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Language Leader Pre-Intermediate Unit B – Test 2

1         Use the prompts to make sentences using the past simple or past continuous.

0              How he kill man?

__How did he kill the man?_________

1              He   not   very good   at   tennis


2              Which   assistant   work   at 11 o’clock   yesterday morning?


3              People live healthy lives   thirty years ago _______________________________________________________________________

4              Sarah travel with her parents when she have the car accident


5              When   bus   arrive   I   read   book


6              At eight oclock   film   start


7              What   you   do   at ten o’clock   last night?


8              I   not   watch   when   the film   start


9              When   phone   ring   Artur   not    sleep


10              Who   be   at home   when   the police   come?


11              I not talk to you at that time


12              I finish university in 1999



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2         Use the words in the box to fill the gaps.


until    afterwards   then   at first    at the moment



0              _At first_ I didnt understand the question but I did later.

1              I was driving for ten hours. _________________________, I was very tired.

2              It was easy at the beginning but _________________________ it got harder.

3              I really like my course _________________________.

4              I couldnt swim _________________________ I was sixteen.


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3              Match the adjectives in the box to the person. You will not need to use them all.

polite    miserable    clever    cheerful    kind    inspirational    shy    confident    talented    lazy    stupid    rude    quiet    patient


She always has a smile on her face.


She knows the answers to all my questions.


She is sure she will be successful.


She is always happy to wait for people.




He never smiles.


He can do lots of different things.


He doesn’t like meeting people.


He doesn’t talk very much.


He doesn’t like work.




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4         Add appropriate words or phrases to the dialogue.

A: What do you 0_think_ of Karl?

B: Hes OK. Im not 1__________ about his girlfriend, Sienna, though.

A: Whos she? What does she 2__________?

B: Oh, shes about 1 metre 72, thin with long blonde hair.

A: What does she 3__________?

B: Shes a teacher. Shes here at the party.

A: Is she? I havent seen her. So whats she 4__________?

B: Shes very 5__________. She loves talking to people. Shes also rude. I dont like that.

A: 6__________ do I. Whats she 7___________ now?

B: Probably on Karl’s computer checking her company emails. Shes very hard-8__________.


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5         Correct the mistakes in these sentences in the past simple.

0              I goed to the bank yesterday.

              ___I went to the bank yesterday.______

1              Mariola seed her first film when she was twelve.


2              I didn’t spoke to the electrician last night.


3              The schools wasn’t opened for three days.


4              Do you fed the birds?


5              Were you lived in Germany?


6              Last week he drived to Athens.



7              The museum haved two thousand visitors last week.


8              Did you can swim when you were a child?



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