Chair - Armchair.pdf

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Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
It's becoming more and more ex-
pensive these days to own good
handcrafted furniture. This project
enables you to make your own
armchair at a fraction of the retail
cost. What's more, you'll be sure of
the craftsmanship and quality, be-
cause you made it yourself.
1. Cut the pieces to size according
to the dimensions given. When
ripping the back cleat (L) to width,
cut a 16° bevel on the ripped edge.
Also, cut tapers on the ends of the
back supports (K) as shown.
2. Drill 1-3/8"-deep x i"-wide x
2-1/4"-long mortises in the arms
(A) and legs (B) as shown. Remove
any excess stock with a hand chisel.
3. Use a router or hand chisel to
make the 1/2"-deep x 3/8"-wide x
2-1/2"-long mortises in the edges
of the back rails (G, H). Leave the
corners round.
4. Mark the locations for cutting
tenons in the ends of the side rails
(C), front rail (E), and back rails. To
mark, score the wood with a knife
to prevent splintering.
5. Use a dado blade to cut the 1"-
thick x 2-1/4"-wide x 1-1/4"-long
6. Drill dowel holes in the arms,
side rails, side panels (D), and back
stiles (F), and rails. Drill these holes
1" deep.
7. Round the side edges of the
slats (J) with a router and rounding
over bit. This will enable them to fit
the mortises in the back rails.
8. Sand all pieces smooth with 150-
grit paper. Dry-assemble the arm
chair to check for fit.
9. Assemble the side frames. Begin
by fitting the side rails between the
legs, then install the side panels
and the arms. Use glue in all joints
and clamp until dry.
frames, then remove the front rail
while you install the side cleats.
Glue the front rail in place after
12. Fit the back cleat in place
against the tail ends of the side
cleats, making their upper edges
flush. Fasten the back cleat to the
side cleats using #10 x 2-1/4" flat-
head wood screws set in pilot holes
counterbored to a depth of at least
13. Hold the back frame in posi
tion between the sides with its
lower rail pressed firmly against
the back cleat. Mark the side
frames along the rear edge of the
back. Remove the back frame and
install the back supports using glue
and #8x1-1/4" flathead wood
screws, countersunk or slightly
counterbored. Then fasten the
back frame in place by running
screws through its bottom rail into
the back cleat and through the
supports into its stiles.
14. Doallfinalsanding,thenfinish
the chair frame as desired.
15. When the finish has dried,
mount band irons to the cleats
10. Fit the slats between the top
and bottom back rails. Fasten the
rails to the stiles using glue and
dowels. Clamp and set aside for the
glue to dry.
11. Assemble the front rail and the
side frames using glue in the mor
tise and tenon joints. Clamp the
assembly, then immediately install
the front (M) and side (N) cleats.
Butt the side cleats against the back
of the front rail and set them 1/16"
to 1/8" below the upper edges of
the side rails. Drill pilot holes coun-
terbored at least 1/4" deep, then
fasten the cleats to the frames us
ing glue and #10 x 2-1/4" flathead
wood screws. If you prefer, dry as
semble the frames and rail while
drilling pilot holes in the cleats and
Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
#6 x 3/4" panhead screws. Do not
screw the irons tight against the
cleats; leave a 1/16" gap to pull the
rubber webbing through. 16.
Mark the proper spacing of the
rubber webbing strips. Starting on
one side, pull one strip through,
double the end over, and tack fast.
Repeat for each strip.
17. Stretch the strips across to the
other side, and feed the end be
tween the iron and cleat. Pull tight,
then double the ends over and
tack. Repeat this procedure for
stretching the strips from front to
back. Remember to interweave the
webbing as shown.
18. Buy or make cushions to fit
Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
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