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061 - Girlfriend Problems | ESL Podcast
English Learning Conversation
A: Hey. How are things lately?
B: Not great. I’ve been in the doghouse lately with my girlfriend.
A: Again? What’s wrong this time?
B: She’s impossible . She gets mad at me over nothing. Last night she
yelled at me because I came home 5 minutes late after hanging out with
my friends. The other day she got really mad because I forgot to put the
orange juice back in the fridge. It’s one petty argument after another.
A: It sounds to me like something else is bothering her. I’m sure she’s
been bottling up a bigger problem.
B: That’s what I thought but every time I ask her she says that
everything is fine.
A: I wouldn’t believe that so easily if I were you. I’ve had the same
experience with different girlfriends in the past. They told me that
nothing was wrong for months, and then all of a sudden, they wanted to
break up.
B: What do you think the real reason was?
A: Later I found out that they were all mad at me because they thought
that I cared about my friends more than I cared about them. They would
all get mad at me for totally unrelated small things like forgetting to wash
the dishes after dinner. Then instead of talking about the real problem,
we’d just fight about the dishes. While I was in the relationship I was
totally oblivious to what was actually going on.
B: What do you think I should do about it?
A: Well, if you care about this girl, I suggest that you take her to a nice
quiet restaurant where there are no distractions . Try to make her feel
comfortable opening up to you. When the time is right, ask her what is
really bothering her. If you force her to talk, she’ll probably just put up a
wall and you’ll never find out.
B: Thanks for the advice. I’ll try that.
Phrases and Vocabulary used:
In the doghouse : If you are “in the doghouse” with someone, it means
that they are angry with you about something you did. If you try to talk
to that person about anything, you can feel that they are still angry and
they haven’t totally forgiven you yet.
She’s impossible : If you say that someone is “impossible” it means that
this person is “very difficult to reason with”. It is very hard to reach an
agreement with this person, and they don’t seem to listen to any logic.
For example, imagine you ask someone, “What do you want to do today?”
and they say, “I don’t know” and you say, “Let’s go outside for a walk”
and they say, “It’s too cold outside”. Then you say, “Ok, let’s stay in and
watch a movie” and they say, “That’s too boring”. This kind of person is
being impossible. They find something wrong with every suggestion.
Petty argument : A petty argument is being in an argument about
something that is not important at all. Sometimes when couples fight,
they fight about petty things instead of talking about the real problems of
the relationship.
Bottling up : If you “bottle something up” it means that you are angry or
upset about something, but you are keeping this feeling inside and not
telling anyone about it. It’s unhealthy to bottle up your emotions, and
when you finally let your feelings out they are much stronger than before.
Oblivious : If you are “oblivious to something” it means that you are
totally unaware of it. He thinks that people are looking at him because
he’s handsome, but he’s totally oblivious to the fact that the only reason
people are looking at him is because he is wearing his shirt backwards.
Distractions : A distraction is something that causes you to waste time
or keep you from focusing on what you should do. Someone might have a
hard time working in their home because there are too many distractions.
The internet, the TV, and the telephone can all be distractions. If you
want to have a serious conversation with someone, it is a good idea to go
to a place with no distractions.
Put up a wall : If someone “puts up a wall” about some topic it means
that they won’t discuss that topic freely with anyone. If you try to talk
about this subject with them, they won’t answer you directly, or they will
keep trying to change the subject.
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