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Eight Days Ablaze
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Eight Days Ablaze
ISBN 9781419918520
Eight Days Ablaze Copyright © 2008 Angelia Sparrow
Edited by Briana St. James.
Cover art by Syneca.
Electronic book Publication December 2008
The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
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Angelia Sparrow
Trademarks Acknowledgment
The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the
following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:
Cartier: Cartier, Inc.
Columbia: Sony BMG Music Entertainment, Inc.
Jack Daniel’s: Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc.
Savile Row: Savile Row Holding Company
UPS: United Parcel Service
Eight Days Ablaze
Chapter One
Adina barJonas loved Hanukkah. December was nothing but cold weather, ice
storms and chilly rain, but she loved the holidays with the lights, presents and comfort
food. She didn’t even mind that Christmas dominated the stores. Any holiday in any
religion was just an excuse to see family, overeat and spend too much.
The UPS box she balanced on her hip as she opened the apartment door only
emphasized the last point. She set her briefcase down—the Linzer inheritance case
could wait a while—and placed the box on the teak coffee table while she
decompressed from work.
She brushed aside the beaded curtain that separated her bedroom from the rest of
the apartment. She’d done the place in the style of an opium den or vintage hippie pad
from the middle twentieth century, full of gold-tassled red velvet furniture and floor
cushions around low tables. Candles and incense burners filled the apartment with
fragrant smoke when it suited her. There were no black-light posters. They didn’t fit the
more upscale image she projected as a junior partner in Brinkley, Samudrala, Wallace
and Nguyen.
Adina moved slowly, drawing out the anticipation. She stepped out of her heels
and hung them in their place on the shoe rack before peeling off the silk stockings and
rinsing them. She itched to open the box.
“Delayed gratification is the hallmark of a mature personality,” she heard her father
say in her head. She continued her evening ritual, trying very hard to be mature.
Her dark designer suit and silk blouse went into the closet, replaced by soft cotton.
The current Indian fashion made the yoke of the tunic sparkle with beads and little
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