US Army - Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks - Warrior Skills Level 1 (2011 edition) STP 21-1-SMCT.pdf

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Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks
Warrior Skills
Level 1
MAY 2011
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
The Soldier’s Creed
I am an American Soldier.
I am a Warrior and a member of a team.
I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values.
I will always place the mission irst.
I will never accept defeat.
I will never quit.
I will never leave a fallen comrade.
I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained, and
proicient in my warrior tasks and drills.
I always maintain my arms, my equipment, and myself.
I am an expert and I am a professional.
I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy
the enemies of the United States of America
in close combat.
I am a guardian of freedom and
the American way of life.
I am an American Soldier.
This publication is available at
Army Knowledge Online (
and at the General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine
Digital Library ( ).
*STP 21-1-SMCT
Soldier Training Publication
Department of the Army
Washington, D.C., 2 May 2011
Preface ................................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1 Introduction to the SMCT System ..................................................... 1-1
Chapter 2 Training Guide.................................................................................. 2- 1
Chapter 3 Warrior Skills Level 1 Tasks .............................................................. 3-1
Appendix Proponent School or Agency Codes ..................................... Appendix-1
Glossary ................................................................................................. Glossary-1
Subject Area 1: Shoot/Maintain, Employ, and Engage with Assigned Weapon
System ................................................................................................................ 3-1
071-100-0029 Perform a Function Check on an M-16 Series Rifle/ M4 Series
Carbine ................................................................................................................ 3-1
071-100-0028 Load an M16 Series Rifle/M4 Series Carbine ............................. 3-2
071-100-0027 Unload an M16 Series Rifle/M4 Series Carbine .......................... 3-4
071-100-0030 Engage Targets with an M16 Series Rifle/M4 Series Carbine ..... 3-6
071-100-0033 Correct Malfunctions on an M-16 Series Rifle/M4 Series
Carbine ................................................................................................................ 3-7
071-100-0031 Zero an M-16 Series Rifle/M4 Series Carbine............................. 3-9
071-100-0039 Mount an AN/PAQ-4 Series Aiming Light on an M-16-Series
Rifle/M4 Carbine .............................................................................................. 3-13
071-100-0042 Zero an AN/PAQ-4 Series Aiming Light to an M-16 Series
Rifle/M4 Carbine .............................................................................................. 3-17
071-100-0040 Dismount an AN/PAQ-4 Series Aiming Light to an M-16 Series
Rifle/M4 Carbine .............................................................................................. 3-20
071-100-0041 Engage Targets with an M-16-Series Rifle/M4 Series Carbine
Using an AN/PAQ-4 Series Aiming Light ........................................................ 3-22
071-100-0021 Engage Targets with an M16-Series Rifle/M4 Carbine Using an
AN/PAS-13-Series Thermal Weapon Sight ...................................................... 3-23
Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
*This manual supersedes STP 21-1-SMCT, 18 June 2009.
No. 21-1-SMCT
071-325-4401 Perform Safety Checks on Hand Grenades ................................. 3-24
071-325-4407 Employ Hand Grenades.............................................................. 3-29
Subject Area 2: Move ...................................................................................... 3-31
071-326-0501 Move as a Member of a Fire Team............................................. 3-31
071-326-0541 Perform Exterior Movement Techniques During an Urban
Operation ........................................................................................................... 3-34
071-329-1000 Identify Topographic Symbols on a Military
Map .................................................................................................................... 3-39
071-329-1001 Identify Terrain Features on a Map ............................................ 3-42
071-329-1008 Measure Distance on a Map ....................................................... 3-52
071-329-1002 Determine the Grid Coordinates of a Point on a Military Map... 3-55
071-329-1005 Determine a Location on the Ground by Terrain Association .... 3-59
071-329-1012 Orient a Map to the Ground by Map-Terrain Association .......... 3-61
071-329-1011 Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass ................................... 3-62
071-329-1003 Determine a Magnetic Azimuth Using a Lensatic Compass....... 3-63
071-329-1006 Navigate from One Point on the Ground to Another Point While
Dismounted ........................................................................................................ 3-67
071-329-1030 Navigate from One Point on the Ground to Another Point While
Mounted ............................................................................................................ 3-69
113-610-2005 Navigate Using the Defense Advanced Global Positioning System
(GPS) Receiver (DAGR) .................................................................................. 3-71
071-326-0502 Move Under Direct Fire ............................................................. 3-72
071-326-0503 Move Over, Through, or Around Obstacles (Except
Minefields) ......................................................................................................... 3-75
071 326-0510 React to Indirect Fire while Dismounted .................................... 3-78
071-326-3002 React to Indirect Fire while Mounted ......................................... 3-79
071-410-0002 React to Direct Fire Mounted ..................................................... 3-81
071-326-0513 Select Temporary Fighting Positions .......................................... 3-82
Subject Area 3: Communicate ....................................................................... 3-84
113-587-2070 Operate SINCGARS Single-Channel (SC)................................. 3-84
113-571-1022 Perform Voice Communications ................................................ 3-85
113-587-2000 Operate Secure SINCGARS ....................................................... 3-87
2 May 2011
081-831-0101 Request Medical Evacuation...................................................... 3-88
171-121-4079 Send a Situation Report (SITREP) ............................................ 3-91
071-121-4080 Send a Spot Report (SPOTREP) ................................................ 3 - 93
093-403-5030 Report Explosive Hazard (EH) .................................................. 3-96
071-326-0608 Use Visual Signaling Techniques .............................................. 3-98
Subject Area 4: Survive ................................................................................ 3-113
031-503-1036 Maintain Your Assigned Protective Mask ............................... 3-113
031-503-1035 Protect Yourself from Chemical and Biological (CB)
Contamination Using Your Assigned Protective Mask ................................... 3-114
031-503-1019 React to Chemical or Biological (CB)
Hazard/Attack ................................................................................................ 3-119
031-503-1040 Protect Yourself from CBRN Injury/Contamination with the
JSLIST Chemical-Protective Ensemble .......................................................... 3-122
031-503-1013 Decontaminate Yourself and Individual Equipment Using Chemical
Decontaminating Kits ..................................................................................... 3-126
031-503-1037 Detect Chemical Agents Using M8 or M9 Detector Paper ...... 3-133
031-503-1021 Mark CBRN-Contaminated Areas ........................................... 3-136
081-831-1001 Evaluate a Casualty (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) ............ 3-139
081-831-1003 Perform First Aid to Clear an Object Stuck in the Throat of a
Conscious Casualty ......................................................................................... 3-144
081-831-1005 Perform First Aid to Prevent or Control Shock........................ 3-146
081-831-1023 Perform First Aid to Restore Breathing and/or
Pulse ............................................................................................................... 3-149
081-831-1032 Perform First Aid for Bleeding and/or Severed Extremity ...... 3-155
081-831-1051 Transport a Casualty Using a Military Vehicle........................ 3-161
081-831-1046 Transport a Casualty ................................................................ 3-164
081-831-1007 Perform First Aid for Burns ..................................................... 3-169
052-192-1270 React to Possible Improvised Explosive Device (IED) (Located at )................................................. 3-172
052-192-1271 Identify Visual Indicators of an Implosive Device (IED) (Located at )................................................. 3-172
093-89D-1264 Search Suspect Vehicle for Improvised Device (IED) ......... 3-172
301-371-1000 Report Intelligence Information ............................................... 3-173
071-331-0804 Perform Surveillance without the Aid of Electronic Device.... 3-175
2 May 2011
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