Handout Booklet.pdf

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Overcoming Social Anxiety
Step by Step
The Social Anxiety Institute
The Social Anxiety Institute, Inc. Copyright @ 2000-2056.
This material may not be reproduced or redistributed in any fashion.
Thomas A. Richards, Ph.D., Director
Table of Contents
Welcome ............................................................. 1
How and When to Practice ............................................ 3
Slowing Down Deliberately: Slow Talk ................................ 4
Automatic Negative Thought Stoppage # 1 ............................. 7
Distraction Suggestions ............................................ 10
Rational Coping Thoughts for Anxiety ............................... 11
The ANTs Handout: Automatic Negative Thought Stoppage #2 ........... 13
The Annual ANTs Convention ......................................... 16
The Fighting Paradox ............................................... 19
Bears Attack & Maul, Bees Swarm & Sting ............................ 21
How to Temporarily Cut Down Feelings of Anxiety .................... 23
Therapy Reminders .................................................. 24
Attitudes .......................................................... 25
How You See Yourself & The World ................................... 26
Two Competing Neural Pathways in Your Brain ........................ 28
Beliefs are Very Potent ............................................ 31
De-Stressing Strategies ............................................ 33
The Social Anxiety "Automatic" Cycle ............................... 34
Turning the Tables on ANTs, Part One ............................... 36
Accepting Myself As I Am Right Now ................................. 39
Turning the Tables on ANTs, Part Two ............................... 41
Turning the Tables on ANTs, Part Three ............................. 43
Turn The Tables on the ANTs .................................... 46
Stay Rational .................................................. 47
If You Say "I Hate This" ....................................... 48
No! I don't HATE to do that .................................... 49
I used to hate (public speaking) ............................... 50
Your brain hears and believes everything ....................... 51
Changing Brain Chemistry Permanently ............................... 52
Mingling ........................................................... 54
Conversations ...................................................... 57
The Deserving Statements ........................................... 59
Feelings, Feelings, and More Feelings .............................. 61
Worry... Leads to More Worry ....................................... 63
Here's How We Handle Those Bullying Liars .......................... 65
Loosen Up and Let Stress Go ........................................ 66
Self-Statements: Moving in a Positive Direction .................... 68
Brainwashing ....................................................... 70
Poisonous Thoughts ................................................. 71
Focusing - And how it keeps us away from anxiety ................... 74
"I Can't Do It" Thinking ........................................... 76
Power Statements (Rational Questions to Ask Yourself...) ........... 78
Expectations Are Killers: Stay Away At All Costs ................... 80
The Profound Concept ............................................... 82
Vicious Circles and How to Shrink Them ............................. 84
Anxiety is a Paradox: Act Against Your Negative Feelings ........... 86
Should We Be Living in a Hostile World? ............................ 88
The Good, the Better, and the Beautiful ............................ 90
Stay Out of the Twilight Zone: Move Into the Peace Zone ............ 92
Acceptance is an Active Experience ................................. 94
Seeing the Present ................................................. 96
Determined Slow Talk ............................................... 98
At The Crossroads .................................................. 99
The Paradox of the Rain ........................................... 101
A "Balance Sheet" for Facing Anxiety .............................. 103
The Power of "Acting" ............................................. 105
General Anxiety Hierarchy ......................................... 108
Behavioral Group Activities ....................................... 109
Ways to Decrease Self-Consciousness ............................... 110
Individual Hierarchy Suggestions .................................. 112
More Individual Hierarchy Suggestions ............................. 113
Letting Go of the Negative Past ................................... 115
What to do When the ANTs Come Crawling ............................ 117
Stay Away from Perfectionism and Pressure ......................... 119
The Perfectionism Pit ............................................. 121
Have a Rational Talk With Yourself Every Day ...................... 123
A State of Mind ................................................... 125
Now That You Know: Attitude is Everything ......................... 126
I Am the Sculptor ................................................. 128
Extra Therapy not Incuded in Audio Series
Paying Attention to the Anxiety Monster ........................... 131
Put Yourself in Someone Else's Place .............................. 132
Bookmarks ......................................................... 133
The Joys of Beating Myself Up ..................................... 134
Now that you've finished your audio sessions ...................... 135
Keep on Going and Do Not Give Up .................................. 136
WELCOME to the handout booklet
that accompanies the audio series
Overcoming Social Anxiety: Step-by-Step
To Everyone who has purchased this series:
As explained in all our descriptions of the audio series, this program
was designed from the very beginning to provide as complete a
cognitive-behavioral approach to social anxiety treatment as possible.
Thus, we felt an audio series, coupled with this booklet, would provide
the most information and therapy possible in helping people overcome
social anxiety.
The twenty tapes or CDs are prepared as if you were coming in to The
Social Anxiety Institute for regular, weekly visits. Hence, it is
important to take one week (7 days) for each audio session. It is
essential that you practice the therapeutic material over and over
again until it becomes "automatic" in your brain. Thus, spending seven
days per session is necessary.
If you speed through the course, your brain will not be able to process
all the material properly and deeply enough, and you will be doing
yourself a great disservice.
Each cognitive method or concept builds on itself, so that it is
important you have the foundational methods and concepts "cemented"
into your mind before you move on. If this is not done, then
cognitive-behavioral therapy is not effective.
Please congratulate yourself for taking this big step, and please
follow the directions on the audio sessions. These are not rules that
I thought up out of the clear blue sky. Rather, they are what research
and all our clinical knowledge (since 1994) tells us about the most
effective, and most expedient, way of overcoming social anxiety
As I mention in the series itself, a special section on The Social
Anxiety Institute website is being set aside for this audio series. In
this section, which you will be able to access with a special password,
you will find written therapeutic additions to this series, a page of
questions and answers concerning the series, and a page of "errata",
since I am sure I have made many errors (I never seem to "grow out" of
this one!)
The Social Anxiety Institute, Inc. Copyright @ 2000-2056.
This material may not be reproduced or redistributed in any fashion.
Thomas A. Richards, Ph.D., Director
The Social Anxiety Institute website is at
www.socialanxietyinstitute.org Notice that the URL ends in ".org".
In addition, our other internet sites are still operational and
accessible to you. They are:
The Anxiety Network , which covers social anxiety disorder, panic
disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. It is found at
The Social Anxiety Network is found at
The non-profit Social Phobia / Social Anxiety Association website is
located at
If you have questions as you go through the series, sequentially, there
will be an e-mail center from the Social Anxiety Institute site where
you can write to me directly. We will include your question and an
answer in the question and answer series for everyone to read.
Also, your password, which you will receive when you order the series,
will allow you to access this area of the website at no charge, plus
you will be able to find people in your local area who would like to
work on this series together, and help each other overcome social
In many areas of the world, there are already enough people for a
social anxiety therapy group, given the number of people who are
members of the SP/SAA and the daily Social Anxiety Mailing List Digest.
Additional audio and video productions on social anxiety will soon
become available, and through use of your password, you will be able to
purchase additional therapeutic items at a discount.
Please listen carefully to audio session number one, as it will explain
to you all the basic information you need to know before fully starting
the comprehensive cognitive-behavioral therapy series.
My very best to you,
Thomas A. Richards, Ph.D.
Director, Social Anxiety Institute, Inc.
The Social Anxiety Institute, Inc. Copyright @ 2000-2056.
This material may not be reproduced or redistributed in any fashion.
Thomas A. Richards, Ph.D., Director
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