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041 - Global Warming | ESL Podcast
ESL Reading
Global warming is one of the top priorities on the agenda of
governments all over the world. The general consensus among scientists
is that the current warming of the earth is caused by greenhouse gas
emissions from human activity. It’s a difficult problem to address
because the activities that cause global warming are very
interconnected with our lifestyles and economic systems. There is also
disagreement about what the best way to tackle the problem is. Some
people want extremely strict emission regulations on businesses, while
others believe that would only cripple the economy. Some economists
like the idea of carbon trading , while others don’t like the idea of being
able to “pay money to pollute”.
Phrases and Vocabulary used:
Priorities : A priority is something that is given high importance. Even
though he was offered a higher paying job in a different city, he didn’t
take it because his family was more of a priority to him.
Agenda : A list, plan, or outline of things that need to be done.
Consensus : The majority opinion. A general agreement about
something. The consensus of the group was to meet once a week.
Greenhouse gas : Any gas that traps radiation from the sun and
contributes to the gradual warming of the earth.
Emissions : Something released into the air. In this case we are talking
about the emission of greenhouse gases.
Address : Here, “address” is used as a verb and it means “deal with” a
problem. It’s a little bit formal. How do you think the government will
address the issue of global warming.
Interconnected : to be connected together or tied together. In this case
it means “hard to separate”. Our lifestyles involve driving cars and using
air conditioners etc. These activities cause greenhouse gas emissions. In
other words, a lot of what we do already causes the release of greenhouse
Tackle : This is another word that we sometimes use to say “solve” or
“deal with” a problem. Do you have any ideas as to how we should tackle
this problem?
Cripple : cause harm to, slow down, make weaker. Cripple the economy
means to make the economy much worse.
Carbon Trading : A system where companies or countries set emissions
targets for greenhouse gas emissions. If you go over your limit of
greenhouse gas emissions, then you can buy the “right to emit more
gases”. It’s a way to give companies a good reason to try to emit less
gas. If they emit too much they have to pay money. If they emit less
gas, then they can earn money by letting other companies buy their right
to emit more gas.
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