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PON Seminars -- Theory - The Butter of AntimonyP.O.N. Seminars 1992
Copyright 1992, 1998, The Philosophers of Nature. All rights reserved.
Contact The Philosophers of Nature for further information on the work of Mr. 
Email: alchemy@mcs.com. Web Page: http://www.mcs.net/~alchemy
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Theory: The Butter of Antimony
Lecturer: Jean Dubuis 
Translator: Patrice Malézé
Commentary by Russ House is indicated as [RH: ...]
Warning: Safety in Practical Alchemy please read this notice from The 
Philosophers of Nature
As you will see it's a very touchy product because even with a lot of experience 
you can burn your skin. [RH: Sadly, experience proves this statement to be true. 
The best remedy I have seen for burns on the hands is to run copious amounts of 
cold water over the hand, and then to put on a loose-fitting rubber laboratory 
glove and to fill it with an aqueous solution of ammonia. It is better to avoid 
the trouble... after this seminar my lab was 'booby trapped' with deposits of 
butter of antimony and I would often have burns and not know where I had touched 
the material. I had to wash all lab surfaces, drawer handles, faucets with 
ammonia.] Please never touch the glass without gloves, wear always glasses. The 
butter of antimony has several uses. This, the butter of antimony will be very 
useful in the Urbigerus path, it's a very rapid path. I already said, but I will 
give you enough to develop it now because we have not done any security 
questions. But the butter of antimony has other interests. When the weather is 
very dry you cannot make the angel water with potassium carbonate, it does not 
work. The butter of antimony will deliquesce in the driest African desert. At 
anytime of the year, the deliquescence is very fast. A few hours are necessary. 
You must distill the deliquescence water that you get from it. The other 
advantage is that is more penetrating and more powerful water than you get from 
the water of the angels. And if you're very careful once you have the sophic 
butter - eternal. And for every distillation of the deliquescence, you keep the 
And you have to be very careful, a few drops of water on the butter transforms 
it to algaroth. And algaroth is a hassle to put back into butter. You will see 
the apparatus outside. This tube here and here - a tube inside it. This is 
filled with fresh stibnite and some fresh scoria. This is heated at between 240 
and 260 C and the butter will come in the flask beneath. You just put a pan with 
cold water - there's no need to refrigerate. To get the fresh chloride there's 2 
possibilities. First you make a cold attack of the sea salt with sulfuric acid, 
but you get a much better butter if you make a hot attack on the sea salt with 
nitric acid. So you have to have a heating device up there and the reaction 
occurs between 70 to 80 C.
Afterwards this seems very simple but rather simple. I repeat it gives you an 
advantage to have a deliquescence phenomenon - we can get the solar fire in the 
air that comes to the distillation water afterwards and with this water you can 
load the crystal useful to make a stone. Marc will give details of this 
afterwards. Now we'll show you the butter right now. This is butter but don't 
eat it. Laughs.

Copyright 1992, 1998, The Philosophers of Nature. All rights reserved.
Contact The Philosophers of Nature for further information on the work of Mr. 
Email: alchemy@mcs.com. Web Page: http://www.mcs.net/~alchemy
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