Encyclopedia of Terrorism.pdf

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In memory of
Harry Fieman, my grandfather, who valiantly served in France with the U.S. Army,
501 Engineers, during WWI
Albert Kushner, my father, who valiantly served in the Asiatic Pacific Theater of Operations
with the U.S. Army, 1294 Engineers, during WWII
Wolf Yerich, my father-in-law, who valiantly served in Poland with the Red Army during
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Copyright © 2003 by Sage Publications, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kushner, Harvey W.
Encyclopedia of terrorism / Harvey W. Kushner
p. cm
Includes bibliographical references and index
ISBN 0-7619-2408-6
1. Terrorism—Encyclopedias.
2. Terrorists—Biography—Dictionaries I. Title
HV6431 K883 2003
02 03 04 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Acquiring Editor:
Jerry Westby
Editorial Assistant:
Sara Tauber
Developmental Editor:
Vince Burns
Production Editor:
Diana E. Axelsen
Copy Editor:
Kate Peterson
Production Artist:
Sandra Ng Sauvajot
C&M Digitals (P) Ltd.
Mary Mortensen
Cover Designer:
Ravi Balasuriya
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