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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Phrasal verbs
Practice 1
Look at the phrasal verb and the example of the sentence and choose the correct Polish
translation. (Popatrz na czasownik złożony i przykład jego użycia, a następnie wybierz prawidłowe
polskie tłumaczenie.)
1. break down Why don't you sell that old car? It's always breaking down.
a) zepsuć się b) zatrzymać się c) handlować
2. break up Everyone was surprised when the couple broke up after 20 years of marriage.
a) zerwać ze sobą b) kłócić się c) zaręczyć się
3. carry on They carried on until the work was finished.
a) narzekać b) wystraszyć się c) kontynuować
4. come round When he came round in hospital he wondered where he was.
a) mieć operację b) odzyskać świadomość c) badać
5. cut down She had to cut down on smoking.
a) przyspieszyć b) zredukować c) obciąć
6. go off The bomb went off in a busy street.
a) wyjść b) wybuchnąć c) spaść
7. hang / hold on Hang on a minute! I'm nearly ready.
a) trzymać b) czekać c) spieszyć się
8. look out Look out! There is a car coming!
a) uważać b) podglądać c) obserwować
9. set off / out They set off for London at 8:30am.
a) wyruszyć b) spóźnić się c) zdążyć
10. show off Stop showing off. We all know you won the race.
a) ujawniać tajemnicę b) popisywać się c) przeszkadzać
11. turn up He suddenly turned up after three years abroad.
a) włączyć b) wyłączyć c) pojawić się
12. wear off By the next day the shock had worn off.
a) mijać, przechodzić b) być dokuczliwym c) zwiększyć się
13. bring up After their parents died, they were brought up by an aunt.
a) przenieść b) wychowywać c) karmić
14. call off The match was called off because of snow.
a) przedłużyć b) odwołać c) skrócić
15. clear up Your room's a mess. I wish you would clear it up.
a) posprzątać b) pomalować c) wyjść, opuścić
16. give up I'm trying to give up smoking.
a) zmniejszyć b) zgasić c) rzucić, zaprzestać
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17. let down I'm sorry to let you down, but I can't go.
a) sprawić zawód b) pozwalać c) uniemożliwiać
18. make up He makes up wonderful stories for his children.
a) przepisywać b) opowiadać c) wymyślać, zmyślać
19. pull down Several old houses have been pulled down.
a) zbudować b) zburzyć c) odnowić
20. put off The match was put off till the next day.
a) przełożyć na później b) kontynuować c) rozegrać
21. put up I've nowhere to stay. Can you put me up for the night.
a) zakwalifikować b) przenocować c) podwozić
22. run down / over He was run over by a car and killed.
a) przejechać, rozjechać b) gonić c) minąć
23. take over Too many small firms are being taken over by large companies.
a) konkurować b) bankrutować c) przejmować, zajmować
24. throw out I threw out a lot of old clothes.
a) reperować b) wyrzucić c) podarować
25. work out Let's work out what to do next.
a) wywnioskować b) zapomnieć c) zmienić
26. break into The burglar broke into the house and stole $1000.
a) odwiedzić b) pożyczyć c) włamać się
27. come across As she was tidying her room she came across an old photograph.
a) natknąć się na b) pozbyć się c) wynieść
28. fall for He fell for her the moment he saw her. It was love at first sight.
a) nastraszyć b) zaręczyć się c) zakochać się
29. go through The customs officer went through his suitcase looking for drugs.
a) zważyć b) przeszukać c) przenieść
30. look after Will you look after my garden while I'm away? The plant will need watering.
a) opiekować się b) zamykać c) podlewać
31. run into I ran into Jane yesterday. I didn't know she was in town.
a) umówic się b) zapomnieć c) natknąć się przypadkiem
32. stand by I'll always stand by you if you're in trouble.
a) stawać po czyjejś stronie b) krytykować c) obiecywać
33. stand for What does G.C.S.E. stand for?
a) zdawać b) oznaczać c) traktować
34. take after He takes after his father in looks and in character.
a) kraść b) karać c) być podobnym
35. make up for I'll work extra time to make up for the minutes I was late.
a) udostępniać b) nadrabiać, odrabiać c) spóźnić się
36. put up with I don't know how they can put up with such noisy children.
a) znosić b) uciszać c) rozkazywać
37. run out of We've run out of milk again.
a) wyczerpać zapas b) zepsuć c) nalać
Practice 2
Insert the correct particles in the gaps. Use the phrasal verbs from Practice 1. (Wstaw
odpowiednie partykuły w luki. Wykorzystaj czasowniki złożone z Practice 1.)
1. I was late for my classes because the bus broke ............... .
2. Look ............... . There is a hole in the road.
3. I was brought ............... by my grandparents because my parents died.
4. He carried ............... working till midnight.
5. My brother is horrible. I can't put ............... ............... him.
6. Could you look ............... my house. I'm going away for two weeks.
7. The company had to cut ............... the expenditures as the sales did not increase.
8. A truck ran ............... a large dog which died immediately.
9. The car stopped because we ran ............... ............... petrol.
10.They went ............... all their books but couldn't find the missing envelope.
11.The next day the hangover slowly wore ............... .
12.He hasn't come for the party. He has let me ............... again.
13.Little Robin's grandmother always stands ............... him when he annoys his parents.
14.The weather was awful so we put ............... our game of tennis till tomorrow.
15.The new president has taken ............... the position.
16.The table is full of dirty dishes. Could you clear it ............... .
17.You can throw ............... the packet. It's empty.
18.They set ............... on their camping trip with great enthusiasm.
19.Two men fell ............... the same woman at the same time.
20.Riding horses is very expensive. I'll have to give it ............... .
21.If you can't find a room in the hotel, I could always put you ............... .
22.The garden party was called ............... because of the rain.
23.Burglars broke ............... the house and stole a lot of things.
24.I came ............... a vase exactly like yours in an antique shop.
25.He takes ............... his mother; he has blue eyes and dark hair too.
26.Tom is very rich, but he doesn't show ............... . He's got a small house and an average family
Exercise 1
Read the text and arrange the parts in the correct order by numbering them in the spaces
provided. (Przeczytaj tekst i poukładaj jego części w odpowiedniej kolejności numerując je w
podanych miejscach.)
Stone Soup
A ..........
Then, it was ready. The woman put two bowls on the table with some brown bread and butter. The
old man carefully put some soup from the top of the pot into the bowls.
'You'll have a lot of soup left for later,' he said. They sat down and started to eat.
'Well, do you like it?' he asked.
'Oh, yes,' she said, 'It's lovely! What a strange idea ... stone soup.'
B ..........
One day a poor old man knocked on the door of a farmhouse. A woman answered the door.
'Could you give me something to eat?' he asked her, 'I'm starving.'
'No, I certainly can't!' she said. 'There's nothing in this house for you at all.' She closed the door.
C .........
The old man tasted the soup for the third time.
'Mmm,' he said, 'It's the best soup I've tasted for a long time. We just need a little meat, and it will
be perfect.'
The woman hurried to get some meat.
'Is this all right?' she asked. She gave the old man some beef.
'Oh, yes. That's fine,' he said.
D .........
A few moments later the man knocked again. She opened the door angrily.
'What do you want now?' she said.
'I've already told you ...'
'Do you like cooking?' said the man. 'Have you ever made stone soup?'
E ..........
The woman was interested. Stone soup? What a strange idea! The old man picked up a few
stones from her garden. She asked him to come into the kitchen. He washed the stones carefully,
then he put them into a large pot, and added some water. He put the pot on the cooker, and stood
F ..........
A few minutes later he tasted the soup again. 'Mmm, that's much better,' he said with a smile.
'What a pity!' 'What's the matter?' asked the woman. 'It's nothing, really,' said the old man, 'But I'd
like to add a few carrots ...' 'Well, I've got one or two carrots somewhere,' she said. She brought
them to him.
G ..........
'May I have a little salt?' he asked politely.
The woman gave him some salt and he put it in the pot.
'It'll take a long time to cook, I'm afraid,' he said. After a while he tasted a little soup in a spoon.
H .........
'Mmm. That's very good,' he said, 'But it really needs an onion. Oh, well, it doesn't matter ...'
'Er ... I've got an onion,' said the woman.
'Do you mind if I put it in the soup? It'll taste better,' said the old man.
'Not at all,' said the woman and brought him the onion.
Exercise 2
Read the text again and choose the best answer for each question below. (Przeczytaj tekst
ponownie i wybierz najlepszą odpowiedź na każde z poniższych pytań.)
1. The poor man knocked on the door because:
a) he wanted to steal something
b) he was hungry
c) he wanted to visit the woman
2. The poor man knocked again because
a) had an idea how to make the woman give him food
b) he needed medical help
c) he forgot to say something
3. What did the poor man cook in the pot
a) only stones
b) stones and vegetables
c) stones and other ingredients
4. What did the woman do with the salt
a) she put it in the soup
b) she gave it to the poor man
c) she refused to give it to the poor man
5. The onion made the soup taste
a) better
b) perfect
c) worse
6. How did the poor man make the woman give him some carrots
a) he forced her
b) he begged her
c) he asked her politely
7. The soup was ready after
a) adding some meat
b) a long while
c) adding some more salt
Put the words into the correct column. (Wstaw słowa w odpowiednie kolumny)
1. apple
2. bacon
3. banana
4. beans
5. beef
6. beetroot
7. blackcurrant 8. bread
9. butter
10. cabbage
11. carrots 12. cauliflower 13. cereal
14. cheese
15. cherry
16. chicken
17. cream
18. cucumber 19. flour
20. ham
21. lamb
22. lettuce
23. liver
24. margarine 25. minced meat
26. nuts
27. onion
28. peach
29. pear
30. peas
31. pineapple 32. plum
33. pork
34. raspberry 35. rice
36. spices
37. spinach
38. steak
39. strawberry 40. turkey
Vocabulary from Lesson 35
beans – fasola
beg błagać
beef – wołowina
beetroot – burak
blackcurrant – czarna porzeczka
bowl – miska
break down – zepsuć się
break into – włamać się
bring up – wychowywać
butter – masło
cabbage – kapusta
call off – odwołać
carrot – marchew
carry on – kontynuować
cauliflower – kalafior
cereal – płatki zbożowe
cherry – wiśnia
clear up – posprzątać
come across – natknąć się na
come round – odzyskać świadomość
cream – śmietana
cucumber – ogórek
fall for – zakochać się
flour – mąka
give up – rzucić, zaprzestać
go off – wybuchnąć
go through – przeszukać
ham – szynka
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