Pier Paolo Pasolini - 1962 - Mamma Roma.txt

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{3419}{3453}carmine and bride!
{3457}{3522}Here come our brothers!
{3526}{3582}Sure, sons of italy.
{3586}{3688}Italy, hell.|They're pretending they don't know me.
{3692}{3779}Clementina, meet your in-laws!
{3783}{3850}This is peppe, and this is nicola.
{3854}{3932}This is regina, the pervert.|If you only knew what she does!
{3936}{4027}Tell us! Don't be ashamed.|We're all open-minded here.
{4031}{4080}- She's a lady of the night!|- What's that?
{4084}{4167}- A whore!|- Lucky her!
{4188}{4239}Isn't she cute?
{4243}{4299}I'm not embarrassing you, am i?
{4363}{4465}Clementina, did you get it?|She's a -
{4469}{4562}- long live the newlyweds!|- Good luck!
{4717}{4776}A speech from|the father of the bride!
{4835}{4920}Ladies and gentlemen,|at this ceremony, as we are -
{4924}{5022}- out on parole.|- I'm glad we're all here.
{5026}{5151}We're people who work the land,|and yet we still have -
{5190}{5231}Good hearts.
{5235}{5373}They call us hicks,|but if we didn't work the land,
{5377}{5424}what would the rich folks eat?
{5429}{5515}Sit down.|I saw a guy die like that once.
{5574}{5635}You gonna preach to us?
{5639}{5700}Mass should always be sung!
{5704}{5774}Mamma roma, why don't you sing us|a song from the heart?
{5792}{5820}You want me to sing?
{5912}{6016}O sweet acacia flower
{6035}{6176}when i sing, i sing with joy
{6194}{6311}and if i told you the whole story
{6339}{6415}it would ruin this celebration
{6485}{6556}carmine, show 'em|you can still do it!
{6607}{6723}O flower of sage
{6746}{6917}you laugh and joke|and act like a saint
{6941}{7122}but your heart is bursting with rage
{7182}{7270}o mint flower
{7288}{7395}hold your tongue|there's an innocent among us
{7420}{7526}and it's better
{7530}{7627}that she neither see nor hear
{7703}{7787}- now it's the bride's turn!|- Sing, clementina!
{7804}{7909}O squash flower
{7929}{8070}once a woman was crazy|for that mustache
{8096}{8244}and now that she's lost him|she can't get over it
{8467}{8572}o flower of shit
{8685}{8806}i've freed myself from the noose
{8810}{8886}now it's another's turn
{8892}{8965}to be his servant
{9061}{9159}no hard feelings, new bride!|Congratulations!
{9163}{9234}I'm free! Free!
{9238}{9312}Long live the bride and groom!
{9738}{9826}You're laughing your head off.|Tell us what's so funny.
{9946}{10020}So you're free|after five long years of slavery.
{10025}{10102}So you've got money now|and you can do what you like.
{10106}{10184}So the man who exploited you|set you free,
{10188}{10241}but calm down now,|or else you'll choke to death!
{10401}{10456}Come on. What's so funny?
{10524}{10619}Children!|They're really something!
{10623}{10679}That's right.|That's the way to treat a woman.
{10776}{10825}Do you love your mother?
{10927}{10984}- You love your mother?|- Yes.
{11045}{11130}I bless you in the name|of the father, son and holy ghost.
{11132}{11174}One pimp dies,|and another is born.
{11178}{11221}My little pimp.
{11309}{11360}Children are something!
{11364}{11411}Carmine, good luck.
{11416}{11483}Clementina, come on, smile.
{11514}{11573}I hope you have|lots of children like jacob,
{11577}{11692}so that you'll be|in god's grace all your lives.
{11696}{11826}I wish you all the happiness|that should be in my house.
{13593}{13651}That son of a bitch.
{13723}{13771}Who swiped my cigarettes?
{13788}{13846}Let me smell your breath.
{14649}{14717}Don't you have a little kiss|for your mother?
{14865}{14914}Damn it!
{14962}{15034}Damn the countryside,|with all these pebbles!
{15054}{15114}This corn is killing me.
{15306}{15364}- Where are you going with your friends?|- Nowhere.
{15417}{15444}See ya, ettore.
{15676}{15747}How you've grown.|I hardly recognize you.
{15767}{15806}Did you think i'd stay the same?
{15810}{15881}Don't talk to me like that.
{15897}{15925}What did i say?
{15964}{16036}Good thing i'm taking you|back to rome with me,
{16063}{16122}or who knows|what you'd end up like here.
{16125}{16231}- Why are you taking me to rome?|- To keep the pope company!
{16279}{16352}You want to spend your life|working the land?
{16433}{16473}Have you at least|learned to read and write?
{16539}{16578}I manage.
{16666}{16700}Tell me,
{16724}{16800}is it true you've already been|with a woman?
{16822}{16867}What am i going to do in rome?
{16979}{17067}I didn't have a child|to have him turn into a hick!
{17071}{17109}Use your brain.
{17130}{17215}You don't know|what sacrifices i've had to make,
{17220}{17326}the things i've had to do|to take you home with me,
{17331}{17403}so that we could live|a decent life together.
{17407}{17483}I've been waiting 16 years,
{17489}{17536}and it hasn't been easy.
{17567}{17637}You don't know yet|what an awful place the world can be.
{17908}{17963}That's our house over there.
{18008}{18113}The one with the window in the sun|and the panties hanging out.
{18117}{18156}There, on the top floor.
{18160}{18231}We'll only stay a few more days.
{18236}{18282}Then i'll take you to a real home.
{18286}{18348}You'll see how beautiful it is,
{18352}{18460}full of respectable, high-class people.
{19237}{19316}See them?|A fine bunch, aren't they?
{19320}{19402}They're not like the kids|in the new place we're going,
{19406}{19466}young people who study|and work hard.
{19470}{19522}They're the ones|you want to make friends with.
{20159}{20248}Are you dense or something?|This is your home.
{20280}{20327}Put the suitcase down.
{20485}{20535}Did you think|i was some kind of witch?
{20539}{20593}I've never caused trouble.
{20597}{20660}Everyone's always liked me.
{20729}{20762}Are you hungry?
{20766}{20867}I had some bread this morning|with some spuds.
{20898}{20941}What did you say?
{20951}{20992}Watch how you talk.
{21024}{21109}You have to talk like your mother,|not like those hicks down there,
{21122}{21151}or i'll cuff you one.
{21562}{21690}O gypsy with your look|so sad and soulful
{21724}{21807}you make your violin weep|in your hands
{21814}{21849}can you dance?
{21853}{21907}A little. The cha-cha-cha.
{21911}{21973}What? The cha-cha-cha?
{21979}{22044}Come dance a tango|with your mother.
{22065}{22117}You're not shy, are you?
{22140}{22232}Don't be shy. Follow me.|Watch out for my corn.
{22236}{22278}Follow me.
{22391}{22452}Now this way. Watch my feet.
{22730}{22824}What a stick you are.|Careful with your feet.
{22915}{22965}Now turn around.|This is a renvers�.
{23148}{23185}See, you did it.
{23208}{23244}My big boy.
{23462}{23580}Play only for me
{23632}{23704}o gypsy violin
{23727}{23762}you know this song?
{23769}{23827}Never heard it before.
{23837}{23877}- You like it?|- I sure do.
{23989}{24092}If you only knew|who used to sing this song.
{24096}{24150}Who used to sing it? My father?
{24154}{24239}- How did you know?|- It was easy to guess.
{24328}{24378}So it's true -|you do go with women.
{24382}{24451}It's them that come to me.|But i'm not interested.
{24557}{24596}About your father -
{24632}{24674}guess what i dreamt last night.
{24721}{24816}I dreamt we were|up in the mountains in greece.
{24838}{24873}First it was full of mud.
{24890}{24962}Then we came to a hill|covered in rosemary,
{24966}{25005}and a voice called out,
{25010}{25065}"mamma roma, come here."
{25098}{25140}It was your father's voice.
{25168}{25197}Just imagine.
{25201}{25307}Yes, i walked|towards your father's voice,
{25311}{25407}and on the other side of the hill,|who do you think i saw?
{25412}{25448}- Who?|- You.
{25471}{25505}But you were a policeman.
{25509}{25589}- What did i do?|- You wanted to put me in jail.
{25593}{25628}And what did you do?
{25635}{25725}I ran away as fast as i could.
{25743}{25871}Just look at this rascal,|wanting to arrest his mother!
{25994}{26096}You're getting the hang of it now.|I'll teach you a trick.
{26151}{26219}Watch this.|We'll do a casch� now.
{26423}{26486}Some casch� that turned out to be!
{26650}{26714}I landed on my butt, thanks to you.
{26968}{27069}Don't worry. I just want to talk.|Don't get any funny ideas.
{27097}{27164}Talk? Then make it quick.
{27168}{27204}Why don't we go inside?
{27238}{27311}- My son's inside.|- So you're happy, i suppose.
{27407}{27471}I was just about his age|when you and i started up.
{27475}{27525}My son is an angel.
{27529}{27582}I was just a kid.
{27647}{27697}I was so innocent.
{27701}{27778}My mother always told me|i was the best one of all.
{27844}{27943}But all i did was disappoint her,|and all because of you.
{27948}{28021}A stolen tear
{28025}{28089}watch it there or i'll kill you.
{28116}{28147}I'll kill you!
{28168}{28211}Go ahead and sing again|if you dare!
{28331}{28415}The honeymoon wasn't even over|and there was already trouble.
{28436}{28483}Come on. Cut to the chase.
{28487}{28554}It's nothing much.
{28574}{28641}My mother-in-law promised|to find me a job.
{28645}{28723}Instead, some friends i met there,|three hicks,
{28727}{28791}want me to sell livestock with them.
{28818}{28867}Horses, a few cows.
{28871}{28963}They've been in business for a while,|and they've made some money.
{28995}{29043}We buy the animals|for next to nothing,
{29047}{29129}then we slaughter them in secret|and sell the meat in rome.
{29165}{29254}How much do you need?|You know i don't have any money.
{29258}{29293}Two hundred thousand.
{29297}{29404}I can't. I spent it on the house,
{29408}{29453}and on the license|for the stall at the market.
{29457}{29539}Are you kidding me?|Don't you understand?
{29568}{29628}Do i have to teach you|how to make money?
{29651}{29678}Have you forgotten?
{29711}{29763}Haven't you had enough already?
{29878}{29911}Why make a fuss?
{29915}{30014}If you put your mind to it,|you can make that much in 10 days.
{30524}{30563}I'm counting ...
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