A oto galeria ka�dego porz�dnego gracza z rodziny tych naj. Nigdy nie rezygnuj z komputera co najwy�ej zosta� malarzem... ..|||.. /-----\ _ _ (*) (*) / . . \ O^ ^O Q / ^ \ s /-----\ / o \ |---| -Hello!I'am Smuggler, -Don't ask me who -Good morning gentlements. the dirty smuggler. I am!I am Mr.Jedi I'am Jaspin,the Chicago's I can do maaany things, and I hate those lawyer.I'am the best what can I help you? fuckin smugglers!! in...in...in you know. Look at him!He looks Gem.ini will tel you. like a pig... _______ ||||| | | /IIIIIII\ ||||| | o o | ( o o ) O O | | ~ l | | --- - | | |/\/\/\/| -Ok,now?Ok... -Suprised?!Yes!It's Hi!They call me me-Gem.ini.Don't "Naczelny".I don't believe Jaspin,she -Don't tell me to know why but I love isn't a lawyer,she wear off it off my my xywk�.WHAT!!!! is...hmm...grrr... face.I can't do this You'r changing it?!? Ask the more ugly because...I...have... Nooo!I don't want to member of our redaction. red eyes:)Only be a "tile"! Joseph know how am I look.Jaspin is a good friend...:> __ __| |__ * * mmmmmmm @ @ ! < $ $ > X > X " ^ XXXX --- \___/ XX -Fine!OK!I can tell it! -My work is boring, -HELLO,HELLO,HELLO!! My name is Joseph.I have I'm ELD.Don't count I'll tell you a joke: wife,1x children and on more... The barbarians catched I am a priest without shame a tourist.They asking him: on my soul.Now I'll help -What are you choose:death Ugly Joe to introduce himself. or UNGA BUNGA? He's a man,he has computer, -UNGA BUNGA. nobody love him and I fuck it The tourist was "used" by all!!!!!!!I'am quit. the mens in the village. Next day.Barbarians asking: -Death or UNGA BUNGA? -UNGA BUNGA. Happened the same "thing" what yesterday.Next day: -Death or UNGA BUNGA? -Death... -Death by UNGA BUNGA. What a funny joke.It could be a funny but the tourists name is: YASIU........auch......... _ _ / \ / \ __ __ ############# / \____/ \ (_*) (*_) - - | . ( ) | - - <> -I love "SS"-Allor -Did you know it! -In my past I was a car driver. Allor is a gey!! My addres of internet page: He was my best friend... McDRIVE@.com.GBR.turn back.be a good child. He had so soft hands I hate polite pigs... with love ANAkHa ||||| ______________________________________________ ***** l _______ _______ l * ^ ^ * ~~l |___o___| O |___o___| l~~ * * l____________________________________________l * ` * | NNNNNNNNNNNN | ***** | ________ | |______________| -Such a fools turning around me!They tell are my articles are locate in some kind of newspaper?!HA! -................the long john............. I don't believe him.I think (nie wiedzia�em ju�,co tu wpisa�...) (but don't tell any body!!!) are...SDA?...WDA?...no!CDA! is working in some top secret organization,which researched secret weapon!So that's why my "friends" are look so... INCREDIBLE....?! rotisiuqni O O /----\ . | | |IIII| _ / \ / \ | Wino | -My favourite color is " " | | My name is Iwan. | 2.75 | <-------- -We all know,about who is going on. I am looking for a friend, | | We'll better don't introduce him... because my only friend is owl... |IIIIIIII| | | |________| Od autora:WSZYSTKE PRAWA ZASTRZE�ONE.JAKAKOLWIEK CELOWA I ZAMIERZONA PR�BA SKOPIOWANIA PROGRAMU B�DZIE ROZPATRYWANA NA DRODZE KARNEJ Z UWZGL�DNIENIEM DMUCHANIA W ALKOMAT I SPRAWDZENIEM PAS�W BEZPIECZE�STWA.ZATRUDNI�EM FBI, TAJNE S�U�BY JEJ KR�LEWSKIEJ MO�CI I DEDEKTYW�W Z CIECHOCINKA.DLATEGO NIE RADZ� I NIE FIKAJCIE. _ O__! /| / \