MCDBA - MCAD - MCSE - 70-229 - Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Design And Implementation.pdf

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Acquisitions Editor: Kathy Harding
Project Editor: Valerie Woolley
Body Part No. X09-59427
About This Book
Welcome to MCAD/MCSE/MCDBA Self-Paced Training Kit: Microsoft SQL
Server 2000 Database Design and Implementation, Exam 70-229, Second Edition .
This training kit introduces you to SQL Server 2000 and provides detailed informa-
tion about how to design and implement a SQL Server database. The training kit
takes you through the steps of how to plan and implement a database, create and
maintain database objects, and implement data integrity. You will also be intro-
duced to Transact-SQL, and you will learn how to use Transact-SQL to query a
SQL Server database and manage and manipulate data stored in that database.
Finally, the training kit describes how to manage SQL Server security and how to
maintain and optimize a SQL Server database.
Note For more information on becoming a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer,
see the section titled “The Microsoft Certified Professional Program” later in this
Before You Begin Part 1
Each chapter in Part 1 is divided into lessons. Most lessons include hands-on pro-
cedures that allow you to practice or demonstrate a particular concept or skill. Each
lesson ends with a short summary of the information presented in that lesson, and
each chapter ends with a set of review questions to test your knowledge of the
chapter material.
The “Getting Started” section of this chapter provides important setup instructions
that describe the hardware and software requirements to complete the procedures
in this course. Read through this section thoroughly before you start the lessons.
Intended Audience
This book was developed for information technology (IT) professionals who need
to design, plan, implement, and support Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or who plan to
take the related Microsoft Certified Professional exam 70-229: Designing and
Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.
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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Design and Implementation, Exam 70-229
This course requires that students meet the following prerequisites:
Working knowledge of the Windows interface is required.
Understanding of basic Microsoft network functions and terminology is
One year of experience with relational databases is recommended. You should
have supported or designed a relational database and you should understand the
fundamental concepts of relational database design.
Three to six months of SQL Server experience is recommended. You should
have installed SQL Server and worked with SQL Server client tools.
Reference Materials
You might find the following reference materials useful:
Designing Relational Database Systems , Rebecca M. Riordan, Microsoft
Press, 1999
Inside SQL Server 2000 , Kalen Delaney (based on the first edition by Ron
Soukup), Microsoft Press, 2000
Microsoft TechNet, available online at
MSDN Online, available at
SQL Server Books Online, available on the product CD-ROM
SQL Server Magazine (Information about the magazine is available at .)
Technical and product information available online at
About the CD-ROM
This book contains both a Supplemental Course Materials CD-ROM and a 120-day
Evaluation Edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
The Supplemental Course Materials CD-ROM contains files required to perform the
hands-on procedures, as well as information designed to supplement the lesson
material. These files can be used directly from the CD-ROM or copied onto your
hard disk by using the setup program. For more information regarding the contents
of this CD-ROM, see the section titled “Getting Started” later in this introduction.
A complete version of this book is also available online with a variety of viewing
options available. For information about using the online book, see the section,
“About the eBook,” later in this introduction.
About This Book
Features of This Book
Each chapter opens with a “Before You Begin” section, which prepares you for
completing the chapter.
The chapters are then broken into lessons. Whenever possible, lessons contain
practices that give you an opportunity to use the skills being presented or to
explore the part of the application being described. All practices offer step-by-step
procedures that are identified with a bullet symbol like the one to the left of this
The “Review” section at the end of the chapter allows you to test what you have
learned in the chapter’s lessons.
The Appendix, “Questions and Answers,” contains all of the book’s questions and
corresponding answers.
Several types of Notes appear throughout the lessons.
Notes marked Tip contain explanations of possible results or alternative
Notes marked Important contain information that is essential to completing a
Notes marked Note contain supplemental information.
Notes marked Caution contain warnings about possible loss of data.
The following conventions are used throughout this book.
Notational Conventions
Characters or commands that you type appear in bold lowercase type.
Italic in syntax statements indicates placeholders for variable information.
Italic is also used for book titles.
Names of files and folders appear in Title Caps, except when you are to type
them directly. Unless otherwise indicated, you can use all lowercase letters
when you type a filename in a dialog box or at a command prompt.
Filename extensions appear in all lowercase.
Acronyms appear in all uppercase.
Monospace type represents code samples, examples of screen text, or entries
that you might type at a command prompt or in initialization files.
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