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Łowcy Talentów – JERSZ

ul. Białowieska 50/26, 54-235 Wrocław

tel./fax (071) 310 48 17;

tel.kom. 0-505-138-588; 0-501-101-866





3 listopada  2005

JERZYK - klas V szkoły podstawowej

Czas trwania konkursu: 45 min.

Do każdego pytania jest dokładnie jedna poprawna odpowiedź. Za brak odpowiedzi dostajesz 0 punktów. Za odpowiedź błędną otrzymujesz punkty ujemne równe ¼ liczby punktów przewidzianych dla danego zadania. Życzymy przyjemnej pracy. Zapraszamy do konkursu ENGLISH ACE (16.03.2006). Informacje na naszej stronie www.mat.edu.pl


Pytania za 3 punkty

1. ‘What`s her name?’ – ‘…Helen.’

A) His name`s                            B) He is              C) His name is               D) Her name`s              E) She name`s


2. … the shop and that is the computer room.

A) This is                            B) That is              C) These is                            D) Those is                            E) This are


3. ‘What is this?’ – ‘It`s  ….’

A) ruler                            B) an camera              C) a umbrella                            D) an apple                            E) pen


4. ‘……?’ – ‘I`m in the bedroom.’

A) Where you are              B) Who are you              C) Where are you              D) Who are you              E) When are you             

5. Which word doesn`t mean a profession?

A) Artist                            B) Dentist              C) Secretary                            D) Teacher                            E) Aunt


6. Asterix is from … .

A) British                            B) English              C) American                            D) France                            E) Greek


7. Where is …. camera?

A) mine                            B) Joe`s              C) Joe                                           D) Joes                            E) Joe is


8. This is John and that is … dog.

A) her                                          B) his                            C) she                                          D) he                                          E) him


9. 47 - ……………..

A) fourty-seven              B) fourty and seven              C) forty-seven   D) forty and seven              E) four-seven


10. …  balls under the bed.

A) There is                            B) This is                            C) There are                            D) This are                            E) That are


Pytania za 4 punkty

11. Blue whales … 4,000 kilograms of food in a day.

A) eats                                          B) doesn`t eat                            C) never eats              D) can eats                            E) can eat


12. My sister plays the ….

A) chess                            B) football                            C) tennis              D) guitar                            E) basketball


13. First I … and then I ….

A) have breakfast, wake up                            B) go to school, wake up                            C) get up, have breakfast

D) go to school, get up                            E) do my homework, wake up

14. Skiing is my favorite sport. I … it very much.

A) hate                            B) like                            C) don`t hate                            D) don`t like                            E) dislike


15. Remember that lunch is .. half past twelve.

A) on                                          B) in                            C) with                            D) from                            E) at


16. Every day Tom … tennis in the morning.

A) plays                            B) has                            C) play                            D) have                            E) does


17. Can we visit … when we are in London?

A) their                            B) your              C) his                                          D) them                            E) they


18. I don`t like Patrick. He is … .

A) rude                            B) nice                            C) interesting                            D) my good friend              E) exciting


19. ‘What do you want to eat?’ – ‘ …, please.’

A) Coke                            B) Milk              C) Orange juice              D) Lemonade                            E) Cereal


20.  Jack …  TV on Sunday.

A) watches always                                          B) watches sometimes                            C) watches never             

D) often watches                                          E) watch usually


Pytania za 5 punktów

21. Ted … blond hair and a short beard.

A) has got                            B) have got              C) have                            D) `ve got                            E) is got


22. The king is his father so he is a …

A) legend                            B) queen              C) prince                            D) princess                            E) king


23. What`s ‘spódnica’ in English?

A) anorak                            B) dress              C) shirt                            D) skirt                            E) shorts


24. ‘……..?’ – ‘Yes, she does.

A) Do Sue often watch TV                            B) Do Sue often watches TV                            C) Does Sue often watch TV

D) Does Sue often watches TV              E) Sue often watches TV


25. There aren`t … apples at the greengrocer`s.

A) some                            B) no                                          C) much                            D) much more                            E) any


26. How many perfume bottles ….?

A) has the girl               B) has the girl got              C) have the girl              D) have the girl got              E) do the girl has


27. The … is a plant which is famous in Ireland. It has usually got three leaves. If it has got four leaves people think that it is lucky.

A) happy tree                            B) lettuce                              C) shamrock                            D) coat                            E) plate


28. … is the British queen`s son, he is ‘Prince of  Wales’.

A) Charles                            B) William                            C) Harry                            D) Diana                            E) Elizabeth


29. Land`s End is a very famous tourist attraction  in …. .

A) the USA                            B) Scotland              C) Northern Ireland              D) The Irish Republic                            E) England


30. You can visit the Kennedy Space Center in … and learn about the history of space travel and live in space.

A) England                            B) Wales              C) London                            D) Florida                            E) New York


© Copyright by ŁOWCY TALENTÓW – JERSZ, Wrocław 2005

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