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The Heck Reaction and Cinnamic Acid
Synthesis by Heterogeneous Catalysis
By Valerie M. Wall, Amihai Eisenstadt, David J. Ager
and Scott A. Laneman
NSC Technologies, Mount Prospect, Illinois, U.S.A.
The Heck reaction for the construction of carbon-carbon bonds, using
palladium catalysts, is one of the most valuable strategies in organic chemistry
and appears frequently in the literature, usually as homogeneous catalysis.
In this review the progress made to date with this reaction is examined, together
with the most discussed aspects of the Heck reaction, including a description
of its mechanism and the conditions required for success. Some limitations to
the homogeneous reaction are mentioned with reasons for proceeding with
heterogeneous catalysts, in particular with palladium/carbon. Examples of
various heterogeneous Heck reactions are presented and work that we are under-
taking to develop methods for the production of cinnamic acids, useful as
substrates for the synthesis of “unnatural” amino acids, is discussed. Finally,
we present some results from our work using palladium/carbon catalysts for
heterogeneous Heck reactions.
The Heck reaction is considered to be one of
the more useful strategies in organic synthesis
for the construction of carbon-carbon bonds.
First discovered by Heck in 1968 (1), the reac-
tion involves the palladium-catalysed coupling
of aryl or alkenyl halides with alkenes, see
Scheme I. It has since been expanded to include
organometallic reagents (such as Grignard,
organolithium and organoselenium reagents),
aryl triflates, aryl diazonium salts, and boronic
acids and esters as substrates.
The reaction has been comprehensively
reviewed (2–7); indeed, a literature search for
the “Heck Reaction” showed 11 “hits” for the
initial period to 1980, 69 for 1981–1990, 279
for 1990–1995, and from 1995 to May 1999
this figure has increased to 419 (8).
The mechanism of the Heck reaction has been
the subject of intense study and the one that is
generally accepted is depicted in Scheme II
(3, 5–7). The catalytic cycle can be considered
in four stages:
(a) oxidative addition,
(b) co-ordination/insertion,
(c) b -hydride elimination/dissociation, and
(d) regeneration of the Pd(0) species to com-
plete the catalytic cycle.
Traditionally, the Heck coupling reaction has
been catalysed by PdL 4 , PdCl 2 L 2 or Pd(OAc) 2
with two equivalents of added ligand (L).
Ligands employed in the Heck reaction include
1,10-phenanthroline derivatives (9, 10) and car-
benes (11, 12), but mono- and bidentate phos-
phines, such as PPh 3 or P( o -tolyl) 3 , are more
Scheme I
R = aryl, alkenyl; R 1 = aryl, alkyl, OR,
CO 2 R, etc; X = I, Br, OTf (triflate)
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Scheme II
General mechanism for the
Heck reaction
oxidative addition
-hydride elimination/
dissociation and
(d) regeneration of the Pd(0)
typical (4). The combined electronic and steric
properties of the ligand affect both the stabil-
ity of the intermediates as well as the activity
and selectivities of the palladium catalyst. For
the homogeneous reaction, the presence of lig-
ands is necessary on all complexes for oxidative
addition to occur, except on the most reactive
aryl iodides. It is noteworthy that the success of
cyclopalladated, phosphine-free, nitrogen-based
ligands in the Heck arylation has been reported
(13); these ligands have thermal and air stabil-
ity and in certain cases can deliver turnover num-
bers in excess of one million.
Whatever the chosen combination of palla-
dium complex and ligand, the catalytically active
species is assumed to be the 14-electron com-
plex Pd(0)L 2 ( 1 in Scheme II) (5, 6). Oxidative
addition of the alkyl or aryl halide can then
occur, at (a), to afford the trans -RPdXL 2 species,
2 , followed by loss of one of the ligands to cre-
ate a vacant site where alkene co-ordination can
occur, at (b). The co-ordinated alkene forms an
unstable s -bonded complex, and the desired
product is delivered after a b -hydride elimina-
tion, at (c). One problem that can arise with
couplings of unsymmetrical alkenes is that of
regioselectivity. This factor is considered to be
under steric control as the R group adds to the
less substituted carbon of the double bond of
the incoming alkene (3, 14). The regioselectiv-
ity of the Heck reaction has been demonstrated
to be highly dependent on the alkene substituents
and also on whether mono- or bidentate ligands
are chosen (5, 15, 16). The factors contribut-
ing to electronic control for a - or b -arylation
have been described and are discussed below
(15, 17).
The Role of the Counter Ion
The general mechanism of the Heck reaction
as shown in Scheme II has been modified inde-
pendently by Ozawa and Hayashi (18) and by
Cabri and Candiani (5) to define the role played
by the counter ion, X. Thus, the co-ordina-
tion/insertion process (b) in Scheme II can be
viewed as a combination of two separate path-
ways: (i) and (ii), as shown in Scheme III. In
pathway (i) of this model, X remains co-ordi-
nated throughout the cycle. This can occur when
X = halide and the alkene co-ordinates upon
the dissociation of one of the other ligands (L).
Alternatively, if the Pd-X bond is more labile,
as in the case where X is triflate, OTf, the lig-
ands remain bound, and alkene insertion occurs
at the site vacated by X, which results in a
cationic palladium complex (ii)a by pathway
(ii). Further studies have indicated that the reac-
tivities of the cationic complex (ii)a and
the neutral complex (i)a are dependent upon
the electronic nature of the alkene substrate.
Electron-rich alkenes react faster with cat-
ionic palladium complexes and conversely, the
Platinum Metals Rev. , 1999, 43 , (4)
Scheme III
The two possible reaction pathways showing the part played by the counter ion, X. In pathway
(i) if X = halide, the X remains co-ordinated to the palladium, and the ligand L dissociates;
while in (ii) if the Pd-X bond is more labile, such when if X = OTf, both ligands,
L, remain bound, with alkene insertion occurring at the site vacated by X
reaction of electron-deficient substrates is faster
when neutral palladium complexes are used (5,
15, 16). Also, the introduction of halide-remov-
ing agents, such as AgNO 3 or TlOAc allows
replacement of the strong Pd-X bond with a
more labile one. The effect of the leaving group
and of the alkene substituents on the coupling
reaction has been elucidated by Cabri and
Candiani by using the expanded co-ordina-
tion/insertion cycle, see Scheme III (5).
Åkermark and co-workers have also investi-
gated the effect of counter ions on the regio-
selectivity of the Heck reaction (16). The reac-
tion of a cationic Pd species with electron-rich
alkenes mainly results in a -substitution, whereas
b -substitution is the predominant reaction with
electron-poor substrates (16).
a wide range of both organic and inorganic bases
(NaOAc, NaHCO 3 and K 2 CO 3 ), in addition
to Proton Sponge ® (1,8-bis(dimethylamino)-
naphthalene) and Ag(I)/Tl(I) salts, have been
found effective (5). Common reaction tem-
peratures are between 60 to 150ºC, though this
range can vary considerably depending on the
reactants: some reactions of aryl iodides can be
carried out at room temperature, while aryl chlo-
rides are essentially unreactive at temperatures
below 120ºC. Most alkenyl and aryl halides,
however, do react at room temperature under
high pressure or with Jeffery’s phase-transfer
conditions ( vide infra ). Tertiary phosphines are
usually employed to maintain the stability of the
catalyst. (It is noted, however, that these phos-
phines can also react under the standard Heck
conditions to form a phosphonium salt (19). In
some cases, Pd-catalysed transfer of aryl groups
from the triarylphosphine to the substrate is
observed (3)).
Reaction Conditions
and General Trends
Conventionally, the Heck reaction is performed
by the combination of an appropriate alkenyl or
aryl halide (Scheme I) with a slight excess of the
alkene and a base, usually an amine in the pres-
ence of the Pd(OAc) 2 /triarylphosphine cata-
lyst system under an inert atmosphere. The most
commonly employed base is triethylamine, but
Used in the Heck Reaction
Aryl, heterocyclic, benzylic, and vinylic iodides
and bromides have been used as substrates (3,
4). A wide variety of substituents can be present
Platinum Metals Rev. , 1999, 43 , (4)
in the aryl halide, but with two limitations: (a)
halides in possession of b -hydrogens cannot
be used as they undergo elimination, and (b)
the utilisation of chloro- and fluoroarenes has
not been generally successful since these com-
pounds demonstrate considerably lower reac-
tivities than do their iodo and bromo counter-
parts (3, 5, 7). No examples of Heck reactions
which use aryl or alkenyl fluorides as substrates
have been documented to date, while tradi-
tionally, chlorides (other than benzylic chlo-
rides) require harsh conditions.
the preparation of aryl amines in high yield with
sodium tert -butyrate as base. The palladium-
catalysed P-C coupling reaction between selected
aryl iodides and primary and secondary phos-
phines has been described and yields for this
novel route to water-soluble phosphines are as
high as 98 per cent (24).
A wide variety of solvents has also been inves-
tigated for use in the Heck reaction. Among the
more commonly used are dipolar aprotic sol-
vents, such as DMF, DMSO, N -methylpyrroli-
done (NMP) and acetonitrile. Other solvents
which can be used are methanol, hexamethyl-
phosphoramide, N , N -dimethylacetamide and
even water. In particular, the coupling of cyclic
alkenes and aryl iodides in high temperature
water was investigated, the reactions being per-
formed over 3 hours at 175 to 225°C and at
pressures £ 100 bar (25).
When fluorinated palladium complexes are
used as the catalyst, reactions can be performed
in supercritical carbon dioxide and with lower
catalyst loadings and temperatures (75 to 80ºC)
than are usually required for the Heck reaction,
giving yields of up to 96 per cent (26). One
unusual line of study made use of vodka as the
solvent and a commercial animal worm medi-
cine as the base (27)!
Heck couplings can also be performed under
phase-transfer conditions by the procedure devel-
oped by Jeffery, where the addition of quater-
nary ammonium salts, such as tetraalkylam-
monium chloride, bromide or hydrogen sulfate
caused an enhancement in both the reactivity
and the selectivity compared to the standard
Heck reaction (28–30). However, in general,
the combination of catalyst/base/salt must be
fine-tuned to obtain optimum conditions (31).
The Use of Aryl Chloride as Substrates
The use of aryl chlorides for industrial appli-
cation would be attractive as they are readily
available in bulk quantity and are much less
expensive than the equivalent iodo and bromo
compounds. Progress has recently been made
in this area and it has been established that the
Heck coupling of aryl chlorides can proceed,
with yields of 70 to 85 per cent in the presence
of sterically hindered, electron-rich phosphines,
in particular P( t -Bu) 3 and P(cyclohexyl) 3 . The
improved reactivities arise from the easier oxida-
tive addition of the aryl chloride to the more
electron-rich palladium centre (20). Other
examples of the use of aryl chlorides have been
given in a comprehensive review (21).
Selective coupling catalysed by Pd(OAc) 2
occurs at the iodo position when both bromo
and iodo substituents are present (22). The
bromo group can be subsequently reacted with
additional alkene if a triarylphosphine is added
to the Pd(OAc) 2 catalyst.
The utilisation of aryl and vinyl triflates as sub-
strates in the Heck reaction is now becoming
more frequent (5, 16, 18) and a selection of
alternate reactants have also been evaluated.
Coupling reactions with aryl diazonium salts
can be achieved at room temperature; these
include the reaction of endocyclic enecarba-
mates with aryl diazonium salts in place of ArX
(Ar = aryl), and allowed the production of some
pyrrolidine alkaloids and a novel C-aryl aza-
sugar (23).
The Heck reaction of various aryl bromides
with secondary amines has been employed for
Products from the Heck Reaction
The preparation of E -benzylidenesuccinate
diesters via the Heck coupling of aryl halides
and itaconic diesters has been reported.
Subsequent asymmetric hydrogenation of the
Heck product produces chiral 2-benzylsuccinic
acid derivatives, which are highly desirable
Platinum Metals Rev. , 1999, 43 , (4)
chiral building blocks (19).
The “unnatural” amino acid, 2,6-dimethyl- L -
tyrosine, was synthesised via Heck coupling of
the aryl component 3,5-dimethyl-4-iodo-phenyl
acetate and 2-acetamidoacrylate in acetonitrile
under reflux, to afford the coupling product in
85 per cent yield. An asymmetric hydrogena-
tion followed by hydrolysis then gives the desired
amino acid in 87 per cent yield (32).
loadings of between 0.02 and 0.18 per cent (34).
· Palladium catalysts supported on glass beads
in ethylene glycol have also been successfully
applied to the Heck reaction, with moderate
yields (27 to 75 per cent) and very low levels
of palladium leaching (35).
· Heterogeneous catalysts comprising poly-
mer-supported palladium and clay-supported
Pd-Ph 2 P-Si have been employed for the cou-
pling reaction (17, 36). However, drawbacks to
the Pd-Ph 2 P-Si systems include the large num-
ber of steps required in the preparation and the
use of costly phosphorus and silicon reagents.
· A palladium-copper-exchanged montmoril-
lonite K10 clay catalyst has been described,
which can catalyse the preparation of stilbene
from aryl halides and styrenes with yields as high
as 93 per cent (37).
· Another polymer-bound palladium catalyst,
ladium(0), has been found to couple various
substituted iodobenzenes and acrylamide suc-
cessfully, to produce cinnamamides (38). This
polymeric catalyst showed no decrease in activ-
ity after 10 recycles. In one example, the poly-
meric complex yielded the desired product,
whereas the equivalent homogeneous system
showed no reaction after 24 hours at 130ºC.
· Another novel heterogeneous catalyst sys-
tem, consisting of palladium-grafted molecular
sieves, has proved very successful for C-C bond
formation (39). For example, n -butyl acrylate
and 4-bromoacetophenone were coupled to
afford the cinnamic acid in 99 per cent yield
after 60 minutes (120ºC) with a turnover num-
ber (TON) of 5000 using 2 mol% of catalyst.
· Other attempts include the use of a palla-
dium species entrapped in various zeolites (40)
and supported Pd(0)/MO x catalysts, where MO x
= MgO, ZnO, CaO, TiO 2 , SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 (41).
· A different approach has been taken by
Novartis AG, where palladium-catalysed cou-
pling occurred between terminal acetylenes and
alkenes with aryl iodides which were linked to
a polystyrene resin (42).
· Furthermore, a palladium/carbon (Pd/C)
catalyst has been employed for arylation reac-
tions of enol ethers (15, 43).
Heterogeneous Catalysis
in Heck Coupling Reactions
As palladium has a high susceptibility to poi-
soning, relatively large amounts of palladium
(1–5 mol%) must be employed to achieve
acceptable conversions. Thus, the use of het-
erogeneous catalysis is a very attractive indus-
trial alternative to homogeneous catalysis, due
to the ease of recovery (filtration) and recycling
of the metal.
Most examples of the Heck reaction in the lit-
erature are of homogeneous catalysis and
describe the use of organopalladium complexes
(usually with phosphine ligands, as previously
mentioned). However, in recent years, as indi-
cated by the quantity of reports in the literature,
there has been a growing interest in the het-
erogeneous variant of the Heck reaction. There
is still controversy as to the mechanism of this
reaction: whether it is still homogeneous, even
with a heterogeneous catalyst, and has just a
simple dissolution of metal from the catalyst
support. Examples of some systems, which have
been used with varying degrees of success, are
described below.
· The regiochemistry of the Heck reaction
catalysed by a supported palladium reagent has
previously been shown to depend on the char-
acteristics of the support material: acidic sup-
ports mainly resulting in linear product and basic
materials predominantly giving branched prod-
uct. Consequently, a catalyst system was devel-
oped where the regioselectivity of the Heck ary-
lation could be modified by the application of
an electrical potential to the catalyst (palla-
dium/graphite) (33).
· A palladium/porous glass catalyst has also
been used for Heck couplings, with palladium
Platinum Metals Rev. , 1999, 43 , (4)
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