Uczniowie szkoły podstawowej uczący się języka angielskiego poznają jajważniejsze święta obchodzone w krajach anglojęzycznych.doc

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Uczniowie szkoły podstawowej uczący się języka angielskiego poznają jajważniejsze święta obchodzone w krajach anglojęzycznych, głównie jednak z ukierunkowaniem na Wielką Brytanię

Prowadzacy zajecia: Marta Kubik

Klasa IV

Topic: Time For Sweethearts.

Aims of the Lesson:
By the end of the lesson the students should be able to
- describe the Valentine's traditions in the USA,
- use the new vocabulary to talk about Valentine's Day and its customs.

New Language:
cupid, adult, kitten, sweetheart, pagan, ball, Christian, anonymous, farewell, verse, dove

Teaching Aids: Appendices, a cassette with a song

Lead in 3 minutes
The students listen to a song about love (‘Let Me Call You Sweetheart’). They are asked not to try to listen to each and every word, because their task is only to state the theme of the song. When they have said that the song was about love the teacher asks them what holiday, they think, they will be talking about during this lesson. The students should have no problems with that. Later on the teacher adds that the song is very popular in the USA and sung specially for St. Valentine's Day.

Presentation 1 16 minutes
Pre – reading 7 minutes
The teacher explains and drills the new vocabulary written on the sheets of paper (app. 7.1). He / she displays pictures where it is necessary. Then she asks two questions. The students are to find the answers while reading the text. They are also to think how to explain the word "sweetheart". The questions are as follows:
· What people give each other on Valentine's Day ?
· Where do many Americans send their valentines first ?

Reading (app. 7.2) 2 minutes
The handouts are distributed. The teacher reads aloud and the students trace the text.

Post – reading 10 minutes
The pointed students answer the questions which are next written on the board. Then the sentences are copied to the exercise – books. After completing this task the students read the text again. Later on the teacher shows Loveland on the map and explains that the copy of the stamp below the text comes from that place.

Practice 17 minutes
Activity 1 4 minutes
Comprehension check.
Handouts with a task are given out. The students complete the statements on the basis of the text (app. 7.3). They work individually.

Activity 2 4 minutes
Individual work.
The students receive a list of words and expressions and their definitions (app. 7.4). They are to match words in the left column with proper definitions in the right one.

Activity 3 4 minutes
The teacher hands out crossword puzzles (app. 7.5). The students' task is to complete a crossword individually. The solution is the name of Valentine cookies.

Activity 4 5 minutes
The students work in groups of four. They are to share their opinions about Valentine's Day with the other members of the group. The teacher asks them a few questions to help:
· Do you celebrate Valentine's Day ? How ?
· Do you like it or not ? Say why.

Presentation 2 6 minutes
The teacher presents lyrics of the love song which the students have listened to at the beginning of the lesson. Lyrics are written on the board. Then whole class repeats after him / her concentrating on the rythm of the words and trying to remember each line of the verse. The teacher checks if the students understand the word "whisper".

The teacher wipes off one or two words from each line of the song, beginning with the short, easy words, and asks the students to read the lyrics again. He / she continues rubbing out the remaining words until the students are actually reciting the whole song from memory.

Homework 3 minutes
An illustration with valentine foods is displayed. The teacher pays students' attention to heart – shaped oatmeal cookies the name of which has appeared in the crossword. He / she writes the full name of cookies on the board and explains the word "oatmeal". Then the students are given a recipe for the presented cookies specially baked on 14 February (app. 7.6). The teacher encourages them to bake oatmeal cookies for their sweethearts or friends.



Valentine's Day

In the middle of February there is a special holiday. It is St. Valentine's Day when people in love express their feelings to each other in many ways.
On this day, 14 February, you can send flowers or candies to someone you love and admire. You can also put a Valentine message in a newspaper. However, most people send greeting cards called 'valentines' to their sweethearts or friends. Valentines are very colourful - with pictures of hearts, flowers, kittens, white doves or cupids. They are often anonymous.
At schools young boys and girls put their valentine cards into the box. Then the teacher opens the box and gives the valentines to the students. The Day of Lovers is also a time for sweathearts' balls for teenagers and adults.
Many Americans send their cards to the Loveland post office in Colorado to get a special mark from that place. They believe Loveland is Cupid's town. The post office puts the stamp with Loveland's Cowboy Cupid and a short verse on each envelope and send it out as a valentine.
The Day of Lovers has many legends. One of them says that 14 February is the day when birds choose their partners. Another legend says that this holiday has got its name from Valentinus – the saint who lived in the 3rd century. St. Valentine was killed because he helped Christians and did not want to believe in pagan gods. Before his death on 14 February Valentine wrote a farewell letter to his friend and signed it: "From your Valentine".

Complete the sentences below.

1. St. Valentine's Day is on ................... and it is also called ................... .
2. The holiday is named from ........................ who lived in ....................... and died on .................... .
3. Valentine didn't believe .......................... and helped .......................... .
4. St. Valentine wrote ............................... and signed it .......................... .
5. On 14 February people send greeting cards called ............................... with pictures of ................................. .
6. In newspapers you can read .................................................................. .
7. On the Day of Lovers birds .................................................................. .
8. At schools young boys and girls ........................................................... .
9. Teenagers and ..................................... have ........................................ .
10. The post office in Loveland puts ..................................................... .

Match the words and expressions below with their definitions.

1. Cupid a) people believed in them before Jesus was born

2. adult b) a big party where you can eat and dance

3. valentine c) somebody you love very much

4. kitten d) the last 'goodbye'

5. sweatheart e) the god of love

6. pagan gods f) a greeting card that you send on 14 February

7. ball g) somebody who is not a teenager any more

8. Christian h) a young cat

9. anonymous card i) a bird that can carry messages

10. farewell j) a rhyme

11. verse k) a person that believes in Christ

12. dove l) a card that is not signed


2 1/2 cups of flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
3/4 cup of butter or margarine, soft
3/4 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of milk
1 egg
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 cup of oats, uncooked

Mix flour, baking powder and salt. Add butter, sugar, milk, egg and vanilla. Stir it well. Then add rolled oats and stir again. Afterwards roll out on board to about 7- mm thickness. Cut into heart shapes. Bake about 15 minutes. You can decorate cookies with frosting.
· oatmeal – mąka owsiana
· stir – mieszać
· rolled oats – zmielone płatki owsiane
· board – stolnica
· thickness – grubość
· roll out – rozwałkować
· frosting – lukier

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