Israeli Protected-Space Shelters.pdf

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The Doctrine for the Protection of the Civilian Population in Israel, as formulated by the Ministry of De
based on the concept of the Protected Space.
The Protected Space is a handy, easy-to-reach, space capable of providing those staying in it, with prote
against both Conventional and Non-conventional Weapons for several hours.
Since 1992, every new building or addition to existing building, has, by law, been equipped by an Apart
Protected Space (APS) or a Floor Protected Space (FPS).
It must be built according to engineering specifications given in the Regulations.
The Protected Space area is not counted in the Construction Percentage (as a Main Area).
In case of an attack the HFC recommends acting according to the following guidelines:
Wherever Protected Spaces are available, they should be used.
Wherever a well-maintained sealed shelter exists, those living in the lower floors should use it, provided
are able to get into the shelter within two (2) minutes from the end of the siren. Those living in the uppe
those unable to get to the shelter within the above 2 minutes) should select an inner room within their ap
convert it into a protected and sealed room.
If the house has no shelter, then every tenant should select an inner room within their apartment and con
a protected and sealed room by using protection improvement means to existing construction, as explain
When a siren is heard... Immediate actions to be taken when the siren is heard:
Shut down all electrical appliances and air-conditioners and close all water and gas taps.
Get into the Protected Space, easy-to-reach shelter, or sealed room already prepared for this event, and t
you the protective kit.
Do not leave your apartment for a shelter unless you can reach it within two minutes.
Note: You may bring pets with you into the Protected Spaces to protect them.
When all the members of the family have entered the room, complete the sealing of the room by using a
tapes between the door and the frame and between the frame and the wall.
The space between the door and the floor should be covered with a wet towel.
If you are not home, put on your protective mask and take cover under any protection as quickly as poss
If you are in a car, stop the car on the shoulders of the road.
In built-up area, get into sheltered area as soon as possible.
If you are in open area, close the doors, windows and ventilation inlets and put on the protective mask.
When at home, it is recommended to leave the main door unlocked, so as to allow rescue units to get int
if needed.
The All Clear Signal
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The All Clear signal will be given by slides on the TV and a verbal message on the radio but without sir
Do not be put on the protective mask unless you receive a specific order to do so on the radio and TV.
If you are wearing a mask with blowers, you must verify that the blowers are on and working before put
masks, ant that they are off after removing the mask.
You should continue to listen to the radio and TV and act according to instructions issued by the securit
What is a Floor Protected Space (FPS)
The Floor Protected Space (FPS) is located in the shared area of each floor, adjacent to the staircase.
The FPS should serve no more than four (4) apartments and its area is 4-5 square meters per apartment.
The Floor Protected Spaces are located one above the other along the full height of the building, and for
continuous secured tower.
Each FPS has a blast door which opens outwards, preparations for future installation of the ventilation a
system and, in addition, lighting and emergency lighting, sockets for electricity, telephone and connectio
and radio antennae.
Sealed openings, 70X70 cms in cross section, and ladders are located in the intermediate floors between
These openings should be used for access and rescue between adjacent FPSs.
The finish of the FPS is with standard tiles (similar to those in ordinary apartments). The finish of the w
paint or coating approved by the HFC.
In all cases, regular plaster or similar materials that are not approved by the HFC shall not be used.
What is an Apartment Protected Space (APS)
The Apartment Protected Space (APS) is located in each apartment and is supposed to serve only the ten
this apartment.
The minimal area of an APS is 5 square meters net per apartment and should not include more than two
The APSs are located one above the other along the full height of the building, forming a continuous sec
Each APS has a blast door which opens outwards. The door is located in an inner wall which is at least f
meters from the external wall line parallel to the door.
The APS may have a blast window with maximum area of 1.20 square meters. The lower sill of the win
be not less than 1.05 meter above the floor. The window opening shall have in internal sealed security w
an external steel leaf aimed at absorbing the blast loads caused by the detonation.
Each APS has a telephone and connection for TV and radio antennae.
The finish of the APS is with standard tiles (similar to those in ordinary apartments). Finish of the walls
paint or coating approved by the HFC.
In all cases, regular plaster or similar materials that are not approved by the HFC shall not be used.
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The Shelter
In order to stay in a shelter, you should know the following facts:
Old shelters may be without standard blast doors or blast windows. They must be installed by a proper p
The shelter must be sealed tight. Check that the rubber (neoprene) seal in the doors and windows are i
adequately glued along entire the perimeter of the door or window.
It is recommended to replace those rubber seals after several years.
In addition, cracks in the walls and roofs must be sealed.
Verifying the sealing of doors and windows
Paint the rubber seal with water-based light color. While the paint is still wet, close tight the door or win
Check the continuity of the paint on the frame. A continuous, uninterrupted and full print of the paint sh
seen along the entire perimeter.
If the print is not continuous, it is proof that the sealing is inadequate and the sealing must be replaced.
Clean off the paint after you completed the test.
Maintenance of the shelter
The shelter shall be kept clean and shall not be used for storage of unused equipment, except equipment
removed in a short time.
The Apartment House Committee (AHC) is entitled, by law, to order each tenant to remove his (or her)
from the shelter.
The AHC may ask the Security Department or Local Inspection Department of the Municipality (or Reg
Council) to force a disobedient tenant to comply with the above law.
Article 14A of the Civil Defense Law, orders the tenants of an apartment house to remove from the shel
equipment that is not being used for the shelter, to keep the shelter clean and to maintain it in good cond
allowing its use at all time as a protection against attack.
The local authority is allowed to remove equipment that is not necessary for use in the shelter, within fif
days after submitting a written notice to the tenants, or to order the tenants to do all required maintenanc
within a given time-frame.
Article 24B specifies that offenders are liable to fine and/or arrest.
All access passages to the shelters must be easy to use, and all obstacles should be removed from the em
All combustible materials must be removed from the shelter.
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Signs in the shelter and signs directing to its entrances should be periodically renewed.
The water and sewage systems should be checked.
A key for the shelter should be kept by every family in the building.
Use of the shelter during peace time
Use of shelters during peatime is highly recommended. The dual-use of the shelter assures daily mof the
habituates tenants to staying in the shelter, which improves tenants' adaptation to the shelter during eme
It is clear that the dual use of the shelter requires approval of all tenants as is standard procedure in all o
areas and property in apartment houses.
What can be done in a shelter?
The shelter can be used as play room for the tenants, exercise room, youth club, office for the apartment
committee, meeting room for the tenants, temporary synagogue etc.
In order to maintain the shelter and allow an agreeable stay, the shelter should be cleaned, its walls pain
should be added (fluorescent lighting is recommended) and adequate furniture installed, which may be r
during emergency.
It is also recommended to add ventilation, tiles and acoustic ceiling.
Equipment for protected Space / Shelter
The shelter in an apartment house should be according to the following regulations and one of the tenan
responsible for it. A list of the equipment is here given:
House with 4
apartments or
shelter up to 8
House with 16
apartments or
shelter up to 32
House with 32
apartments or
shelter up to 64
Small first aid
Personal emergency b
cloth triangles, 3 gauz
gause bandage rolls, 3
1 bag.
First aid package
for paramedic
8 Personal bandages
sticking burn dressings
triangles for stabilizin
and slings, 20 dressin
splints, 1 tourniquet,
plasters, 10 security pins
Drinking water
40 liters
160 liters
320 liters
PVC or fiberglass
Garbage bags
Sand bags
For protection of entran
oil containers
Fire fighting post 1
Hand torch for
area lighting
7 hours, 6 volt battery
Portable torch
7 hours, 6 volt battery
Chemical toilette
Plastic container with
material and 5 units o
A larger shelter shall be equipped with additional equipment as detailed in column C for every 16 apartm
Every apartment beyond nine in a building be accorded an additional square meter in the shelter.
Water container should be kept in ready-to-use condition. Chemical toilet shall be installed in shelters w
standard toilets.
In the Protected Space, the following items should be included:
A First Aid Kit containing: bandages, dressings, Iodine, cotton, triangles, scissors, block arteries. In add
personal medicines should be kept.
Fire-fighting equipment for protected space / shelters : Extinguisher, Sand bucket, Water bucket, Carpet-
Emergency lighting . It is recommended to use lighting fixtures powered by batteries.
Battery-powered radio . This is needed to receive messages during attacks. TV and telephone may be hel
Portable fan to ease the heat load
Comfortable seating for all people in the shelter (cushions, mattresses, blankets, etc).
Food and drinks : Ready-to-eat food such as canned foods, snacks etc.
Chemical toilets.
List of Important telephone numbers : First Aid (Magen David Adom), Police, Fire Fighters, Information
Cleaning tools : Broom, bucket, rag, garbage bags.
Toys, games and books . It is recommended to prepare a bag with personal belongings and papers for use
How to improve protection if your house does not have shelter or protected space.
You may improve the protection level of the sealed room in the apartment in two ways:
Permanent solutions :
Improvements in construction to increase the protection level of the sealed room envelope (walls, ceiling
against chemical and conventional weapons.
The construction should be executed by professional, approved contractors, and should be based on spec
issued by the Homefront Command.
Emergency solutions :
The execution of such improvements may be done on a Do-It-Yourself basis with simple and available m
This provides a lower level of protection than the one offered by permanent solutions.
Important ! The selected room must have a minimal number of openings and external walls.
Permanent solutions
Windows : Window frames should be replaced by steel or aluminum frames while anchoring the window
existing wall.
The glass should be replaced by polycarbonate (plastic material) or multi-layer glass.
Doors : Doors should be replaced with blast doors opening outwards.
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