FOREX Manual - 10 keys to successful trading.pdf

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The 10 Keys to Successful Trading
Technical Analysis Applications for the Currency Markets
Authored By: Jared F. Martinez
Legal Notices: The 10 Keys to Successful Trading © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without the express
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be in violation of all Copyright Laws. Violators will be prosecuted.
While attempts have been made to verify the accuracy of information provided in this manual, neither the author nor the
publisher assumes responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions.
There are no claims by the Author, Jared F. Martinez, or Market Traders Institute, Inc., or any of its
directors, employees, and affiliated instructors that the trading strategies or methodologies in this manual will result in
profits and will not result in losses. This manual is not a guarantee to produce profits. Currency trading on the FOREX and
trading results in general vary from individual to individual and may not be suitable for everyone. All strategies,
techniques, methodologies and trades contained in this manual should not be construed as an invitation to enter and
trade in the market.
Each trader is responsible for his or her own actions. Your downloading of this manual confirms your agreement with the
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© 2000, 2001 Market Traders Institute, Inc.
Market Traders Institute, Inc .
I am your constant companion,
I am your greatest helper or your heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am at your command.
Half of the tasks that you do you might just as well
Turn over to me and I will do them quickly and correctly.
I am easily managed; you must merely be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done.
After a few lessons, I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of all great people
And the regret of all failures as well.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.
I am not a machine but I will work with all its precision
Plus the intelligence of a person.
Now you may run me for profit or you may run me for ruin.
It makes no difference to me.
Take me, train me, be firm with me and
I will lay the world at your feet.
Be easy with me and I will destroy you.
I am called Habit!
Author Unknown
Chapter 1: What is the FOREX?
Chapter 2: A Trader’s Vocabulary.
Chapter 3: Reading Candlestick Charts.
Chapter 4: Types of Orders.
Chapter 5: Introduction to Everest Charting Software. (Omitted)
Chapter 6: The 10 Keys to Successful Trading. (Omitted)
Key 1: Equity Management
Key 2: Buy and Sell Signals
Key 3: Bulls vs. Bears – Introduction to Highs, Lows, Support
and Resistance
Key 4: Price Swings
Key 5: Fibonacci Ratios
Key 6: Trends and Trendlines
Key 7: Trading Trends with Fibonacci Ratios
Key 8: Trading Trend Reversals or “The King’s Crown”
Key 9: Trading Consolidation with Fundamental
Key 10: Protective Stop Losses and Murphy’s Law in Trading
Chapter 7: Let’s Get Started! (Omitted)
Chapter 8: 3-Phase Post Training. (Omitted)
Chapter 9: DealBook FX Dealing Station Software Manual. (Omitted)
Chapter 10: Recommended Reading. (Omitted)
A Traders Mission And Goal
It is the mission of the trader to become a financially successful long-term
trader. This can be achieved when the trader adopts and accepts The 10 Keys
of Successful Trading . The trader must commit to live by the three disciplines
that create the successful trader.
1. The trader must believe in The 10 Keys to Successful
Trading and merge them into his personality. His
success is dependent on creating a trading plan, and
maintaining the discipline to TRADE THE PLAN!
2. The trader must commit himself to continued education
and learn as much as he can about technical analysis and
the psychology of successful trading. He must use logic,
and not his emotions, in trading. The trader must learn to
trade in control, not out of control!
3. The trader must map out a sound plan of equity
management to insure a return on his investment. A
successful plan is to trade no more than 20% of a margin
account and risk no more than 5 to 10% of that account on
any single trade.
Levels Of A Trader
LEVEL ONE: Beginner Trader - To study and paper trade for a
minimum of one month with imaginary money, gaining the
experience required to establish a track record of profitable
LEVEL TWO: Advanced Beginner - To trade one or two lots with
real money, working through emotions and establishing a track
record of making money.
LEVEL THREE: Competent Trader - To trade in control with
equity management, achieving a financial return.
LEVEL FOUR: Proficient Trader - To trade based on my belief,
education, and experience and achieves a financial return.
LEVEL FIVE: Expert Trader - To mechanically execute profitable
trades with no emotion.
FOREX = FOR eign EX change
You can trade 24 hours a day
The FOREX is larger than all other financial markets COMBINED
The Foreign Exchange (FOREX) market is a cash (or “spot”) interbank market
established in 1971 when floating exchange rates began to materialize. This
market is the arena in which the currency of one country is exchanged for those
of another and where settlements for international business are made.
The FOREX is a group of approximately 4500 currency trading institutions,
including international banks, government central banks and commercial
companies. Payments for exports and imports flow through the Foreign
Exchange Market, as well as payments for purchases and sales of assets. This
is called the “consumer” foreign exchange market. There is also a “speculator”
segment in the FOREX Companies, which have large financial exposures to
overseas economies participate in the FOREX to offset the risks of international
Historically, the FOREX interbank market was not available for small speculators.
With a previous minimum transaction size and often-stringent financial
requirements, the small trader was excluded from participation in this market. But
today market maker brokers are allowed to break down the large interbank units
and offer small traders the opportunity to buy or sell any number of these smaller
units (lots).
Commercial banks play two roles in the FOREX market:
(1) They facilitate transactions between two parties, such as companies
wishing to exchange currencies (consumers), and
(2) They speculate by buying and selling currencies. The banks take positions
in certain currencies because they believe they will be worth more (if “buying
long”) or less (if “selling short”) in the future. It has been estimated that
international banks generate up to 70% of their revenues from currency
speculation. Other speculators include many of the worlds’ most successful
traders, such as George Soros.
The third category of the FOREX includes various countries’ central banks, like
the U.S. Federal Reserve. They participate in the FOREX to serve the financial
interests of their country. When a central bank buys and sells its or a foreign
currency the purpose is to stabilize their own currency’s value.
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