Advances in Schizophrenia Research 2009.pdf

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Advances in Schizophrenia Research
Wagner F. Gattaz
Geraldo Busatto
Advances in Schizophrenia
Wagner F. Gattaz
Department and Institute of Psychiatry
Faculty of Medicine
University São Paulo
05403-903 São Paulo-SP
Geraldo Busatto
Department and Institute of Psychiatry
Faculty of Medicine
University São Paulo
05403-903 São Paulo-SP
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0913-8
Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London
e-ISBN 978-1-4419-0913-8
Library of Congress Control Number: 2009935333
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
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ISBN 978-1-4419-0912-1
Schizophrenia remains a mighty challenge to psychiatry, with its causes and under-
lying brain mechanisms yet to be fully uncovered. Currently available treatments are
neither universally effective nor without unwanted effects. These aspects, together
with the high prevalence of schizophrenia, its often debilitating nature and associ-
ated family/social burden, make this mental disorder one of the most complex public
health issues of our times.
The Advances in Schizophrenia series intends to become a key reference in this
field. Our aim is to provide comprehensive and up-to-date reviews of the wide range
of research studies carried out around to world with the purposes of solving the
schizophrenia puzzle and providing clues to new forms of treatment and prevention
for this disorder.
A special feature of the series is its truly broad scope, virtually encompassing
all fields of schizophrenia research: epidemiology and risk factors; psychopathol-
ogy; diagnostic boundaries; cognition; outcome and prognosis; pathophysiology;
genetics; pharmacological and psychological forms of treatment and rehabilitation;
community care; and stigma.
The first volume of the series is related to the 6th Symposium on the Search for
the Causes of Schizophrenia, held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in February 2009. We have
been organizing the Search-Meetings since 1986. During these 22 years we have
managed to keep the main characteristic of this series: the “Search” remains a non-
commercial meeting, with a limited number of invited guest speakers and partici-
pants. A group of prominent scientists from different centers around the world were
invited to provide scholar reviews on the state of the art in each of the above areas,
as well as their view on the perspectives for the future. The content table of this
book reflects the program of the 6th edition of this meeting and is consistent with
our aim to comprehensively cover all relevant areas of research into schizophrenia.
Of the five previous meetings we organized with our friend Heinz Haefner, three
took place in Heidelberg and the last two in Brazil. These meetings resulted in five
books, edited by Heinz and one of us (WFG) and published by Springer. In this
6th Search, for personal reasons, Heinz could not participate in the preparations
of the meeting and in the edition of this book. Nevertheless, we thought that this
would be an excellent occasion to dedicate this 6th Search and the first volume of
this Advances in Schizophrenia series to Heinz Haefner. We feel that Heinz Haefner
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