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023 - Being Defensive | ESL Podcast
A: I’ve been feeling really sluggish for the past few weeks.
B: Have you been getting enough sleep? What about your diet?
A: My sleep has been quite good. I don’t think there’s much of a
problem with my diet either.
B: What about all of those late night burgers you’ve been pigging
out on at Mcy D’s ?
A: Ya, you’re one to talk . I don’t think I’d even recognize you if
you didn’t have food in your mouth.
B: Hey, let’s not change the subject . You’d probably have a lot
more energy if your worked out more.
A: Well, you’re not exactly Arnold Schwarzenegger yourself
B: I thought we were talking about you. You are being so
defensive . You sound like a six year old .
A: Whatever
Key vocabulary and phrases that are discussed in the podcast:
Sluggish : tired, slow moving
Diet : the kinds of foods you eat regularly. It’s different than “on a diet”.
If you are “On a diet” it means that you are choosing to eat only certain
kinds of food to lose weight or some other health reason.
Pigging out on : This is a phrase we use to describe someone who is
eating really fast or rudely like a pig. We can also use it to describe
someone who eats a lot of junk food.
Mcy D’s : A slang term for MacDonald’s
You’re one to talk : This is a sarcastic phrase and it is used to tell the
other person that they shouldn’t be judging you because they have the
same problem themselves. For example, if someone tells you that you
should spend more time studying but you know that they don’t study
either, you could reply to them with, “you’re one to talk”
Let’s not change the subject : This phrase is used to tell someone if
you are trying to have a conversation about something specific, and they
keep trying to talk about something else. Usually people who are trying
to change the subject are not comfortable talking about it.
You’re not exactly Arnold Schwartzenegger yourself : Arnold
Schwarzenegger is a famous actor and body builder. He obviously goes to
the gym a lot. This phrase is one way of telling someone that they don’t
exercise a lot. You can use this phrase with many different famous
people’s names. If you want to tell someone they are not really
handsome you could say, “you’re not exactly David Beckham”. Be careful
when you use this phrase though because it is often quite impolite.
Being Defensive : If someone is being defensive, it means that when
someone talks to them about a sensitive topic for them, they will not
accept it and usually say something aggressive back. For example, the
person in this dialogue was being really defensive because he didn’t want
to talk about his eating problem or not exercising. He kept trying to
change the subject instead.
You sound like a six year old : We often say this to describe someone
who is being very immature.
Whatever : This is used to say that you totally disagree with someone
but don’t want to continue talking about it anymore.
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