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109 - Artificial Intelligence
ESL Conversation
A: I just read a cool book about AI. It was trying to predict what the
year 2030 will be like. The author is very optimistic about where science
is heading. He believes in an exponential growth model for technology in
B: What kind of stuff is he predicting?
A: He talks about computers taking over the human brain in terms of
intelligence, and the possible implications of that. He thinks we will be
able to reverse engineer the human brain faster than most people predict,
because brain-scanning technology is getting better all the time. He also
discusses the exciting new field of nanotechnology.
B: What is nanotechnology?
A: It is basically technology made from extremely tiny pieces, measured
in nanometers. Many people believe that nanotechnology will be able to
radically improve manufacturing, medicine, and the environment.
Phrases and Vocabulary used:
AI (Artificial intelligence): This is man made technology that is able to
perform tasks that seem like thinking. The computer program that
defeated the world’s greatest chess player was an example of artificial
intelligence at work.
Exponential growth : Exponential growth is growth that starts out
slowly but then moves very quickly. Leaving money in a stable
investment pays you more each year than the year before. Something
that doubles every year is an example of exponential growth. 1, 2, 4, 8,
16… is exponential growth. Linear growth is 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, …
Implications : The implications of something means what that something
"implies". Implications are what will happen as a result of doing
You might think you want to take that high paying stressful job, but think
about the implications. You won’t have as much time to spend with your
family, you will be more stressed, and you won’t have enough free time to
do the things in life you love.
Brain Scanning : Taking "pictures" of the brain. There are many
different types of brain scanning technology that is able to produce an
image of the brain.
Radically : Drastically, in a huge way.
Google radically changed the way that most people around the world
search for information
Reverse engineer : Reverse engineering something means to take apart
something that is already made, figure out how they made it, and then try
to make it again.
Some companies try to reverse engineer technology like the ipod,
manufacture it, and then sell it for a cheaper price.
Nanometers : (one billionth of a meter) Very small!! 1 000 000 000
nanometers = 1 meter.
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