MY NEW WORDS Picture Word Book G3-G6.pdf

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C ontents
A nimals ................................................. 2
B ody ..................................................... 4
C alendar ............................................... 6
C lothing ................................................ 8
C olors .................................................... 9
C ommunication ....................................10
D ay ........................................................12
E arth......................................................14
F amily ....................................................16
F eelings .................................................17
F ood ......................................................18
G rocery Store .......................................20
G rowth .................................................22
H abitat .................................................24
H ealth ..................................................26
H omes ..................................................28
I nstruments .........................................30
J obs ......................................................32
K itchen .................................................34
L ibrary ..................................................36
M easurement ......................................38
M oney ..................................................39
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N eighborhood .................................... 40
N umbers.............................................. 42
O pposites ............................................ 44
P ark ..................................................... 46
P lants .................................................. 48
Q Words .............................................. 49
R estaurant ...........................................50
S chool ..................................................52
S hapes and Sizes .................................54
S igns .....................................................55
S ports ...................................................56
T hings We Do ..................................... 58
U nited States ...................................... 60
U . S . Government ..................................62
U . S . Historical Figures..........................63
V ehicles ............................................... 64
W eather .............................................. 66
XYZ Words ...........................................67
Everyday Language ............................ 68
Homonyms ...........................................70
Index ....................................................72
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A nimals
g that moves.
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