Echocardiography - A Practical Guide for Reporting, 2nd Ed(1).pdf

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Echocardiography : A Practical Guide for Reporting
A Practical Guide
to Reporting
Edited by Helen Rimington & John Chambers
Second Edition
To Emily and William
A Practical Guide for Reporting
2nd edition
Helen Rimington BSc
Head of Echocardiography
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London
John B Chambers MD FESC FACC
Head of Noninvasive Cardiology
Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London
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© 2007 Informa UK Ltd
First published in the United Kingdom in 1998 by The Parthenon Publishing Group Limited
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ISBN-10: 1 84184 634 1
ISBN-13: 978 184184 634 7
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