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A Companion to
A Companion to
Edited by Uwe Flick, Ernst von Kardorff and Ines Steinke
Translated by Bryan Jenner
SAGE Publications
London Thousand Oaks New Delhi
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Translation © 2004
This English edition first published 2004
Originally published in the series “rowohlts enzyklopädie” under the title
Copyright © 2000 Rowohlt Ttaschenbuch Verlag GmbH, Reinbek bei Hamburg
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication data
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from the British Library
ISBN 0 7619 7374 5
ISBN 0 7619 7375 3 (pbk)
Library of Congress Control Number 2003112201
Typeset by C&M Digitals (P) Ltd., Chennai, India
Printed in Great Britain by Bell & Bain Ltd, Glasgow
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