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Low Diving Around The Clock
Emphasis: Low diving
6 flags (different colored
cones can be used as
well) placed eight yards
from the center cone.
Place a ball at each of the
six flags.
Goal keeper starts at the center cone and lines himself up parallel with the first flag. He/she lowers his
center of gravity and performs a low dive to the ball positioned at the flag. Goal keeper quickly recovers
to his feet and the center cone and performs the next dive to flag 2. He works his way all around the
circle until he has gone to all six flags. If he is working in a clockwise rotation then he is always diving
on his right side. Working in a counter clockwise position allows him to dive on his left side.
1. Coach shouts a different number flag each time the goal keeper returns to the center cone.
Goalkeeper performs dive to the indicated flag.
2. As goalkeeper approaches the ball with hands, try and kick the ball loose.
“Mutual aid is as much a law of animal life as mutual struggle” -Prince Kropotkin-
Coaching Points:
· Drive your hands to the ball first.
· Plant step is towards the flag you are diving to.
· Never dive backwards, position yourself so you can dive at a 45 degree angle.
Standardized Test
Emphasis: Mobility, quickness, foot speed and balance
Use the
dimensions of
the 6 yard
Place a cone
(5 total) at
each corner
of the 6 yard
box as well as
in the middle.
Goalkeeper must start at the middle cone and make his way around each of the four cones and end at the
middle cone. Goalkeeper must keep his shoulders square to the playing field at all times. His/her head
must be kept up to watch the field of play instead of the ground.
Coaching Points:
· Shoulders square and straight ahead.
· Stay on balls of your feet.
· The faster you move your arms, the faster your legs move.
· Lower center of gravity.
“Some men see things as they are and say, “Why”? I dream things that never were and say “Why not”? -
George Bernard Shaw-
Cross And Shoot
Emphasis: Collecting a cross and distributing
stand in their
goals 18 yards
The server is
placed just
outside the
penalty box
on the side
with a group
of balls.
The server crosses the ball in to the goal mouth of goalkeeper 1. Goalkeeper makes the save, turns and
shoots on goalkeeper 2. Repeat both sides and switch the role of the goalkeeper.
1. Goalkeeper 1 can drop kick or throw the ball at goalkeeper 2.
2. Add an attacker to distract goalkeeper 1.
Coaching Points:
· Catch the ball at the highest possible catching point.
· Don’t look to distribute before you have caught the ball.
· Square your shoulders to your target when distributing.
“Fortune favors the bold”
Know The 6 Yard Box
Emphasis: Learn your area and surrounding box
Use the
dimensions of
the 6 yard
Place a cone
(5 total) at
each corner of
the 6 yard box
as well as in
the middle.
Coach and a
set of balls at
the top of the
box ready for
Goalkeeper must start at the middle cone and make his way around each of the four cones and end at the
middle cone. Goalkeeper must keep his shoulders square to the playing field at all times. His/her head
should be up to watch the field of play instead of the ground. Once he/she reaches the middle cone, get
set for the shot from the shooter.
Coaching Points:
· Keep shoulders square and watch the shooter at all times.
· Quite your feet when shooter winds his/her leg up.
· React to the shot, don’t anticipate.
“Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is broken winged bird that cannot fly” -Langston Hughes-
Step In Front
Emphasis: Closing down the shooting angle, getting set, shoulders square to the shooter
Set two cones
1 yard off the
goal line and
two yards in
from the
Servers line
up with balls
just behind
the corners of
the six yard
Goalkeeper(s) faces forward and moves in front of the cone, gets set and receives the volley or shot.
Throw the ball back to the server and repeat.
1. Goal keepers start in kneeling down position, and starts facing the goal.
2. Goal keeper makes low dive save from server 1 and collapse dive save from server 2.
3. Servers take and touch and then shoot.
“Whatever the struggle continue the climb it may only be one step to the summit.” -Diane Westlake-
Coaching Points:
· Cut off the angle.
· Get set for the shot.
· React to the different types of service.
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