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Ambience High Quality Reverb

Author : Magnus Jonsson
E-mail :
Web    :

Ambience is donationware. This means that you are kindly
asked to send some money to me if you like it or make any
profit using it. Send as much as you think it is worth and
you can afford. There is -lots- of work behind Ambience,
and much of that work has not been fun at all, so this
would really be very appreciated. Even a small donation
would mean a lot.

You can donate money on the home page via paypal. You can
also contact me via email if you cannot use paypal for
some reason.

The demo version of Ambience will show a nag screen every
time you open the editor, but is fully functional otherwise.

After I have received your donation, I will send back a
version that is without nag screen. And a big thank you of
course :-)



Move Ambience.dll to your VST plugins folder.



First check out the presets! See QUALITY below if it
takes too much CPU on your machine.

The main knobs and sliders you need to know are:

   Gain of direct (unprocessed) sound. To use Ambience as
   a send effect, set this to -inf.
   Gain of processed sound.
   The time it takes for the reverb echoes to die out.
   The size of the room. Note that long reverb time
   and small room size don't mix well. For natural
   sounds, a small room size should be acoompanied by
   a short reverb time, and vice verse.
   Amount of delay between the direct sound and the onset
   of the first echoes.
   All the way from mono (0%) to wide stereo (100%).
   Probably you will want this one at 100% all the time.
   This knob allows you to trade off reverb quality for
   CPU usage. High quality <=> high cpu usage. You can
   make fun effects if you set it very low (try it!).
   This button creates a new variant of the same room.
   If there's some annoying echo/ringing in the reverb
   that bugs you, hit this button a few times until
   you find a variation that you like. If it still
   sounds bad to you, try raising the QUALITY too.

More advanced controls:

The best way to learn these is probably by trying them out
and experimenting yourself, but i will give some hints.

- The DAMPING section
   This affects how the reverb's character develops over
   time as it decays. Use it to control the decay time of
   bass and treble. In normal rooms, bass and especially
   treble decay quicker than the mid range.
- The EQ section
   This is like putting a big equalizer on the reverb. And
   in fact it is :) It's mostly useful for cutting away bass
   that can otherwise make the reverb sound muddy.
- The GATING section
   If you want natural reverb, abandon this section at once!
   Otherwise if you are in an experimental mood, you may use
   this one to make the reverb follow the dynamics of the
   audio input. Can be useful if you want to preserve rhythm
   while still having a very wet reverb.
   When you press this, the reverb will freeze at it's current
   sound, holding it indefinitely until you press it again.
   Great if you want to create a lush pad from a plucked string
   or a hihat or whatever you can imagine. Try combining with
   the gater.
   This knob has a very subtle effect on the sound. It is
   especially noticable with small room sizes.



- these people for helping me make Ambience,

Gfx dsgn: Sean Evans   -
Gfx code: Bram de Jong -
Mac port: Marc Poirier -

- all beta testers,

- everyone who has sent presets and donations,

- and my wonderful girlfriend :-)


I hope you will like Ambience!

If you find a bug, please let me know, and I'll try to fix it

Best wishes
- Magnus

Ambience demo is free for inclusion in any packages that
are not distributed for profit. In all other cases, for
example if you want to include Ambience on a cover CD,
contact me.
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