Wrox Press Knight's Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services 24 Hour Trainer (2013).pdf

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Knight’s Microsoft® sQL server® 2012
integration services 24-hour trainer
......................................................... xxv
WeLcoMe to ssis ......................................................... 1
section i
instaLLation and getting started
Moving Data with the Import and Export Wizard .................11
Lesson 1
Installing SQL Server Integration Services ......................17
Lesson 2
Installing the Sample Databases ..............................21
Lesson 3
Creating a Solution and Project ..............................25
Lesson 4
Exploring SQL Server Data Tools .............................29
Lesson 5
Creating Your First Package .................................35
Lesson 6
Upgrading Packages to SQL Server 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Lesson 7
Upgrading to the Project Deployment Model .................. 47
Lesson 8
section 2
controL fLoW
Using Precedence Constraints ...............................59
Lesson 9
Manipulating Files with the File System Task ...................63
Lesson 10
Coding Custom Script Tasks ..................................71
Lesson 11
Using the Execute SQL Task .................................79
Lesson 12
Using the Execute Process Task ..............................87
Lesson 13
Using the Expression Task ...................................93
Lesson 14
Using the Send Mail Task ....................................99
Lesson 15
Using the FTP Task ........................................ 107
Lesson 16
Creating a Data Flow .......................................113
Lesson 17
section 3
data fLoW
Extracting Data from Sources ................................121
Lesson 18
Loading Data to a Destination ............................... 139
Lesson 19
Lesson 20
Changing Data Types with the Data Conversion Transform ......151
Lesson 21
Creating and Replacing Columns
with the Derived Column Transform ......................... 159
Lesson 22
Rolling Up Data with the Aggregate Transform ................ 167
Lesson 23
Ordering Data with the Sort Transform ....................... 173
Lesson 24
Joining Data with the Lookup Transform ..................... 179
Lesson 25
Auditing Data with the Row Count Transform ................. 189
Lesson 26
Combining Multiple Inputs with the Union All Transform ........ 193
Lesson 27
Cleansing Data with the Script Component ................... 197
Lesson 28
Separating Data with the Conditional Split Transform ..........203
Lesson 29
Altering Rows with the OLE DB Command Transform ...........211
Lesson 30
Handling Bad Data with the Fuzzy Lookup .................... 221
Lesson 31
Removing Duplicates with the Fuzzy Grouping Transform ...... 231
section 4
MaKing pacKages dynaMic
Lesson 32
Making a Package Dynamic with Variables ................... 241
Lesson 33
Making a Package Dynamic with Parameters .................249
Lesson 34
Making a Connection Dynamic with Expressions ..............255
Lesson 35
Making a Task Dynamic with Expressions .................... 261
section 5
coMMon etL scenarios
Lesson 36
Loading Data Incrementally .................................269
Lesson 37
Using the CDC Components in SSIS ......................... 281
Lesson 38
Using Data Quality Services ................................295
Lesson 39
Using the DQS Cleansing Transform .........................309
Lesson 40
Creating a Master Package ..................................317
section 6
Lesson 41
Using Sequence Containers to Organize a Package ...........327
Lesson 42
Using For Loop Containers to Repeat Control Flow Tasks ...... 331
Lesson 43
Using the Foreach Loop Container
to Loop Through a Collection of Objects .....................337
section 7
configuring pacKages
Lesson 44
Easing Deployment with Coniguration Tables ................347
Lesson 45
Easing Deployment with Coniguration Files ..................357
Lesson 46
Coniguring Child Packages ................................365
section 8
troubLeshooting ssis
Lesson 47
Logging Package Data .....................................375
Lesson 48
Using Event Handlers ...................................... 381
Lesson 49
Troubleshooting Errors .....................................387
Lesson 50
Using Data Viewers ........................................393
Lesson 51
Using Breakpoints .........................................399
section 9
adMinistering ssis
Lesson 52
Creating and Coniguring the SSIS Catalog ...................407
Lesson 53
Deploying Packages to the Package Catalog ..................411
Lesson 54
Coniguring the Packages .................................. 415
Lesson 55
Coniguring the Service .................................... 421
Lesson 56
Securing SSIS Packages ...................................425
Lesson 57
Running SSIS Packages .................................... 431
Lesson 58
Running Packages in T-SQL and Debugging Packages .........437
Lesson 59
Scheduling Packages ......................................443
section 10 Loading a Warehouse
Lesson 60
Dimension Load ........................................... 451
Lesson 61
Fact Table Load ...........................................459
section 11 Wrap up and revieW
Lesson 62
Bringing It All Together .....................................465
appendix a
SSIS Component Crib Notes ................................473
appendix b
Problem and Solution Crib Notes ............................477
appendix c
What’s on the DVD? ....................................... 481
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