Unit 4 Having a wonderful time.doc

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1 Look   at   the   pictures   and   match   them   with   the   descriptions below.

1              a hotel with a swim-              3              a sunset                                  7   souvlaki                   

ming pool                                4              shells                                   8   snorkelling              

2              souvenirs   at   a              5              ruins                           

market                                   6              donkeys                           

Read the  letter and answer the questions.

1    Who is the letter to?

2    Which    island    is Suzanne on?

3    Where is Suzanne staying?

4    What is  Suzanne doing right now?

5    What is Paul doing?

6    What is Suzanne's mother doing?

7    What is Suzanne's father doing?

8    Where     is     her favourite restaurant?

9    What   does    she always order?

10   Is she enjoying her holiday?

3        Match   the   words   from   the   text   to   their definitions.

4        Say and write which nouns go with which adjectives.

1                       sky              7              town

2                       beach              8              lake

3                       ruins              9              cafe

4                       cake              10              souvlaki

5                       hotel              11              temple

6                       sea              12              seafood

6 Read Suzanne's letter again and look at the items below. A) Find adjectives from the letter and write them beside each item. B) Tick which ones Suzanne likes/doesn't like. Finally, talk about them giving reasons for her choice, as in the example.

e.g.   Suzanne likes Santorini because it's lovely. She doesn't like...

7 Look at the key and use the notes below to say what you like/don't like about your holidays, giving reasons, as in the example.

e.g.   I love eating seafood because it is delicious.

5        Underline the correct verb.

1     People on holiday visit/play in ancient places.

2     You can go climbing/snorkelling in the sea.

3     People buy/take souvenirs at a market.

4     People get/take photographs of temples.

5     You can go/do skiing in the mountains.

6     You can watch/look beautiful sunsets.

7     People can ask/order food in a restaurant.

8     You can stay/leave at a hotel.


8        Use  the  correct  form   of  the   verbs   in  the list to fill  in the  part of the  letter  below.

ski, write, sit, learn, fall, sing

9        A) Match the seasons with the  pictures.

winter, spring, summer, autumn

B)   Read  the   sentences   under   each   picture and choose the one which describes it best.

a   It's    cold    and    it's        a   The  weather   is   hot,

snowing.              sunny and dry.

b   It's wet and it's raining,     b   It's cloudy, windy and


a It's sunny, bright and              a The weather is windy
fresh.              and foggy.

b The weather is icy and              b It's hot and sunny and
freezing.              the sky is blue.

Study these  examples.

In              the              north  but on  the  north  coast

In              the              east  but on  the  east  coast

In              the              south   but  on  the   south  coast

In              the              west but on  the  west coast

10        Look   at  the   map   of   Italy   and  fill   in   the gaps  below.

1      Rome is              the              of Italy.

2      Naples is              the              -             

of Italy.

3      Sicily is              the              of Italy.

4      Milan is              the              of Italy.

5      San Marino is              the              -             

coast of Italy.


11 Janet is on holiday in Alanya. Read her letter and fill in the topic sentences from the box. One of the sentences does not fit.

1        Read Janet's  letter again and  underline the sentences that describe the pictures below.

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