The Central Construction Office of the Waffen SS and Police Auschwitz (Mottogno, TDP, 2005).pdf

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Carlo Mattogno
Ever since the Russian authorities
granted western historians access to
their state archives, the fi les of the Cen-
tral Construction Offi ce of the Waffen-SS
and Police Auschwitz, stored in a Moscow
archive, have attracted the attention of
scholars who are researching the history
of this most infamous of all German war-
time camps. Despite this interest, next to
nothing was really known about this very
important offi ce, which was responsible for the planning
and construction of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp com-
plex. This emphasizes the importance of the present study
by Carlo Mattogno, which not only sheds light into this
hitherto hidden aspect of this camp’s history, but also
provides a deep understanding of the organization, tasks,
and procedures of this offi ce. This pioneering study, which
is based on mostly hitherto unpublished Moscow docu-
ments, is indispensable for all those, who wish to avoid
misinterpretations of Auschwitz documents, as they are
frequently made by many Holocaust historians.
The Central
Construction Offi ce
of the
Waffen-SS and Police
Waffen-SS and Police
ISSN 1529–7748
ISBN 978-1–59148–013–2
ISBN 978-1-59148-013-2
Handbooks Series
Volume 13
Organization, Responsibilities, Activities
Volume 13
Theses & Dissertations Press
Theses & Dissertations Press
PO Box 257768
PO Box 257768
Chicago, IL 60625, USA
Chicago, IL 60625, USA
The Central
Construction Offi ce
of the
HOLOCAUST Handbooks Series
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The Central
Construction Office
of the
Waffen-SS and Police
Carlo Mattogno
Theses & Dissertations Press
PO Box 257768, Chicago, Illinois 60625
June 2005
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HOLOCAUST Handbooks Series, Vol. 13:
Carlo Mattogno:
The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz.
Organization, Responsibilities, Activities
Translated by Carlos W. Porter
Chicago (Illinois): Theses & Dissertations Press,
Imprint of Castle Hill Publishers, June 2005
ISBN: 1-59148-013-2
ISBN: 1-59148-012-4: Auschwitz Studies Set, vol. 3
ISSN: 1529-7748
© by Carlo Mattogno
Original Italian edition:
La “Zentralbauleitung der Waffen-SS und Polizei Auschwitz”
Edizioni di Ar, Padua, 1998
Distribution Australia/Asia: Peace Books, PO Box 3300,
Norwood, 5067, Australia
Distribution Rest of World: Castle Hill Publishers
UK: PO Box 118, Hastings TN34 3ZQ
USA: PO Box 257768, Chicago, IL 60625
Set in Times New Roman.
Cover: top left: Interior view of a room of the office building of the Central
Construction Office in Auschwitz (APMO, neg. 20995/138); top right: some
of the staff of the CCO (APMO, neg. 422); bottom: Organigram of the CCO,
see doc. 3 in this book.
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