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Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B and Related Toxins
Chapter 14
RobeRt G. UlRich, P h D*; catheRine l. Wilhelmsen, DVm, P h D, cbsP ; a n d teResa KRaKaUeR, P h D
Respiratory Symptoms
Nausea and Vomiting
Other Signs and Symptoms
* Microbiologist, Department of Immunology, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, 1425 Porter Street, Fort Detrick, Maryland
Lieutenant Colonel, Veterinary Corps, US Army (Ret); Biosafety Officer, Office of Safety, Radiation Protection, and Environmental Health, US Army
Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, 1425 Porter Street, Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702; formerly, Chief, Division of Toxinology, US Army
Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, 1425 Porter Street, Fort Detrick, Maryland
Microbiologist, Department of Immunology, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, 1425 Porter Street, Fort Detrick, Maryland
Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare
the gram-positive bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes
and Staphylococcus aureus extensively colonize the hu-
man population and are frequent opportunistic patho-
gens. these bacteria secrete a variety of enzymatic and
nonenzymatic virulence factors that are responsible for
many disease symptoms. among these factors, staphy-
lococcal enterotoxins (ses), toxic shock syndrome toxin
(tsst-1), and streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins of S
pyogenes share a common three-dimensional protein
fold characteristic of the bacterial products called
“superantigens” because of their profound effects
upon the immune system. most strains of S aureus and
S pyogenes examined harbor genes for superantigens
and are likely to produce at least one of these products.
the staphylococcal enterotoxins are most frequently
associated with food poisoning, yet not all superanti-
gens are enterotoxins, and more severe physiological
consequences, such as a life-threatening toxic shock
syndrome, may result from exposure to any of the
superantigens through a nonenteric route. high dose,
microgram-level exposures to staphylococcal entero-
toxin b (seb) will result in fatalities, and inhalation
exposure to nanogram or lower levels may be severely
incapacitating. 1 in addition, the severe perturbation of
the immune system caused by superantigen exposure
may lower the infectious or lethal dose of replicating
agents such as influenza virus. 2
seb is a prototype enterotoxin and potential bio-
logical threat agent produced by many isolates of
S aureus . During the 1960s, seb was studied exten-
sively as a biological incapacitant in the Us offensive
program. Us scientists had completed studies that
clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of seb as a
biological weapon before the ban on offensive toxin
weapons announced by President nixon in Febru-
ary 1970 (3 months after replicating agent weapons
were banned). seb was exceptionally suitable as a
biological agent because its effect was produced with
much less material than was necessary with synthetic
chemicals, and it presumably had an exceptional
“safety ratio” (calculated by dividing the effective
dose for incapacitation by the dose producing lethal-
ity). however, the safety ratio is misleading because
the coadministration of seb or related toxins with
replicating pathogens may profoundly lower the
lethal dose. available countermeasures and diag-
nostics have focused on seb because of its historical
significance in past biowarfare efforts; however, seb
represents many (perhaps hundreds) of related bio-
logically active superantigens that are readily isolated
and manipulated by recombinant Dna techniques.
all of these superantigens are presumed to have a
similar mode of biological action, but very little data
are available for confirmation.
an examination of genes encoding superantigens
of S aureus and S pyogenes indicates a common origin
or perhaps an exchange of genetic elements between
bacterial species. the great diversity of superantigens
and the highly mobile nature of their genetic ele-
ments also suggest an accelerated rate of evolution.
staphylococcal and streptococcal strains that colonize
domestic animals are potential genetic reservoirs for
new toxin genes, 3 and the transfer of these sequences
may contribute to hybrid polypeptides. however, the
many similarities among severe diseases caused by
S aureus and S pyogenes superantigens 4 imply a com-
mon mechanism of pathology. amino acid sequence
comparisons indicate that superantigens can be loosely
compiled into three major subgroups and numerous
sequence variations 5 ; whereas genetic analysis shows
that they are all likely derived from common ancestral
genes. Despite significant sequence divergence, with
similarities as low as 14%, overall protein folds are
similar among staphylococcal and streptococcal supe-
rantigens. the toxin genes have evolved by strong se-
lective pressures to maintain receptor-binding surfaces
by preserving three-dimensional protein structure. the
contact surfaces with human leukocyte antigen DR
(hla-DR) receptors involve variations of conserved
structural elements, 6,7 which include a ubiquitous hy-
drophobic surface loop, a polar-binding pocket present
in most superantigens, and one or more zinc-binding
sites found in some toxins. comparison of antibody
recognition among superantigens 8 suggests that anti-
genic variation is maximized while three-dimensional
structures, and hence receptor-binding surfaces, are
conserved. From a practical standpoint, this observa-
tion indicates that a large panel of antibody probes will
be required for proper identification of samples.
molecular details of the biological actions of bacte-
rial superantigens are well established. superantigens
target cells mediating innate and adaptive immunity,
resulting in an intense activation and subsequent
pathology associated with aberrant host immune
responses. class ii molecules of the major histocom-
patibility complex (mhc) are the primary receptors,
and the mhc-bound superantigen in turn stimulates
t cells. most superantigens share a common mode
for binding class ii mhc molecules, with additional
stabilizing interactions that are unique to each one. 9
Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B and Related Toxins
a second, zinc-dependent molecular binding mode
for some superantigens increases t-cell signaling and
may impart greater toxicities in some cases. in normal
t-cell responses to peptide antigens, the cD4 mol-
ecule stabilizes interactions between t-cell antigen
receptors and class ii mhc molecules on antigen-
presenting cells (Figure 14-1). superantigens also
cross-link t-cell antigen receptors and class ii mhc
molecules, mimicking the cD4 molecule, 10 and hence
stimulate large numbers of t cells. in addition, each
superantigen preferentially stimulates t cells bearing
distinct subsets of antigen receptors, predominantly
dictated by the specific Vβ chain. an intense and
rapid release of cytokines such as interferon-γ, inter-
leukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α is responsible
for the systemic effects of the toxins. 11 in addition to
direct t-cell activation, the gastrointestinal illness
especially prominent after ingestion of staphylococ-
cal enterotoxins is also associated with histamine and
leukotriene release from mast cells. 12 Furthermore,
the cD44 molecule reportedly provides protection
from liver damage in mice caused by seb exposure
through a mechanism linked to activation-induced
apoptosis of immune cells. 13
individuals within the human population may re-
spond differently to superantigen exposure as a result
of mhc polymorphisms, age, and many physiological
factors. each toxin exhibits varying affinities toward
the hla-DR, DQ, and DP isotypes and distinct alleles
of class ii mhc molecules, observed by differences
in t-cell responses in vitro. in addition, primates, in-
cluding humans, are most sensitive to superantigens
compared to other mammals. 14 lethal or incapacitating
doses of toxin may be lowered by coexposure to endo-
toxin from gram-negative bacteria 11 or hepatotoxins, 15
or by infection with replicating agents. 2
Rodents and other domestic animals infected with
strains that produce tsst-1 and se 16,17 are potential
environmental reservoirs. both ovine- and-bovine spe-
cific staphylococcal toxins, which are associated with
mastitis, are almost identical to tsst-1 in amino acid
sequence. 18 toxigenic strains are frequent or universal
in both clinical and nonclinical isolates of S aureus and
S pyogenes , and these strains contribute significantly to
several diseases. approximately 50% of nonmenstrual
toxic shock syndrome (tss) cases are linked to tsst-1,
while the remaining cases are attributable to se, with
seb predominating. 19 Kawasaki’s syndrome and some
forms of arthritis are loosely associated with organisms
producing streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins (sPes),
sea, and tsst-1. 20 in addition, streptococcal pneumo-
nia with accompanying tss-like symptoms is caused
by sPe-producing bacteria. 21
most of the streptococcal superantigens are encoded
by mobile genetic elements. sPe-a, sPe-c, sea, and
see are all phage-borne, while seD is plasmid-en-
coded. a chromosomal cluster of se and se-like genes
is present in strains of S aureus. 22 because little evi-
dence of genetic drift exists, it has been hypothesized
that the majority of staphylococcal and streptococcal
tss-like bacterial isolates have each descended from
single clones. 23 Production of many ses is dependent
on the phase of cell-growth cycle, environmental ph,
and glucose concentration. transcriptional control of
tsst-1, seb, sec, and seD is mediated through the
accessory gene regulator (agr) locus, 24 whereas sea
expression appears to be independent of agr. strains
that are agr-negative are generally low toxin producers.
antigen-presenting cell
T cell antigen
T lymphocyte
Fig. 14-1. molecular model of receptor binding. staphylococ-
cal enterotoxins and other bacterial superantigens target the
multireceptor communication between t cells and antigen-
presenting cells that is fundamental to initiating pathogen-
specific immune clearance. the superantigen inserts itself
between the antigen receptor of t cells and the class ii major
histocompatibility complex molecule displaying peptides
from potential pathogens. toxin exposure results in hy-
peractivation of the immune system, and the pathology is
mediated by tumor necrosis factor-α, interferon-γ, and other
hla-DR: human leukocyte antigen DR
seb: staphylococcal enterotoxin b
tcR: t cell receptor
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Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare
however, there are also considerable differences in
production levels among agr-positive isolates. in ad-
dition, a feedback-mediated regulatory mechanism for
increasing expression of seb and tsst-1 and suppress-
ing all other exotoxins has been demonstrated. 25
at the cellular level, the interaction of superantigens
with receptors on antigen-presenting cells and t cells
leads to intracellular signaling. 26 high concentrations
of seb elicit phosphatidyl inositol production and
activation of protein kinase c and protein tyrosine ki-
nase pathways, 26–28 similar to mitogenic activation of t
cells. ses also activate transcription factors nF-κb and
aP-1, resulting in the expression of proinflammatory
cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules. both
interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-α can directly
activate the transcription factor nF-κb in many cell
types, including epithelial cells and endothelial cells,
perpetuating the inflammatory response. another
mediator, interferon-γ, produced by activated t cells
and natural killer cells, synergizes with tumor ne-
crosis factor-α and interleukin-1 to enhance immune
reactions and promote tissue injury. the substances
induced directly by seb and other superantigens—
chemokines, interleukin-8, monocyte chemoattractant
protein-1, macrophage inflammatory protein-1α, and
macrophage inflammatory protein-1β—can selectively
chemoattract and activate leukocytes. thus, cellular
activation by seb and other superantigens leads to
severe inflammation, hypotension, and shock. addi-
tional mediators contributing to seb-induced shock
include prostanoids, leukotrienes, and tissue factor
from monocytes; superoxide and proteolytic enzymes
from neutrophils; tissue factor; and chemokines from
endothelial cells. activation of coagulation via tissue
factor leads to disseminated intravascular coagulation,
tissue injury, and multiorgan failure. se-induced tss
thus presents a spectrum and progression of clinical
symptoms, including fever, tachycardia, hypotension,
multiorgan failure, disseminated intravascular coagu-
lation, and shock.
Given the complex pathophysiology of toxic shock,
the understanding of the cellular receptors and signal-
ing pathways used by staphylococcal superantigens,
and the biological mediators they induce, has provided
insights to selecting appropriate therapeutic targets.
Potential targets to prevent the toxic effects of ses
include ( a ) blocking the interaction of ses with the
mhc, tcRs, 26 or other costimulatory molecules 29–32 ;
( b ) inhibition of signal transduction pathways used
by ses 26 ; ( c ) inhibition of cytokine and chemokine
production 33,34 ; and ( d ) inhibition of the downstream
signaling pathways used by proinflammatory cyto-
kines and chemokines.
most therapeutic strategies in animal models of
seb-induced shock have targeted proinflammatory
mediators. therapeutic regimens include corticoste-
roids and inhibitors of cytokines, caspases, or phos-
phodiesterases. although several clinical trials of
treatment of sepsis with high-dose corticosteroids were
unsuccessful, a multicenter clinical trial using lower
doses of corticosteroids for longer periods reduced
the mortality rate of septic shock. 35 a newer interven-
tion targeting the coagulation pathway by activated
protein c improved the survival of septic patients
with high aPache (acute Physiology and chronic
health evaluation, a system for classifying patients
in the intensive care unit) score. 36 because coagulation
and endothelial dysfunction are important facets of
seb-induced shock, activated protein c may also be
useful in treating tss.
limited therapeutics for treating superantigen-
induced toxic shock are currently available. intrave-
nous immune globulin was effective as a treatment
in humans after the onset of tss. antibody-based
therapy targeting direct neutralization of seb or other
superantigens represents another form of therapeu-
tics, most suitable during the early stages of exposure
before cell activation and the release of proinflamma-
tory cytokines. because some neutralizing antibodies
cross-react among different superantigens, 8 a relatively
small mixture of antibodies might be effective in treat-
ing exposures to a greater variety of superantigens.
Vaccines of seb and sea with altered critical residues
involved in binding class ii mhc molecules were also
used successfully to vaccinate mice and monkeys
against seb-induced disease. 37,38
Rhesus macaques ( Macaca mulatta ) have been used
extensively as a model for lethal disease caused by
inhaled seb. Rabbits, endotoxin-primed mice, and ad-
ditional animal models have been developed. because
seb and related toxins primarily affect primates, the
following unpublished rhesus monkey data are highly
relevant for understanding potential human pathol-
ogy. Young and mature adult male and female rhesus
monkeys developed signs of seb intoxication 39 after
being exposed to a lethal dose of aerosolized seb for
10 minutes in a modified henderson head-only aerosol
exposure chamber. 40 these animals demonstrated no
detectable anti-seb antibody before exposure. after
inhalation exposure, microscopic lymphoproliferation
of t-cell–dependent areas of the lymphoid system,
consistent with the potent stimulatory effect of seb
Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B and Related Toxins
on the rhesus monkey immune system, was appar-
ent. immunohistochemical analysis, using anti-cD3
antibody, of the large lymphocytes present in the pul-
monary vasculature of the monkeys identified these
lymphocytes as t cells. 41
Generally, the seb-intoxicated rhesus monkeys de-
veloped gastrointestinal distress within 24 hours post-
exposure. clinical signs were mastication, anorexia,
emesis, and diarrhea. after mild, brief, self-limiting
gastrointestinal signs, the monkeys had a variable
period of up to 40 hours of clinical improvement. at
approximately 48 hours postexposure, the monkeys
generally had an abrupt onset of rapidly progressive
lethargy, dyspnea, and facial pallor, culminating in
death or euthanasia within 4 hours of onset.
at necropsy, most of the monkeys had similar gross
pulmonary lesions. the lungs were diffusely heavy
and wet, with multifocal petechial hemorrhages and
areas of atelectasis. clear serous-to-white frothy fluid
often drained freely from the laryngeal orifice. the
small and large intestines frequently had petechial
hemorrhages and mucosal erosions. typically, the
monkeys had mildly swollen lymph nodes, with moist
and bulging cut surfaces.
most of the monkeys also had similar microscopic
pulmonary lesions. the most obvious lesion was
marked multifocal to coalescing interstitial pulmonary
edema involving multiple lung lobes. Peribronchovas-
cular connective tissue spaces were distended by pale,
homogeneous, eosinophilic, proteinaceous material
(edema), variably accompanied by entrapped, beaded
fibrillar strands (fibrin), extravasated erythrocytes,
neutrophils, macrophages, and small and large lym-
phocytes. Perivascular lymphatics were generally
distended by similar eosinophilic material and inflam-
matory cells. most of the monkeys had intravascular
circulating and marginated neutrophils, monocytes,
mononuclear phagocytes, and lymphocytes, including
large lymphocytes with prominent nucleoli (lympho-
blasts), some in mitosis (Figure 14-2). extravascular
extension of these cell types was interpreted as exo-
loss of airway epithelium was inconsistent. some
monkeys had multifocal, asymmetric denudation of
bronchial epithelium, with near total loss of bronchiolar
epithelium. Former bronchioles were recognized only
by their smooth muscle walls. scant bronchial intralumi-
nal exudate consisted of mucoid material, neutrophils,
macrophages, and sloughed necrotic cells.
a common finding was multifocal alveolar flood-
ing and acute purulent alveolitis. alveolar septa
were distended by congested alveolar capillaries.
alveolar spaces were filled with pale, homogeneous,
eosinophilic material (edema), with deeper embedded
eosinophilic beaded fibrillar strands (fibrin), or with
condensed, curvilinear, eosinophilic deposits hugging
the alveolar septal contours (hyaline membranes). a
variably severe cellular infiltrate of neutrophils, eosino-
phils, small lymphocytes, large lymphocytes (lympho-
blasts), erythrocytes, and alveolar macrophages filled
alveolar spaces. Replicate pulmonary microsections
stained with phosphotungstic-acid–hematoxylin
demonstrated alveolar fibrin deposition. Replicate
microsections stained with Giemsa revealed scarce
sparsely granulated connective-tissue mast cells.
in the upper respiratory tract, the tracheal and
bronchial lamina propria was thickened by clear
space or pale, homogeneous, eosinophilic material
(edema), neutrophils, small and large lymphocytes,
and (possibly preexisting) plasma cells. the edema
and cellular infiltrate extended transtracheally into the
Fig. 14-2. lung of a rhesus monkey that died from inhaled
staphylococcal enterotoxin b. ( a ) marked perivascular
interstitial edema and focal loss of bronchial epithelium
can be seen (hematoxylin-eosin stain, original magnifica-
tion x 10). ( b ) the intravascular mononuclear cells include
lymphocytes, lymphoblasts, monocytes, and mononuclear
phagocytes (hematoxylin-eosin stain, original magnifica-
tion x 50).
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