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Engraved Dark Classic
Business Card
EngravedDarkClassic-FRONT.jpg (high quality)
EngravedDarkClassic-BACK.jpg (high quality)
Size: 2” X 3.5”
DPI: 300dpi
Color: CMYK
Bleed: 3mm each side
Primary Format Type: PSD Layered
Minimum Application Version: Photoshop CS
Fonts: Georgia
Hide the BLEED AREA and the Text Safe Area layers in the Layers Panel by clicking their eye icon .
Optionally, you can Turn off the Guide Lines by pressing ctrl+h (or command+h in mac).
Changing the TEXT
Double clik the Thumbnail of the layer and start typing. When you’re done, finish it by pressing
ctrl+enter (or command+enter in mac) or by clicking any other layers in the Layers Panel .
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Changing the LOGO
The layout is optimized for single colored logo only , to keep up with the overall design theme. It is advised
to use Vector Shape to retain it’s scalability.
The design use 2 slightly different types of styling. We’ll start on the FRONT design first.
1. Open EngravedDarkClassic-FRONT.psd . Then open your new logo file.
2. Use the Move Tool (V) to drag the new logo into the design . Position it correctly on the center on top of
the LOGO GRAM layer. Adjust the size acordingly using the Edit > Transform > Scale (or use ctrl+t / com-
mand+t). Rename that new logo layer name to “ NEW LOGO ” by double clicking it’s layer name text.
3. Select the LOGO GRAM layer. Right click it
(ctrl+click in mac) and select Copy Layer
Style .
4. Select the NEW LOGO layer. Right click it
(ctrl+click in mac) and select Paste Layer
Style .
5. Now the NEW LOGO has copied the style
from the LOGO GRAM. As you can see now,
right next to NEW LOGO’s layer name there
is an FX icon.
6. You May Delete the LOGO GRAM layer
7. Save the file
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8. Open EngravedDarkClassic-BACK.psd .
9. Repeat Step 3 to 7. The Front LOGO GRAM style and the Back LOGO GRAM style are different. Just
remember from where and what you are copying-pasting to.
Changing the COLOR OVERLAY
Double clik the Thumbnail of the COLOR OVERLAY layer . It will open a color picker box. Just pick your
desired color and confim it by clicking OK. You must change both COLOR OVERLAY layer on both psd
Here are some color variations you that could play with
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Any Questions?
Just send me an Email.
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