Spirulina - zastosowanie i właściwości lecznicze.pdf

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Harald W. Tietze
Micro Food
Macro Blessing
Fourth Edition
This publication seeks to demonstrate the beneficial application of Spirulina for various
disorders of the human body, but it is stressed that the contents of this book are in no
way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professional medical personnel.
The contents of this publication are solely the opinions of the authors. People with
health problems should consult their physician.
© 1999/2001/2004 Harald W. Tietze
All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced without permission. However,
anyone may quote up to 1000 words of this text (but not third party sources), without
specific permission, as long as proper credit is given.
Harald W. Tietze Publishing
P. O. Box 34, Bermagui NSW 2546 Australia
Fax: 02-6493 4900 [International +61-2-6493 4 900]
Telephone: 02-6493 4552 www.wise-mens-web.com
Books by the same author:
Earthrays the Silent Killer; Kombucha The Miracle Fungus; Earthrays and Man-
Made Pollution; Kombucha Teaology; Pollution Solutions; Spirulina - Micro
Food, Macro Blessings; Herbal Teaology; Urine the Holy Water; Kefir - For
Pleasure, Beauty and Well-being; Water Medicine; Papaya (Pawpaw) The
Medicine Tree; Supreme Green Medicine; Nature’s Pharmacy For Animals;
Guava - Medicine For Modern Diseases, Living Wild Flower Remedies – The
Stepanovs Method; Living Food for Longer Life; Happyology; Love
Remedies; Youthing – How to Reverse the Ageing Process. “Health For All”
book series (current issue # 18)
Illustrations by: A. Jones, P.O.Box 7462, Bundall Qld, 4217, Australia
Printed in India by B. Jain Publishers at J.J. Offset Printers, New Delhi - 35
ISBN 1 876 173 16 5
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Harald W. Tietze
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
My special thanks to Tina and Peter White for opening my eyes to Spirulina. In 1984,
Tina told me about the “Food from Sunlight” and bought me the first Spirulina book.
Over the years we worked together on the project to grow Spirulina in a home
environment to feed the hungry in the world. We are certain that Spirulina is a very
important food for the future.
My special thanks to Kelly Moorehead, marine biologist, and Helen Morgan, author of
the book “Spirulina Nature’s Superfood“. I learned a lot from Kelly when I visited the
Spirulina Farm in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, built on young lava rock, where 100 years
earlier there was ocean. Kelly is a “walking encyclopaedia”, and with his knowledge
supports me in regard to Spirulina. Kelly is the kind of person you very seldom meet,
where you believe you have known this person for decades after talking only a few
moments. It is great to have Kelly as a friend.
Kelly, thank you for allowing me to take parts from your book, for my book.
My special thanks to Juta Stepanovs, for her contribution to this book in regard to the
external use of Spirulina for health and beauty. Juta specialised in treating skin disorders
with “feeding the skin” natural living food instead of chemicals. “Skin Saver
Remedies” is the title of her own book, which is highly recommended.
Many thanks also to Bell Huang, Manager of the “Australian Spirulina” farm in
Karama, Northern Territory.
Bell spent a large amount of time with me explaining Spirulina growing in tropical
Northern Territory.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Why Spirulina?
First Food 9
Spirulina as Food for Humans 10
Commercial Spirulina 12
Australian Spirulina 12
Spirulina is not Spirulina ? 13
Natural and Processed Foods 16
Super Food 16
The biggest selling items
Health Food 18
The Sun Food Spirulina 19
Total Food - Whole Food 19
Dosage - how much should I take? 20
Does Spirulina Have Negative Side Effects? 20
Spirulina - Drug or Food? 22
Spirulina as a Food Additive 23
Recipes 24
Spirulina for Better Health 25
The Complete Protein 27
Radicals. Eh? 28
Vitamins through the Alphabet 28
Vitamins Supplied by Spirulina 29
Other Good Things! 31
Chlorophyll - The Green Gold 33
Minerals 33
Typical chemical analysis of Spirulina 35
Nutritional Information 37
Best value for your money 38
Overdose of, or Too Much of a Good Thing 38
Spirulina for General Well Being and Body Cleansing 39
What people have experienced using Spirulina 40
Acne 42
Allergies 42
Anaemia 42
Arthritis 43
Cancer 44
Depression 45
Pain 46
Protection against Radiation 47
Heavy metal detoxification 47
Cholesterol, Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis
Pancreatitis 48
Loss of Vision, Cataracts and Glaucoma 48
Hepatitis and Cirrhosis 48
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
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