Test 2A Unit 3-4.doc

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Test 5



1              Complete the text. Use the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

Last week I went to a very
(0)interesting talk about a trip to the                             INTEREST
Himalayas. Some of the photos
were (1) ____________. The speaker                            AMAZE
said that he was really (2) ____________              TERRIFY
by the little rope bridges high
above the ground. The most
(3) ____________ part of the                                          EXCITE
talk was when he described
the last day. They were so
(4) ____________ that they nearly                             TIRE
fell but, finally, they made it
to the top of K2. One thing I was
(5) ____________ by was a really                            ANNOY
(6) ____________ man who sat next                            BORE
to me and kept on talking to
me during the talk.




2              Complete the text with one word in each gap.              

My father is a famous musician. He started (0) going    to music school (1) ______________ he was 6 years old, that’s 42 years (2) ______________. In 1985, he was sitting at home when he suddenly came (3) ______________ with a tune which he wrote (4) ______________ before he forgot it. After that, he didn’t think about it. At the same time, a TV producer was looking
(5) ______________ the problems that new musicians had in getting their music played. It turned (6) ______________ that he and my dad were at school together and he used my dad’s tune in the programme. It became popular and my father became famous.




3              Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

0              Last week I (go)    went   to the cinema to see the new James Bond film.

1              I (paint) ______________ the living room ceiling when I (drop) ______________ my brush onto the TV.

2              I (not do) ______________ my homework last night, I forgot.

3              Where (be) ______________ you yesterday?

4              I (not come) ______________ to see you yesterday because I (sleep) ______________ all evening.




4              Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

Last week, I (0) __________ a book on local history. It’s fascinating. The phone rang while I
(1) __________ but I (2) __________ it. I couldn’t stop (3) __________. In the book it says that a man called John Collins built our house over 200 years ago in 1796. He was a soldier and died fighting when he was 38 years old. He (4) __________ his horse when some soldiers
(5) __________ him and shot him. It’s funny, at school I never (6) __________ history but now it’s my favourite subject!

0              a) was starting reading              b) used to start reading              c) started reading

1              a) used to read                            b) was reading                             c) read

2              a) wasn’t answering                            b) didn’t answer              c) didn’t use to answer

3              a) to read                                          b) read                                          c) reading

4              a) was riding                                          b) rode                                          c) used to ride

5              a) were seeing                            b) used to see                            c) saw

6              a) used to like                            b) didn’t like                            c) was liking




5              Complete the questions and answers.

A              (0) Did you go        to the party last night?

B              No, I (1) ________________. I went to bed early.


A              (2) What ________________ at eleven o’clock yesterday morning?

B              I was cooking dinner.


A              (3) ________________ scared when you saw those dogs?

B              Yes, (4) ________________. They were really frightening.


A              (5) ________________ watch cartoons when you were young?

B              Yes, (6) ________________. I used to watch them all the time.





CD Track 3

1              Listen to Professor Sykes talking about George Orwell. Circle the correct answers: a, b or c.

1              Professor Sykes works
a) at Oxford University.
b) as a writer.
c) for the radio station.

2              George Orwell came back from India

              a) when he was three             
b) in 1903.             
c) when he was four.

3              Orwell’s family
a) paid a lot of money for his school.             
b) paid a lot of money for his university.             
c) didn’t pay for his education.

4              After school he became a
a) writer.
b) student.
c) policeman.

5              In Paris Orwell
a) wrote a book.
b) had a number of poor jobs.
c) couldn’t find work.

6              The Road to Wigan Pier is about
a) real people’s lives.
b) Orwell’s time in Paris.
c) the war in Spain.

7              Animal Farm and 1984
a) were true 60 years ago but not now.
b) are his most famous two books.
c) are true stories.





1              Read the texts about five important events in recent British history. Match the headings (A-F) to the correct texts (1-5). There is one extra heading.


5 Events That Changed Britain

1 The Great Train Robbery

In 1963 a gang of 13 men carri...

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