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{1629}{1733}I shall never forget|the weekend Laura died.
{1735}{1872}A silver sun burned through the sky|like a huge magnifying glass.
{1874}{1975}It was the hottest Sunday|in my recollection.
{1977}{2074}I felt as if I were the only human being|left in New York.
{2118}{2201}For with Laura's|horrible death, I was alone.
{2237}{2307}I, Waldo Lydecker...
{2309}{2381}was the only one|who really knew her...
{2419}{2517}and I hadjust begun|to write Laura's story when...
{2520}{2598}another of those detectives|came to see me.
{2624}{2671}I had him wait.
{2746}{2812}I could watch him|through the half-open door.
{3137}{3208}I noted that his attention|was fixed upon my clock.
{3239}{3295}There was only one other|in existence...
{3297}{3361}and that was|in Laura's apartment...
{3364}{3433}in the very room|where she was murdered.
{3535}{3602}Careful there.|That stuff is priceless.
{3631}{3678}Come in here, please.
{3841}{3886}Mr. Lydecker?
{3889}{3945}Ah, you recognize me.|How splendid.
{3948}{3995}Sit down, please.
{4068}{4122}Nice little place|you have here, Mr. Lydecker.
{4125}{4200}It's lavish,|but I call it home.
{4203}{4276}I suppose you're here|about the Laura Hunt murder.
{4279}{4332}Yesterday morning,|after Laura's body was found...
{4334}{4413}I was questioned|by Sergeants McAvity and Schultz...
{4415}{4462}and I stated...
{4465}{4540}"On Friday night, Laura had a dinner|engagement with me...
{4542}{4622}"after which she was ostensibly|going out of town.
{4625}{4724}"She phoned and canceled|our engagement at exactly 7:00.
{4726}{4773}- After that I-''|- You "ate a lonely dinner...
{4775}{4853}then got into the tub to read.''
{4855}{4901}Why did you|write it down?
{4903}{4957}Afraid you'd forget it?
{4959}{5045}I am the most widely|misquoted man in America.
{5048}{5108}When my friends do it,|I resent it.
{5110}{5191}From Sergeants McAvity and Schultz,|I should find it intolerable.
{5193}{5258}Hand me that washcloth,|please, Mr.-
{5364}{5429}McPherson. McPherson.
{5431}{5497}Mark McPherson-|the siege of Babylon, Long Island.
{5500}{5557}The gangster with the machine gun.|Killed three policemen.
{5559}{5618}I told the story over the air|and wrote a column about it.
{5621}{5668}Are you the one|with the leg full oflead...
{5670}{5725}- the man who walked right in and got him?|- Yeah.
{5727}{5793}Well, well.|Hand me my robe, please.
{5897}{5963}You have a pretty good memory,|Mr. Lydecker.
{5965}{6057}I always liked that detective|with the silver shinbone.
{6059}{6161}Thanks. I hope you won't have any reason|to change your mind about me.
{6163}{6234}- Have you any more questions?|- Yeah,just one.
{6237}{6295}Two years ago,|in your October 17 column...
{6297}{6349}you started out|to write a book review...
{6352}{6437}but at the bottom of the column, you|switched over to the Harrington murder case.
{6440}{6540}Are the processes of the creative mind|now under thejurisdiction of the police?
{6542}{6657}You said Harrington was rubbed out with|a shotgun loaded with buckshot...
{6659}{6725}the way Laura Hunt was murdered|night before last.
{6728}{6773}- Did I?|- Yeah.
{6776}{6847}But he was really killed|with a sash weight.
{6849}{6943}How ordinary.|My version was obviously superior.
{6945}{6993}I never bother|with details, you know.
{6995}{7065}I do. Well, so long.
{7091}{7149}Mind if I go with you?
{7151}{7233}- What for?|- Murder is my favorite crime.
{7236}{7284}I write about it regularly...
{7287}{7360}and I know you'll have to visit everyone|on your list of suspects.
{7385}{7435}I'd like to study|their reactions.
{7437}{7504}- You're on the list yourself, you know.|- Good.
{7506}{7589}To have overlooked me|would have been a pointed insult.
{7592}{7680}You're not the sort of man|one would insult, Mr. Lydecker.
{7682}{7753}- Do you really suspect me?|- Yes.
{7755}{7851}McPherson, if you know anything|about faces, look at mine.
{7912}{7987}How singularly innocent|I look this morning.
{7989}{8061}Have you ever seen|such candid eyes?
{8174}{8250}Something you confiscated|in a raid on a kindergarten?
{8253}{8353}Takes a lot of control.|Would you like to try it?
{8356}{8412}No, thanks.
{8414}{8481}Were you in love|with Laura Hunt, Mr. Lydecker?
{8549}{8601}Was she in love with you?
{8604}{8660}Laura considered me|the wisest, the wittiest...
{8662}{8735}the most interesting man|she'd ever met.
{8737}{8802}I was in complete accord|with her on that point.
{8828}{8876}She thought me also|the kindest...
{8878}{8930}the gentlest...
{8933}{8990}the most sympathetic man|in the world.
{8993}{9054}Did you agree|with her there too?
{9057}{9113}McPherson,|you won't understand this...
{9144}{9228}but I tried to become|the kindest, the gentlest...
{9254}{9305}the most sympathetic man|in the world.
{9308}{9366}Have any luck?
{9369}{9444}Let me put it this way.
{9447}{9554}I should be sincerely sorry to see my|neighbors' children devoured by wolves.
{9557}{9604}Shall we go?
{10162}{10216}- Good morning, Lieutenant.|- Good morning, Mrs. Treadwell.
{10218}{10264}- Waldo.|- Good morning, Ann.
{10266}{10345}- I've just taken over the Laura Hunt case.|- Won't you sit down?
{10347}{10403}Thanks. I have|all the reports...
{10405}{10461}but there are a few more questions|I'd like to ask.
{10464}{10511}Certainly. I'll do anything|I can to help.
{10513}{10562}You were fond of your niece,|Mrs. Treadwell?
{10565}{10612}Why, I adored her.|Cigarette?
{10615}{10683}No, thanks. You collapsed when|you identified the body.
{10685}{10782}I can quite understand that. A shotgun|loaded with buckshot, close range.
{10785}{10859}- It's not very nice to look at.|- It was horrible.
{10861}{10924}Her maid Bessie, I suppose|she was devoted to Miss Hunt?
{10926}{11005}Oh, she worshipped her.|Laura had had her for years.
{11007}{11082}I'll never forget her scream|when she saw Laura lying there.
{11085}{11179}Did you approve of Miss Hunt's coming|marriage to Mr. Carpenter?
{11181}{11268}Why? Shouldn't I approve?
{11271}{11368}I don't know. What is your relationship|with Mr. Carpenter?
{11371}{11418}What do you mean?
{11421}{11492}What I mean is, he's been|a frequent guest in your home.
{11495}{11559}Is he an acquaintance? Friend?|Are you in love with him?
{11561}{11616}This is beginning to assume|fabulous aspects.
{11618}{11684}Oh, shut up, Waldo!|What are you driving at?
{11686}{11753}The truth, Mrs. Treadwell.|Are you in love with him?
{11809}{11904}Why, no. I'm- I'm very fond|of Mr. Carpenter, of course.
{11907}{11962}- Everybody is.|- I'm not. I'll be hanged if I am.
{11965}{12021}Oh, don't be|so annoying, Waldo!
{12024}{12071}Did you give|Mr. Carpenter money?
{12073}{12171}- What do you mean?|- A couple of checks went through your account endorsed by him.
{12173}{12287}One on May 15 for $250.|One on May 22 for $400.
{12289}{12366}Oh, that. I-
{12369}{12433}I asked him to do|some shopping for me. That's all.
{12436}{12483}Shelby's a very obliging fellow.
{12485}{12575}For some time, also, you've been|withdrawing various amounts in cash.
{12577}{12627}Sometimes 1,500.
{12654}{12700}Sometimes 1,700 at a clip.
{12702}{12757}Yes. I needed that money.
{12791}{12914}The day you took out $1,500,|Mr. Carpenter deposited 1,350.
{12917}{12995}When you withdrew 1,700,|he deposited 1,550.
{12997}{13045}Maybe they were shooting crap.
{13047}{13108}Oh, must I be insulted like this?
{13184}{13261}I'm sorry, Mrs. Treadwell, but I have|to find out about these things.
{13263}{13375}Shelby needed some money, and I lent it to|him. That's all. After all, it is my money.
{13377}{13438}- I suppose I can do as I please with it.|- Sure. Of course.
{13441}{13512}Now, on Friday night, Mrs. Treadwell,|you stayed home alone all evening?
{13515}{13587}- Yes.|- Why didn't you go to the concert with Shelby?
{13617}{13665}Because he didn't ask me.
{13667}{13717}We were just talking|about you, Carpenter.
{13720}{13788}- What a coincidence to find you here.|- This is Lieutenant McPherson.
{13790}{13876}- Oh, how do you do, Lieutenant?|- I didn't know you were here, Mr. Carpenter.
{13878}{13941}As a matter of fact,|I was just lying down here.
{13944}{14032}My hotel room was so hot, and then all|the people and reporters and telephone.
{14034}{14081}You know how it is,|Lieutenant.
{14084}{14151}I've hardly slept a wink|since it happened.
{14153}{14216}Is that a sign of guilt or innocence,|McPherson?
{14219}{14304}I'm at your disposal, Lieutenant. I'm as|eager to find the murderer as you are.
{14306}{14366}But what possible motive|could I have for killing Laura?
{14369}{14438}Miss Hunt and I were going to be married|this week, you know.
{14441}{14490}No, he doesn't know,|and neither do I...
{14493}{14576}- or you or anyone else alive.|- What do you mean by that?
{14579}{14651}Laura had not definitely made up|her mind to marry him.
{14653}{14749}She told me so herself last Friday when she|called up to cancel our dinner engagement.
{14752}{14836}As a matter of fact, she was going|to the country to think it over.
{14839}{14896}She was extremely kind,|but I was always sure...
{14898}{15000}she would never have thrown her life|away on a male beauty in distress.
{15002}{15052}I suppose you've heard|losers whine before...
{15055}{15102}especially in your|profession, eh?
{15105}{15150}Would you like|a bite of lunch, Lieutenant?
{15153}{15201}That's very thoughtful-|the perfect host.
{15204}{15259}- Waldo.|- You'd almost think he was in his own home.
{15261}{15341}Shelby knows how distracted I am.|Would you, Lieutenant?
{15344}{15401}Thank you, Mrs. Treadwell,|but I've got to be going.
{15404}{15493}But, Lieutenant, I- Well, I rather thought|you'd wa...
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