Deathwatch DW03 - The Emperor Protects OEF.pdf

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Lead Developer
Ross Watson
Production Manager
Gabe Laulunen
Written and Developed by
Andrea Gausman
FFG Lead Game Designer
Corey Konieczka
Ben Lurie
FFG Lead Game Producer
Michael Hurley
Graham Davey
Christian T. Petersen
Graphic Design
Kevin Childress
G ames W orkshop
Additional Graphic Design
Mark Raynor
Licensing Manager
Owen Rees
Cover Art
Michael Phillippi
Head of Licensing
Paul Lyons
Interior Art
Alberto Bontempi, Andrew Bosley, Matt Bradbury, Victor
Corbella, Wayne England, Tom Garden, James Hall,
Nikolaus Ingeneri, Igor Kieryluk, Karl Kopinski, Stefan
Kopinski, David Nash, Rick Sardinha, Oliver Specht, Mark
Smith, David Sondered, Theo Stylianides, Chase Toole,
Allison Theus and Ben Zweifel
Head of Intellectual Property
Alan Merrett
Special Thanks to our Playtesters
“No Guts, No Glory” Sean Connor with Mathieu Booth, Nick
Hodge, Stephen Pitson, Michael Thompson, “Curious Pastimes”
Paul Tucker with Colin Brook, Edd Duggan, Liam Eyers,
Alexander Lampson and James Littlewood, “Veterans of a Psychic
Wa r ” Benn Wi l l i ams , wi t h Ch r i s Lanc a s t e r, John Ro s s , Ar i c Wi ede r,
Rebecca Williams, and Eric Young
Art Direction
Zoë Robinson
Fantasy Flight Games
1975 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
Copyright © Game Workshop Limited 2010. Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40,000 Role Play, Deathwatch, the
foregoing marks’ respective logos, The Emperor Protects, and all associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and race insignia/
devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products and illustrations from the Warhammer
40,000 universe and the Deathwatch game setting are either ®, ™, and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2010, variably registered
in the UK and other countries around the world. This edition published under license to Fantasy Flight Publishing Inc. All rights
reserved to their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.
ISBN: 978-1-58994-780-1 Product Code: DW03 Print ID: 873SEP10
Printed in China
For more information about the D eathwatch line, free downloads, answers
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The Iron Pit . .......................................................................104
Into The Heart of Darkness. .............................................105
Irradial Forge Slums. ..........................................................106
The Shipyards . ....................................................................111
The Soul Alembic. ..............................................................114
The Irradial Forge . .............................................................116
The Manufactorum . ...........................................................116
The Outer Forge Wall. .......................................................120
Beyond the Wall. ................................................................121
Optional Encounter: Servitor Nursery . ...........................124
Optional Encounter: Orbital Battery Controls. ..............124
The Forge’s Iron Heart . .....................................................125
Escaping the Corrupted Forge . ........................................131
No Rest for the Weary. ......................................................131
Aftershocks on Erioch . ......................................................132
The Unending Watch . .......................................................132
Appendix I: Encounter Circumstances Quick Reference
Game Master’s Brieing . .........................................................4
Background . .............................................................................4
Running The Emperor Protects . ...........................................5
Choice, Consequence, and Hubris . ................................... 10
Nowhere Else to Turn . ....................................................... 11
The Horizon’s Pride . .......................................................... 12
The Golden Planet. ............................................................. 15
The City of Haistand . ......................................................... 16
Meeting the Caele. .............................................................. 21
The Black Depths . .............................................................. 22
Go Set a Watchman . ........................................................... 25
The Divested Hunt. ............................................................. 27
The Reaving Canyons . ....................................................... 27
Proven Warriors. .................................................................. 29
The Tainted City . ................................................................ 30
Grensvayl. ............................................................................. 30
Map of Grensvayl and Environ s 31
And Into the Fire . ................................................................ 32
Apostate Caverns . ................................................................ 36
The Heroes’ Return . ............................................................ 39
A Day for Celebration . ....................................................... 39
Celebration Turned to Slaughter . ..................................... 42
What Remains? . ................................................................... 44
A Solemn Return . ................................................................ 44
Appendix: NPCs . ................................................................ 46
Overview . ............................................................................. 52
Unstable Foundations . ........................................................ 53
Mission Modiications . ....................................................... 53
A Missing Inquisitor . ........................................................... 54
Arming and Oath-Taking . ................................................. 54
The Inquisitor’s Ship . ......................................................... 55
The Fortress World . ............................................................ 56
Upon This Rock . ................................................................. 62
The City of Kar’thir . ........................................................... 62
Optional Encounter: The Cold Trade . ............................. 68
A Trail to the South . ........................................................... 69
The Kar’dane Islands . ......................................................... 69
Optional Encounter: Vipers in Our Midst . ...................... 77
The City Beneath the Sea . ................................................. 79
The Alien Tomb City . ......................................................... 80
The Crashing Tide . ............................................................. 85
Artefact Manifest . ................................................................ 86
Appendix: NPCs . ................................................................ 88
Overview. ............................................................................. 96
Running The Vigilant Sword . ........................................... 96
The Pieces Fall Into Place. ................................................. 97
Arming and Oath-Taking . ................................................102
A Turbulent Voyage . ..........................................................103
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The Emperor
Dahzak’s plans begin with an arcane piece of technology
called a thaumagramm diode. The diodes are devices that can
be used to manipulate space–time to open a breach into the
Immaterium. Dahzak came across the plans for these warp–
altering devices in his unending quest for forbidden lore.
As he came to understand what the diodes were capable of,
he saw his opportunity. He also saw that he would never be
capable of constructing and attuning the diodes on his own.
To t ha t end , he s ough t ou t a l l i e s s ki l l ed no t j u s t i n t e chno logy,
but used to integrating it with warp energies.
He found that ally in a group called the Vinculum
Proselytes. This order of corrupt Magi on Samech has delved
into the forbidden mysteries of tech–heresy for centuries, and
the “improvements” Chaos can bring to it.
Within their Forge, Dahzak and the Vinculum Proselytes
began to construct the thaumagramm diodes. It quickly
became apparent that their understanding of special
manipulation was insuficient for the task. They rectiied this
problem by seeking the aid of the Alpha Legion. With their
subtle and well–planned tactics, they have helped the Irradial
Forge acquire many important inputs to the diodes.
Dahzak and the Irradial Forge have another obstacle aside
from the dificulty of constructing the diodes. Even if a ship
could penetrate the Iron Collar and reach the warp gate in
the Well of Night, it would still have a patrolling Adeptus
Mechanicus cruiser to deal with. A scout ship, which would
be ideal for sneaking past the blockade, would not be able to
stand up to the punishment that can be meted out by one of
these vessels.
Thus, the group must ind some way to get a larger ship
to the warp gate without being destroyed in the process
of trying to penetrate the Iron Collar. To that end, Magos
Vayze, leader of the Vinculum Proselytes, has hi t upon the
solution: Antisonate plating. This special and unique plating
is typically used to cloak some of the best stealth craft in the
Reach. However, in addition to being rare and costly, it is
ineffective on large vessels. To allow the plating to maintain
its stealth properties over a larger surface area, Vayze has
combined the Antisonate with rare Decavane crystals. The
Vinculum Proselytes have gone to great lengths to establish a
secret mining operation on an out of the way planet, where
they slowly accumulate the necessary quantities of Decavane.
At the Irradial Forge, construction of their stealth warship,
the Ruin Bringer , is nearly complete; and Vayze and Dahzak
have almost perfected the thaumagramm diodes.
Dahzak however, has no army, as he operates with only
his apprentice, Sethahar, to aid him. His plans for the warp
gate are too grand a scheme to carry out without additional
support and Dahzak knows that his sorcerous knowledge will
not be enough. To bolster his numbers and execute the many
iniltrations required, Dahzak has allied with a cell of Alpha
Legion operating in the Jericho Reach, led by Lamdus Rize.
Combined with the corrupt techno–magi of the Proselytes,
what terrible ambition could bring these three forces together?
Dahzak has spun a vision of the gate transformed into an
open breach to the warp, both cutting off further support for
the Achilus Crusade and looding the reach with the creatures
of Chaos. Should they manage to succeed, the entire Jericho
Reach may be turned over to the lood of Chaos.
“I’ve never seen anything like Space Marines in action. Anyone who
sees them knows in his soul they are the God-Emperor’s creations.
More than that, you know that through them He is still watching
over us.”
–Corporal Drayle after a Kill-team rescue on Baraban
adventure supplement for the D eathwatch
Roleplaying Game These evens take a
Deathwatch Kill–Team on a desperate mission that will lead
the Battle–Brothers throughout the Jericho Reach and pit
them against the unspeakable forces of Chaos. The adventures
herein take the Kill–Team across the Reach in an attempt
to stop a Chaos Sorcerer from enacting his plans for total
domination of the region; by destroying the warp gate used
to supply the ongoing Achilus Crusade. In order for the Kill–
Team to prevent thi s f rom coming to pas s they wi l l conf ront
horrifying xenos, canny agents of Chaos, and even face their
traitorous brethren from the Alpha Legion.
t he e mperor p rotects takes the form of three adventures,
each linked together by a common story arc. The adventures
can be played through sequentially (the conclusion of one
leading straight into the opening of the next), or the action
can be broken up and rearranged in any manner desired.
The adventures are set in the Jericho Reach, a war–torn
region of space on the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy.
t he e mperor p rotects also explores a range of subjects
and play styles, from extreme action to diplomacy, and
exploration to epic combat. As beits the Battle–Brothers’ role
and position as Space Marines of the Deathwatch, each of
these challenges must be overcome if they are to survive and
triumph in the face of adversity.
At the beginning of each of the three adventures, Game
Masters will ind advice on how to use each adventure on
its own, and how they can integrate the events into their
own campaign.
The events of t he e mperor p rotects begin with the Chaos
Sorcerer Dahzak—a man who is consumed by ambition and
has a lust for power. His quest for knowledge brought him to
the Cellebos Warzone along with so many other splinters of
the various Traitor Legions. Gleaning dark secrets in the ruins
of the Charon Stars, he conceived a plan to twist the Jericho
Reach’s mysterious warp gate to his own ends.
W elcome to The Emperor Protects, a three–part
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