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   Copyright (C) 2008 by Neme & jimmikaelkael (        
   All Rights Reserved                                                   

                           Free McBoot License

 Free McBoot was created by :
 jimmikaelkael (
 Neme          (


   This program and any related documentation is provided "as is"
 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES, either express or implied, including, but not
 limited to, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. The
 entire risk arising out of use or performance of the software remains with

   In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever
 (including, without limitation, damages to your hardware or equipment,
 environmental damage, loss of health, or any kind of pecuniary loss)
 arising out of the use of or inability to use this software or
 documentation, even if the author has been advised of the possibility of
 such damages.


   Free McBoot is a licensed software. This file contains the text of the
 Free McBoot license. If you wish to use the Free McBoot in any way, or use
 any of its source code, you must read this license and are legally bound
 to comply with it.

   Use of the Free McBoot code in any capacity implies that you have read,
 understood, and agreed to abide by the terms and conditions set down by
 this license. If you use Free McBoot without complying with the license,
 you're breaking the law.

   Using Free McBoot legally requires to respect four rules :

 1.You must not use Free McBoot to make money or be compensated in any way.
 2.You must give the authors credit for their work.
 3.All derivative work must stay under Free McBoot license and open source.
 4.You must comply with Free McBoot license.

   Those are the main conditions set down by this license.
 Unfortunately, past experience has shown that many people are not willing
 to follow the original spirit of the Free McBoot software, so the
 remainder of this document will clearly define those conditions in an
 attempt to prevent people from circumventing them.

   The first rule says that you'll never try to make profit on any part
 of Free McBoot in any possible way. You may under no circumstances charge
 money or require any kind of fee or compensation in exchange for
 installing, using, distributing or copying any part of Free McBoot. You
 must not solicit, offer or accept any kind of donation in exchange for
 installing, using, distributing or copying any part of Free McBoot. The
 only acceptable thing is the usual $5 charge for "sending back the memory
 card". By breaking the rule 1 you violate this license and hence you'll be

   The second rule of the license states that you must give credit to the
 authors of Free McBoot. A great deal of work went into the creation of
 Free McBoot, and it was given to you completely free of charge. Claiming
 that you wrote the Free McBoot yourself is a slap in the face to everyone
 who worked to bring you a stable and universal product while asking for
 nothing but credit for their work in return. Specifically, the following
 is required : Do not remove or change any of the Free McBoot splash
 screens or credit line even in derivative work. By breaking the rule 2 you
 violate this license and hence you'll be sued.

   The third rule implies that if you modify or use any part of the Free
 McBoot source code to make a software you will distribute, it must comply
 with Free McBoot license. The source code of your program must be
 published along with the binary code, in fact it must stay open source.
 An exact copy of this license must be distributed along with binary and
 source code. By breaking the rule 3 you violate this license and hence
 you'll be sued.

   The fourth rule says that you must read and agree with all Free McBoot
 license terms and conditions. By breaking the rule 4 you violate this
 license and hence you'll be sued.

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