Power Calibration Error.txt

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Power Calibration Error In Nero Fix (hopefully)


this might be some help to all you guys out there which are having problems with this power calibration error.what i know is that the cd burning engine which comes with xp was developed by adaptec (i might be wrong so please dont hold me to it).so heres what to do and most of your problems hopefully will be solved.this is the easiest way to tell everyone.

1 on desktop click start
2 select control panel
3 click on administrative tools
4 click on services
5 browse your way down to IMAPI CD BURNING COM SERVICE
6 right click (on IMAPI) then select properties
7 in the middle of the window it will say start up type.click on the arrow to the right and select disabled.
8 make sure you click APPLY

thats it folks.you should notice that nero starts alot faster aswell

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