Gray - Advanced Memory Techniques.PDF

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memory 11
©Copyright A Gray 2005
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Prologue to the first edition
I would like to thank you for purchasing this short course.
I have been using memory techniques personally now for the last 15 years. I have taken the greatest
pleasure in being able to train those with dyslexia - who are often left out of the educational system - and show
then that they are not drop outs. Their minds simply work differently and because of that they do in fact have
very powerful memories. I have watched such people fly once I have taught them even the most basic of the
I still enjoy it though when I teach someone who claims to have a poor memory a basic system, because it
is the look on their face when they realise that with no effort their brain has done something they never thought
that it could do.
For me, the adventure started when I knew I was going to college to train as a youthworker - I wanted to
know how to remember stuff as I had never been very good at it. I learned the basic system in around half an
hour and then moved on in a day to the letter shape system.
I am a slow study, and it took a couple of days for me to get my head around it. But once I had I decided to
challenge myself to learn the books of the Bible in order. It seemed impossible but I took on the task, wonder-
ing if it would really work.
45 mins later I was recalling the books backwards, forwards, and inside out! I couldn’t believe it.
Whilst at college I was the only person not to have post-it notes spread around the house and memorised
some 30 important history dates and related information in just 2 hours ... Whilst sat in front of the TV!
I have tried to keep this book as short as possible and keep the anecdotes out as much as possible. My
experience of studying other similar materials is that there are always a number of stories and perhaps too
many examples. Maybe I have not used enough stories or examples, but I think that the best way of using the
memory techniques I have included is to actually use them, not try and tell you what I think!
I hope that as you read through this, the first edition of what I hope will be an annually updated course, you
will take the same pleasure as I have in learning to learn. I also hope that the added brain facts, and study
techniques will be useful to you. And if you find anything that you feel is in error, or could do with further expla-
nation then please email me - if you bought off ebay you know already where I am!
So enjoy!
Andy Gray
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Welcome and introduction
System 1- number rhymes
System 2 - shapes
System 3 - Body parts
System 4 - Letter shapes
System 5 - Story
System 6 - Journey
System 7 - Place
System 8 - Mind mapped town
Lets start easy ...
What about directions
Telephone numbers
Dates of history
Timings - and how to review effectively
Appendix, including card tricks, foreign languages and nutrition for
Using your memory
Although I have made every effort not to use material from other memory systems without giving credit, it is quite
difficult to not do so accidentally, mainly because all systems in the end use a finite number of resources, and most
systems rely on ancient principles - such that duplication is inevitable. The purpose of this short book is to
combine what I find to be the most useful of all those that I have used over the years, together with what variations
I have seen fit to implement to achieve better results. I have been using all these systems for many years, a couple
of which are my own invention, and so the material it was originally based on has, for me at any rate, been lost a
long time ago. If you are aware of similar source material I would be most grateful for the references so that in
future updates to the text I can reference valuable sources. Mindmap and mindmapping is copyright and registered
trade mark of Tony Buzan. I have used reference to the phrase mindmap and mindmapping as it is used now
widely in education. For more detailed information on mindmapping please consult Tony Buzan publications.
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