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What is Asterix?
Asterix is a famous French Comic book, that has been translated into
100+ languages and dialects! (pretty impressive hah?). The first
Asterix adventure ( Asterix the Gaul ) appeared in a magazine called
Pilote and from then on, 32 other official Asterix comics have been
published. Rene Goscinny wrote the books while Albert Uderzo
illustrated them until the death of Goscinny aged 51. Uderzo then
carried on the series. As well as the comic books, there have been
many spin-offs including movie books, game books, Dogmatix books
etc. Asterix is so popular, he even has his own theme park and movies .
The series is about a village of Gauls that have managed to hold out from the Roman
invaders because of their Druid Getafix's Magic Potion. The series concentrates on two
Gauls Asterix and his sidekick Obelix (who fell into the magic potion got unlimited super-
human strength when he was a baby) and have many adventures together.
Asterix Info
Vital Statistics:
French Name:
" *" (asterisk) or "a star"
Short, yellow whiskers, big nose. Wears winged helmet and a sword
and gourd round his belt.
Marital Status:
Village hero
First Appears in: Asterix the Gaul
The Evolution of Asterix:
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You can view more Asterix Images here .
"Asterix, the hero of these adventures . A shrewd, cunning little warrior; all
perilous missions are immediately entrusted to him. Asterix gets his
superhuman strength from the magic potion brewed by the druid Getafix..."
In the front of every Asterix book, Asterix is described as a hero. But is he one? He certainly
doesn't look like it - he's tiny, not a muscle on him. Uderzo's original drawings depicted him
as a traditional hero type - large and strong, but Goscinny came up with the idea of making
him an anti-hero - who relied not on muscles but intelligence.
Asterix isn't all that he is made out to be - for many, he would not be everyone's favourite
character. He is the straight man to Obelix's comic. To really get our head around this, let us
first look at his personality, at a first glance a description would be this... A caring, brave
warrior who likes his food at the best of times.. He is ready to face dangers (except when the
dangers are woman) and will do anything for the liberty of his village. The fate of the village
has rested on his tiny shoulders more than once.
Nothing bad there, but could this "(except when the dangers are woman)" be an insecurity.
In Asterix and the Actress just look at his face when his mother brings all those ladies for tea
- he just doesn't want to be there.
Asterix is superficial, always optimistic and happy. He isn't the one who makes us laugh at
his antics. On his own he is boring - he just doesn't act like a real person. To me he appears
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overconfident, too happy, artificial.
Now I'm not knocking Asterix, he is the face of the books, quite literally. Probably one of
the best well known in all the characters, if not the most popular.
His best moment? Standing on top of that pedestal, with a 1st wreath in hand at the Olympic
Obelix Info
Vital Statistics:
French Name:
An Obelisk is a typographical dagger (†) , used for footnotes and
cross references in many books \
An Obelisk is also a tall, four sided stone, similiar to a menhir.
Could also mean O+belly+ix
Big nose, red pigtails, whiskers.. Wears blue & white breeches, small
helmet. Large (er - I mean well covered)!
Marital Status:
Menhir Delivery Man
First Appears in: Asterix the Gaul
You can view more Images of Obelix here .
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"Obelix, Asterix's inseperable freind. A Menhir delivery-man by trade;
addicted to wild boar. Obelix is always ready to drop everything and go off
on a new adventure with Asterix - so long as there's wild boar to eat and
plenty of fighting"
Ah yes, everyone knows that fat guy (or should I say well covered?). To actual readers he is
the comic relief, the dumb guy who isn't so dumb at all. He knows what he wants from life -
food and a good fight.
Obelix is an intriguing character. He doesn't act like an adult, he acts if he hasn't grown up.
Some say he is stupid. This is not the case at all, he is merely a child at heart. This is what
makes him so darn funny! Giving a simple, yet comical view on the current happenings. He
does, admittedly quite often feels left out when nobody bothers to explain what is going on.
But it is funny, that when Obelix was returned to childhood in Asterix & Obelix all at Sea ,
he acted almost adult!
Of course, no review of Obelix would be complete with the subject of his super strength, and
him not being able to have a single drop more of Magic Potion (which he of course fell into
when he was a little boy)
Getafix Info
Vital Statistics:
Get a Fix
French Name:
A long white bushy beard with a balding head. Red cape and white
Druid's uniform and finally blue shoes. It is said the colours he wears is
based on the French Flag.
Marital Status:
Bachelor (Druid's don't marry)
The village druid, Member of the Village Council and sometimes school
First Appears in: Asterix the Gaul
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You can view more Images of Getafix here .
"Getafix, the venerable village druid. Gathers mistletoe and brews magic potions. His
specialty is the potion which gives superhuman strength. But Getafix also has other recipes
up his sleeve."
Without Getafix the village of "indomitable" Gauls would have been conquered long ago. If
it wasn't for Getafix Asterix would be a tramp begging for food to feed his frail body and
Obelix - he would be a Roman Menhir Delivery man.
Getafix is my favorite character - I don't know why, he just is.
It would seem that Getafix is the most famous of the Druids. Not just for his amazing magic
potion, but for his knowledge. In Asterix and the Big Fight, the druid Psychoanalytix said
" Getafix? Dear old Getafix who taught us everything we know? Getafix who has secrets
known only to himself? " From what this druid says, it would seem that Getafix started the
whole "druid" sect.
But if this was true, why isn't he the "head" druid as seen in Asterix and the Goths? Maybe
he just wanted his life to be simpler. Getafix has won druid of the year many a time.
Winning a Golden Menhir and Golden Cauldron among many things. Don't ask me what a
menhir has got to do with the druid occupation....
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