, 1, and 1 respectively.
A drug’s total Potency rating determines its base Craft
(Pharmaceuticals) DC. A single drug effect cannot have
a Potency higher than 5, though a drug can have a total
Potency rating of 10, which is then divided between up to
10 drug effects.
Drug Effects
Drug effects include the beneficial results of taking a drug.
Drugs can possess multiple effects, but the more effects that
a drug has, the harder it is to create and the more expensive
it will be to buy. Likewise, a drug with multiple effects must
have its total Potency divided between the different effects. In
this way, versatile drugs with multiple uses can be created, but
for each drug effect past the first, the drug’s base Craft DC is
increased by +5. A drug must have a Potency of at least 2 in
order to have multiple effects.
Each drug effect is listed with the following statistics.
Craft DC Modifier : Some effects are harder to produce
than others, and this can result in an additional modifier to the
drug’s Craft DC. If such a modifier is applicable to a specific
drug effect, it will be listed here.
Saving Throw : Some drug effects can be resisted, if
the user chooses to do so. Not all drug effects have a
saving throw as an option. The DC to resist the drug effect
is determined by the effect’s Effect Potency (DC = 15 + Effect
Benefits: This is where the game rules for the effect are
Special : Any special circumstances or restrictions regarding
the use of this drug effect are described here.
Ability Enhancement
By manipulating chemical and hormone levels in the body,
ability enhancing drugs can temporarily boost a character’s
abilities to superhuman levels. Powerful versions of ability
enhancing drugs are often both psychologically and
physiologically addictive, and many addicts feel that they
cannot perform without them.
Craft DC Modifier : +5.
Saving Throw : None.
Benefits: Drugs with the Ability Enhancement effect increase
any one of the user’s abilities by the drug’s Potency rating. The
specific ability is chosen when the drug is created. The boost
provided by these drugs lasts as long as the drug’s duration.
Potency Rating
A drug’s Potency rating determines how powerful it is. Drugs
with more than one effect must have their Potency rating
Table 4–1: Drug Potency
Potency Base Craft DC
1 10
2 15
3 20
4 25
5 30
6* 35
7* 40
8* 45
9* 50
10* 55
* While a drug may have a total Potency rating of 6 or higher, a
single drug effect may not have a Potency rating higher than 5.
Antibiotic drugs prevent or cure infections. They are effective
against most diseases that are caused by viruses and bacteria.
Craft DC Modifier : +0.
Saving Throw : None.
Benefits: These drugs work just like the standard
pharmaceuticals in d20 Modern. For the duration of the drug,
an antibiotic provides a bonus equal to its Potency rating to
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Future Pharma
any Fortitude saves made to resist the effects of disease.
Antibiotics have no effect on nano-plagues, as well as certain
alien diseases (at the GM’s discretion).
Special : Any special circumstances or restrictions regarding
the use of this drug drawback are described here.
Acute Side Effects
The side effects of a drug with this side effect are more
difficult to resist.
Craft DC Modifier : –5.
Game Rules : The saving throw difficulties associated with
the side effects of a drug with acute side effects are increased
by +2.
Special : A drug with acute side effects must have at least
one side effect that requires a saving throw.
Narcotics make their users feel elated and peaceful, reducing
Craft DC Modifier : +0.
Saving Throw : None.
Benefits: Characters under the influence of a euphoric
drug benefit from a morale bonus to all Will saves equal to the
drug’s Potency.
Mood Stabilizers
Mood stabilizers are used to treat personality disorders,
depression, and the effects of stress.
Craft DC Modifier : +0.
Saving Throw : None.
Benefits: A character who is under the effect of a mood
stabilizing drug gains a bonus to all Will saves equal to the
drug’s Potency rating.
Additional Storage Requirement
Drugs that are affected by adverse environmental conditions
must be stored in particular environments (such as
Craft DC Modifier : –5 per restriction.
Game Rules : This drug drawback can be applied to a drug
multiple times. Each time it is chosen, pick a different method
Table 4–2: Drug Onset Time
Onset Time Craft DC Modifier
5 rounds
Drugs in this category increase the body’s natural healing rate.
Craft DC Modifier : +5.
Saving Throw : None.
Benefits: The Potency of a regenerative drug is added to
the natural healing rate of the subject. For example, a 5th level
character who takes a regenerative drug with a Potency of 2
heals 7 hit points per evening of rest, or 14 hit points for an
entire day of bed rest.
1 minute
5 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour
3 hours
6 hours
Onset Time
A drug’s onset time determines how long before its beneficial
effects begin. Some drugs require a steady regimen over the
course of days before their effects even begin to manifest.
Choose the drug’s onset time from Table 4–2: Drug Onset
12 hours
24 hours
72 hours
1 week
If a drug requires regular doses before it takes effect, reduce
its Craft DC as outlined below:
Dosage Interval Craft DC Modifier
1 round (constant)
Drug Duration
The drug’s duration determines how long its beneficial effects
last. Drug effects can last anywhere from a few minutes to
several hours. Drugs with longer durations are more difficult to
manufacture, and therefore more expensive.
Choose the drug’s duration from Table 4–3: Drug Duration
DC Modifiers.
1 hour
2 hours
4 hours
6 hours
Drug Drawbacks
Drug drawbacks are undesirable factors of a drug that make it
less versatile, less stable, or less effective. There is no limit to
the number of drawbacks that a drug may possess; each one
reduces the base Craft DC of the drug.
Each drug drawback is listed with the following statistics.
Craft DC Modifier : This is the modifier that is subtracted
from the drug’s base Craft DC.
Game Rules : This is where the game rules for the drawback
are described.
Table 4–3: Drug Duration DC Modifiers
Duration Craft DC Modifier
30 minutes
1 hour
3 hours
6 hours
12 hours
24 hours
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