Shelly Laurenston - Pride 0,5 - Like a wolf with a bone.pdf
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Howl For It
Shelly Laurenston
He spotted her as soon as she stepped out of the house and walked around her daddy’s
porch to stare out into the forest surrounding the home. His brothers had called her “cute” and
“kind of pretty” while simultaneously ordering him to stay away because her big sisters wouldn’t
have any of it. But his brothers had been wrong. She wasn’t cute or kind of pretty.
She was astounding.
Leaning back against his 1971 Plymouth GTX, Egbert Ray Smith—Eggie to his Pack and
those of the United States Marine Corps that knew of his existence—watched the She-wolf softly
sighing and rolling her eyes. Occasionally she shook her head. He knew why, too. It was all the
arguing going on inside the house behind her. All that damn arguing. If he’d known he would be
coming home to this, he wouldn’t have come.
As it was, Eggie hated when he was forced on what the full-humans called “a vacation,”
or what his military brethren called “leave.” He didn’t need a vacation. He didn’t
a vacation.
He was lucky enough to be one of the few men in the world who enjoyed what he did for
a living, and what he did was kill. Not just randomly, though. He wasn’t some murdering
scumbag. No, Eggie killed with purpose, for the protection of his kind and the other breeds and
species that he really didn’t like or care about, but figured deserved protection just as much as
anyone else who could shift into a completely different being.
Eggie was good at killing. Some would probably say it was the only thing Eggie Ray
good at. So then why should he be forced away from the only thing he was good at
just because his fellow Marines insisted that “Eggie’s startin’ to make us nervous.” Eggie didn’t
understand how he did that. He wasn’t doing anything different from what he did on any given
But because his entire platoon—the platoon with no name, no number, that was only
known about by those who could grow fangs and claws whenever they wanted—suggested he
needed “a break,” Eggie was now on break.
So with nothing else to do for the next month or two, depending on when his superiors
would need him back, Eggie had come home.
And up to three minutes ago, he was positive it had been the most idiotic decision he’d
made in a long time. What with his brothers trying so desperately to secure themselves some
females. Of course, for most wolf shifters, securing females simply meant seducing them or
enticing them with still-thrashing elk.
Too bad the Smith males weren’t like most wolf shifters.
None of Eggie’s brothers seemed to understand the words “entice” or “seduce.” Instead
they argued with their She-wolves. Constantly. It had been bad enough with Eggie’s two older
brothers, Benjamin Ray and Frankie Ray, and his youngest brother, Nicky Ray, especially since
one of their little gals was a bit of a spitter when she got real angry.
Yet nothing could top Eggie’s younger brother, Bubba Ray, and his She-demon from hell,
Janie Mae Lewis. Their daddy liked Janie Mae because she represented the kind of She-wolf he
wanted all of them to take as a mate. Strong, confident—a natural Alpha. But because Daddy
liked Janie Mae so much, Bubba had to be difficult. He had to play games. Even worse, Janie
Mae played those games right back. Not even properly mated yet, the pair already had two boys,
the She-wolf pregnant with Bubba’s third, and still they had yet to settle down. Instead they
bounced between the Pack territories of Smithtown, Tennessee, and Smithville, North
Carolina—arguing the entire way, it seemed.
Eggie didn’t understand all that arguing. Honestly, he didn’t argue with people. He never
had to. He either stared until the ones arguing with him went away or he killed them. There was
never an in-between, so what was the point of arguing? Unfortunately Bubba didn’t seem to have
the same philosophy. All he did with Janie Mae was argue. In fact, Eggie had barely stepped into
his parents’ Tennessee home before his brothers propelled him back to his car and he was
suddenly on his way to North Carolina. And Lord knew that had been the last thing he’d wanted
to do.
Until the moment he saw her.
Yeah, she was definitely the youngest Lewis sister. The one the Lewises had never talked
about whenever Eggie was around. Although, in his estimation, this sister was much prettier than
the other four. She had long, straight brown hair, parted right in the middle and framing just the
sweetest little face with those big brown eyes and pretty full lips. Plus she had what he could only
call the cutest cheeks. Although he wasn’t sure cheeks should be cute. Like the other Lewises, her
nose was long and refined but she was smaller than her sisters. Barely five-eight or so. For a
Lewis female, that was kind of short. For a Smith female, it would be considered downright tiny.
Eggie thought about going over there, introducing himself the way men do when they see
a pretty woman they’d like to meet. But then he remembered who he was. He was Eggie Ray
Smith, trained killer. What would a girl like her do with a wolf like him? Would she want him to
be chatty? Buy her flowers? Kill a herd of elk? And her entire family already hated him on
principle. What he did for a living wasn’t exactly respected among many of the shifters, although
it was needed to keep them all safe.
Nah. It was best not to get all involved in ... anything. It was best to stay right where he
was. Here. On his car. Waiting for the yelling to stop so he could find a hotel in town and get
some sleep.
So continuing to stare at the woman on that porch was not a good idea and he decided to
study his feet instead—until he heard someone breathing.
And it wasn’t him.
Of all the times for Darla Mae Smith’s boss to send her home for a “visit”—a visit he’d
insisted on for some unknown reason—why did it have to be now?
Honestly, only a boss with his own Pack would insist on this sort of thing. Lord knew a
full-human chef never would. If they had their way, they’d never give their lowly staff any kind
of break. But Darla didn’t work for a full-human. No, she was an assistant pastry chef for a Van
Holtz Steak House in San Francisco, and the Van Holtz wolves understood Pack life, so her
boss—the executive chef and Alpha of the San Francisco Van Holtzes—had suddenly, out of the
clear blue, insisted that Darla go home for a little “Pack time.” Something most She-wolves who
were forced away from their kin for one reason or another enjoyed. Then again, none of them had
to deal with the darn arguing!
When Darla had called her daddy two weeks ago, it had just been him, Darla’s momma,
and her brothers. Her sisters were in Smithtown, Tennessee, dealing with the pain-in-the-butt
Smith boys. So Darla had happily hitchhiked her way cross country, something she liked to do
but didn’t necessarily mention to her parents. But by the time she had made it to her home in
North Carolina, her dang sisters were back and in the middle of their dang arguments! Not with
each other, which she could barely tolerate, but with those darn Smith wolves.
And it wasn’t even one argument, but several! Francie Mae, the oldest, was arguing with
her mate, Benjamin Ray, about what Benji could and could not stick his big Smith nose into
when it came to the Lewis family business. Roberta Mae and Frankie Ray were busy debating
whether Robbie’s skirt was long enough—apparently it wasn’t—while Janette Mae and Nicky
Ray were arguing about Nixon. Nixon, of all people!
But worse than all that was what was going on between Janie Mae and Bubba Ray Smith.
The pair had been on-and-off-again for several years now. They played all sorts of games with
each other, trying to make the other one jealous. When Janie had gotten pregnant with her first
son, the family sort of sighed in relief, figuring the pair would
become mates and end all
the bickering.
That, unfortunately, did not happen. Instead, the bickering became worse. Much worse.
Now, two sons later, with the third on the way, the pair traipsed back and forth between North
Carolina and Tennessee, one usually following the other, stopping occasionally to argue in one of
the midway rest stops that probably deserved better.
Was it really supposed to be this hard? Was love and caring supposed to be so
ridiculously silly and demanding? Darla didn’t think so. Neither did her friends in San
Francisco—a lovely mix of shifters and full-humans that she’d met when she’d left home at
eighteen to start her internship at the Baltimore Van Holtz restaurant. Lord, it was 1974!
Wonderful things were happening all around them. Times were changing. There was beautiful
music and people were beginning to realize that war and violence didn’t answer all of life’s tough
questions. It was a time to travel and see the world, discover new and interesting people,
religions, and species.
But Darla’s kin was locked into a world Darla had no desire to be part of. One filled with
jockeying for position in a Pack. Unlike their full-blood wolf counterparts, the shifters rarely
settled for their position in life. They always wanted more or less or different, but never what
they had. And anyone with a brain could see that what Janie wanted was to be Alpha Female of
the Smithtown Pack. She couldn’t and wouldn’t settle for less, even if that meant booting
Bubba’s momma out of her current position as Alpha. Of course, that was just Janie Mae’s way.
And the rest of Darla’s sisters, although older, were the perfect Betas. They’d fight for Janie to
get her what she wanted, even if it meant going head to head with their own mates about it.
The question, Darla guessed, became what did Bubba Ray want? A few years shy of thirty
and male . . . he didn’t know what the hell he wanted. Especially if it meant running off his own
parents. But like the true Alpha Male Bubba probably would be, he would decide what he wanted
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