Bernard Mees - The Science of the Swastika (2008).pdf

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The Science of the Swastika
The Science of The SwaSTika
The Science of
The SwaSTika
Bernard Mees
central european University Press
Budapest new York
© 2008 by Bernard Mees
Published in 2008 by
C entral e uropean u niversity p ress
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iSBn 978-963-9776-18-0 cloth
l ibrary of C ongress C ataloging - in -p ubliCation D ata
Mees, Bernard (Bernard Thomas)
The science of the swastika / Bernard Mees.
p. cm.
includes bibliographical references and index.
iSBn 978-9639776180 (cloth : alk. paper)
1. Swastikas. 2. Symbolism (Psychology) 3. national socialism. 4. nationalism—
Germany—history—20th century. i. Title.
DD256.5.M3975 2008
Printed in hungary by
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