Unit 10 A Summer`s tale.doc

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1              The   pictures   tell   a   story.   Look   at   them   and   point   to   the

following things: flippers, mask, knife, seal, net, rock, beach, fishing boat.  Now,  answer the  questions  below.

6     What did she see in the water?

7     What did she do then?

8     What happened at the end of the story?


1    Who was involved in the story?

2    Where was the girl?

3    What was the weather like?

4    How did the girl feel?

5    Why did the girl get into the water?

2        Read  the  story  below  and  write  the  topic  of  each   paragraph in the  bubbles  provided.

                        description of events before the         ending (feelings and reactions) main event                 description of the main event

      setting  the  scene   (who-where-when-what)



3 Decide which of the adjectives below describe weather and which describe atmosphere and  complete the tables.

strange, wet, cloudy, magical, sunny, windy, still, silent, foggy, noisy, calm, rainy

5        Put  the  verbs   in  brackets   into  the  correct tense:  present  perfect  or  past simple.

1      He ...phoned... (phone) the garage because his car ...had broken down... (break down).

2      She              (wash) the dishes after she

              (finish) her meal.

3              Paul                 (go) to the doctor because he

              (hurt) his leg.

4              As soon as they              (do) their homework,

they              (go) out to play.

5              The train              (leave) two minutes before

Pam              (arrive) at the station.

6              I              (get) wet because I             

(forget) to take my umbrella.

4        Put   the   verbs   in   brackets   into   the   past simple  or the  past  continuous.

1              It                            (rain) heavily and Pete             

(drive) very fast when he              (have) an accident.

2              It              (snow) heavily and the children

              (make) a snowman outside.

Suddenly, a bright light              (appear) in the sky.

3              One day, while I              (sit) in the garden, I

              (hear) a strange noise. It             

(come) from the apple tree, so I              (go) to have

a look.

4              The sun              (shine) and the birds             

              (sing) so we              (decide)

to go for a picnic.

5              The wind              (blow) through the trees

and the wolves              (howl) outside. Sandra

              (feel) really scared!

I First read the story below and put the paragraphs in the correct order. Then, circle the correct time words.

O        Read    the    story    in    Ex.    7    again    and underline  :

a) the sentence which describes the weather.

b) the     sentence     which     describes     the atmosphere.

c) the adjectives which describe feelings.

d)              the sentence(s) which create(s) mystery or


Test yourself by answering these questions.

1              Which   tense   do  we   use  to   give   background

A past simple   B past continuous   C past perfect

2     Which paragraphs make up the main body of a story?

              A 1 and 2              B 3 and 4              C 2 and 3

3     Which paragraph describes the main event? A the third       B the second              C the first

4     Which paragraph sets the scene?

A the second   B the third              C the first

5              Which tense do we use to describe an action which
happened before another action in the past?

A past perfect   B past simple              C past continuous

6              We never end a story by ...

A writing "THE END" at the bottom of the page. B creating mystery or suspense. C using direct speech.



"D              Match the sentences to the pictures below.

1      Jennifer ran to the first door, rang the bell and shouted.

2      It was a cold, dark evening and the streets were empty.

3      "Don't worry! You left your handbag on the train!" the man explained.

4      Then, she heard footsteps behind her.

First,  answer  the  following   questions,  then tell the story by looking at the pictures.

1      What was the weather like?

2      Who was involved in the story?

3      Where and when did the story take place?

4      What did she see when she looked over her shoulder?

5      How do you think she felt?

6      What did she feel on her arm?

7      What did the man say?

8      What do you think happened at the end of the story?


12 Use the information from Ex. 11 and the plan below to write a story entitled A Stranger in the Night.

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